A/N: welcome to my first Cowboy Bebop fanfic! i don't own that anime, or the movie, OR the manga. this takes place after the last episode of the series. i don't care what anyone says, i can't believe Spike died. he passed out, but he lived damn it! he LIVED! anyways...i hope i've kept everyone in character pretty well. enjoy!

Chapter 1: Outta Gas

Jasmine blew a strand of her blonde hair from her amber gaze as she hovered over the panel of her tiny ship as it drifted through space, the stars her only view.

"Well, this is just great," she muttered, tapping her fuel gage which read past the empty marker. "Don't even have fumes to run on."

She plopped into her seat and set her feet up on the console to lean back, her hands cradling the back of her head.

"Well, nothing to do but wait for a ride, I guess," she sighed, slumping in her chair and closing her eyes to nap.

Not one minute later her sensor started beeping and she opened one eye to peek at it then frowned as she sat up, both eyes open and glazed in confusion.

"That can't be," she breathed in realization, then pounded her fist onto a button and leaned onto her console.

"Helloooo Bebop!" she grinned into the speaker on the panel. "Whatcha doin' out here so deep into the galaxy, huh?"

"Jasmine?" a familiar voice called from the speaker. "Jasmine Steale? That really you?"

"None other than!" the blonde replied, still grinning. "Nice to hear your voice, Jet. What're you doin' out here?"

"Lookin' for a bounty, as always," Jet replied. "What are you doin' all the way out here? I thought you were on Mars for some R&R. What happened?"

"The job happened," Jasmine muttered. "And actually, I'm not supposed to be here. I…ran outta gas."

Jet burst into laughter and Jasmine gave the console a blank stare before he laughed, "Just like old times then, huh?"

"Yeah," she grumbled. "Just like old times. So you know what's comin' next, right?"

"And you know what's comin' next too," he replied. "I'll slide up and get you. You're not far anyway. I can see ya now."

"I can't see you," she frowned, looking out her window and around at the stars.

"That's 'cause I'm behind ya," he replied. "Better hold onto something."

"What for?" she frowned, but before she could get her answer, the ship started jostling violently and she grabbed the handles of her seat, looking around in wonder and confusion. "What the hell?"

The jostling stopped and she sighed in relief when she looked out of her window. The stars had disappeared to be replaced by a hangar, one that she knew well. She flipped a few switches to make sure everything was off, even though there was no gas in the Blowfish, she didn't want to risk fueling it up just to have it blow up because it started and a spark hit the fuel line.

She grinned when she looked out the window again and saw a huge man with a robotic arm and dark beard floating toward her in the zero gravity of the hangar. She felt herself float from her seat as well and pushed herself toward the exit to open the hatch and float out of her ship toward him with open arms.

"Jet, you old dog!" she grinned, throwing her arms around his neck and making them spin around in the air as she hugged him. "I can't believe you found me all the way out here! What're the odds?"

"Yeah," Jet chuckled, hugging her back with one arm. "What're the odds?"

"Hey! Where's Spike?" she asked, pulling away and looking around to see the Swordfish in the hangar sitting right next to her round ship with thrusters on either side. "His ship is here." She turned back to Jet and smirked, "You left him on some planet, stranded, right? He finally drove you nuts enough to maroon him."

Jet looked solemnly at her, not responding making Jasmine frown then push away a bit more as they still floated in the hangar.

"What happened, Jet?" she asked, seriously and Jet swallowed before patting her arm.

"Come with me," he said, nodding toward the door leading deeper into the ship.

Jasmine burst into laughter as she sat on the table in front of the couch Spike was lying on, looking like a mummy.

"Seriously, Spike!" she laughed hysterically. "What the hell happened to you?"

He gave a muffled reply, his mouth covered with bandages, his brown eyes staring at the blonde blankly. His response made her laugh even harder. It wasn't what he'd said, but the fact that she couldn't understand a word of what he was saying.

"Oh, my god!" she laughed. "I can't-! I can't-! I can't breathe!"

She laughed so hard she fell off the table and onto the floor and still laughed as Jet sat on the other side of the table facing the two, shaking his head in exasperation.

"I say be delicate, and this is what you think it means?" he muttered about Jasmine as she finally started collecting herself and breathing regularly.

"So, Spike Spiegel got his ass kicked again," she sighed, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. "Seems like every time I run into you guys, one of you has had his ass kicked to high heaven."

"And every time we run into you, there's something wrong with that piece of tin you call a ship," Jet shot back coolly, making Jasmine slump forward before glaring over her shoulder at him then turning back to Spike.

"I'm not even gonna ask what happened," she told him, leaning forward to set her elbows on her knees and twiddle her fingers. "I'm guessing just the usual craziness? Not like you tell me what happens anyway."

Spike made no attempt to reply as he only frowned at her then at Jet who only shook his head in dismissal as he stood and headed toward the hall. Jasmine glanced over her shoulder again to watch the other man disappear before she stood as well and sat next to him, careful not to touch him as she shifted to face him.

"I really hate seeing you like this Spike," she admitted, making him frown slightly. "It's really not like you, being all helpless and vulnerable. Not to mention, you look close to death."

Spike gave another muffled response.

This time she only giggled before leaning over and pulling down small of the bandages to reveal his mouth and ask, "What?"

"I did come pretty close," he replied as she pulled her hand back, the bandages staying put so he could talk.

"Don't tell me," she smiled, warmly.

"Jet didn't tell you?" he wondered.

"He never tells me anything, you should know that," she replied. "He doesn't want me to worry. But this time, I don't wanna know."

"Why the hell not?" Spike asked. "It's a pretty good story."

"Only you could think getting your ass beat is a good story," Jasmine smirked, leaning closer and tapped, making him groan in pain. "Whoops. Sorry."

"No, you're not," he blurted.

"Yes, I am," she shot back.

"Quit acting like a child."

"You're the one acting like a child."

"Am not."

"Are too!"

"Will the both of you, knock it off?" Jet suddenly snapped from the hall again as reappeared and sat on the couch with a box in his hands.

"What's that?" Jasmine asked with a frown as she turned to face him but stayed sitting next to Spike.

"Some things you left last time you were here," Jet replied, setting the box on the table and pushing it toward her. Still frowning she pulled the box closer and set it on her lap to open it and look inside. "I didn't look through it."

"I didn't think I left anything," she admitted, rummaging through the box before freezing and quickly shutting it as she turned to Spike who gave her a small frown.

"What?" he asked and she only shook her head with a small smile.

"Nothing," she replied, and stood with the box in her hand as she looked back at Jet. "Hey, you wouldn't mind if I tagged along with you for a while, would ya?"

"Has it ever stopped you before?" Spike smirked, making Jasmine look at him with one delicate brow lifted in amusement.

"Go ahead," Jet replied, sitting back and cradling his head in his hands. "We've got some room to spare."

"You're not getting in on our bounty when we find him, though," Spike added and Jasmine rolled her eyes as she headed for the hall.

"Yeah right, like I need your money," she retorted. "I'll start repairs tomorrow. I'm headin' to bed."

"Pleasant dreams and all," Jet called, then looked at Spike who only stared up at the ceiling. "Did you tell her?"

"She didn't wanna know," Spike replied, not looking at him. "And I really don't care to tell her."

"When are you gonna give this up and realize that, besides Faye and Ed, she's been the only steady girl in life?" Jet blurted and Spike only gave him a sideways glare. "She acts different around you and you're absolutely oblivious to it."

"She acts different around different people," Spike replied. "You think there's something there, you ask her. She'd be more interested in this conversation than I am."

"All I'm saying is, with everything that's happened, her being here might be a good thing," Jet shrugged.

"What? You think she's gonna be the ray of sunshine in the cloud hangin' over me?"


"Yeah, well I 'possibly' wanna get some sleep now." Spike turned his head slowly to face away from Jet who chuckled and stood from the couch to head deeper into the ship.

"Just think about it, Spike," he said, before leaving the other man completely. "You never know what you might find when you dig a little deeper into your soul."

"Shut up and let me sleep, will ya?"


Jasmine sat on the made bed of the small room in the Bebop, her box of things on her lap. She slowly lifted the lid again and just as slowly rummaged through what was in it. Pieces of cheap jewelry she thought she'd lost forever, a lighter (the loss of that had caused her to quit smoking) and a photo.

One photo of her, Spike and Jet in a candid moment in a park on Mars when they hadn't realized their picture was being taken until the last second. She'd begged the man who'd taken it for a copy and even said she'd pay him for it but he was nice enough to let her have it for free. It was a picture she had treasured from the moment she'd got it, and when she couldn't find it to put it up on the console of her ship after the last visit with the boys, she'd been devastated.

She fished the picture out and held it up with a smile. She was laughing at something as the three walked along, her arm around Spike's neck as he sauntered between her and Jet, his hands in his pockets, looking at the camera with a wide-eyed expression as Jet laughed as well. She could remember exactly what they were laughing about: Spike's expression when Jasmine had said, 'You're on candid camera!' When she'd gotten the picture Spike had rolled his eyes at her, but she didn't care, not even to this day.

Glancing around the room, she did what she always did with this picture when she wanted to dream a little. She held it so that she could place her thumb over Jet's image, making it seems like only herself and Spike were in the picture together…as a couple. She sighed with a longing smile.

It was something she'd hoped would happen, but she was too frightened to even think about it around Spike, or even Jet for that matter. She knew they didn't see each other enough, and what kind of relationship could be built on Bounty Hunting? Not a very good one. Not when he could possibly have a girl on every port. Spike Spiegel wasn't that kind of guy, of course, but she knew that with his looks and charm, there was a good chance it was true.

Not only that, but they both put the job ahead of their own needs. Hell, they had to. The two things went hand in hand. Get a job, catch the scumbag, get paid, buy food and whatever else was needed. That was how it went, and relationships never went into the mix. Too many complications.

"Still," she sighed to herself, still holding the picture with her thumb covering Jet's face, "it's a nice little dream."

A/N: yeah, i know. Faye/Spike, blah blah blah, but i love Spike so much and Faye isn't there at the moment. plus they butted heads too much. i think she cared about him but i couldn't really see it going anywhere. sorry peoples! anyway, reviews?