The door screeched loudly as it opened. Eric woke from his comatose state. He could hardly register the lights flickering above him. His eyes barely opened as he heard footsteps rush in.

"He's in here!" he knew that voice.

"Eric!" Eric felt a hand touch his injured shoulder, but Eric was too impaired to do anything.

"Get the paramedics!" called the same voice.

Wes. Eric thought.

"Come on Eric, wake up." Wes begged. "Taylor in here!"


"Eric!" Taylor called.

Eric could hear the worry in her voice. It was a new sound in her he'd never heard before.

Suddenly Eric was carefully moved onto his back. He could feel light pressure all over his body.

"I've got a weak pulse. His breathing's irregular. We need to move him now." Someone said.

With the last of Eric's strength, he forced himself to open his eyes. The room was a large blur of colors and shapes. But to his right, Eric could make out Taylor's figure behind the paramedics.

"Tay…lor." Eric chocked.

"I'm right here, Eric." Taylor said.

Eric struggled to reach his arm out. But he felt Taylor's hand meet his. Eric released the box into Taylor's hand. "Marry…me."

"Let's get him out of here." The paramedic said.

Eric felt his body lift from the concrete ground. The colors and figured began to blend together, slowly meshing into darkness. The sounds around him turned into low buzzing sounds. The last of Eric's strength failed him as he slipped unconscious.

There was a steady beeping coming from beside Eric. It was rhythmic, continuous. The feel of concrete beneath him was gone. He lay on a soft bed, free of pain. Eric slowly opened his eyes. The room was dark, except for a wall light that was located above him. The walls of the room were white, or a light tan color. The shades were drawn up, holding back the light of the day.

Eric shifted slightly and felt his body constricted. He looked down and noticed he had a breathing tube placed under his nose. His wrist had been tapped up and secured. Beneath the blanket, Eric could see a brace over his injured knees. He could feel tight bandaged around his head and face. But no matter how injured he'd been, Eric knew he'd been lucky to make it out alive.

"Well you certainly look better than the last time I saw you." Came a voice.

Eric looked to the door. Wes stood in the doorway. He was dress in his civilian clothes, smiling.

Eric nodded slightly. "Hey."

Wes entered slowly. "How're you feeling?"

"I've had better days." Eric whispered.

"Try months." Wes corrected. He took a seat on Eric's left side.

Eric frowned.

"You've been missing for the past three months, Eric." Wes explained.

"How'd you find me?" Eric asked.

"Pure luck." Wes admitted. "And Taylor's determination."

"How is she?" Eric asked.

Wes nodded his head to Eric's right. "See for yourself."

Eric turned his head slowly. To his right, Taylor was fast asleep in one of the hospital chairs. She had a small blanket draped over her chest. Her hair was a mess, like she'd constantly run her hand through it. He noticed her hand beneath the blanket. Taylor was wearing the ring he'd given her before he fell unconscious. Eric smiled lightly.

"She hasn't left your side since you came out of surgery." Wes explained.

Eric said nothing.

"You really scared her, Eric. When you didn't meet her that night, Taylor knew something was wrong." Wes continued. "But you should've seen her when we stormed that warehouse. Taylor nearly beat them to a pulp before we found you."

"What stopped her?" Eric asked.

"We found you." Wes answered. He stood from his chair. "Hey, I've got to go, but I'll stop by tomorrow."

"Thanks for coming after me, Wes." Eric said.

"Anytime, Eric. Get some rest." Wes said. He gently nudged Eric's arm and left the room.

Eric turned his head toward Taylor. He carefully shifted on the bed and closed his eyes. Eric was far from falling asleep, but this moment would most likely be one of his few free of hospital staff fussing over him.

A soft, gentle, touch ran over his hand. Eric opened his eyes, seeing Taylor. She'd woken in the past few seconds after Eric had closed his eyes. Taylor's hand was over his. Her lips turned up, only slightly, smiling at him. Eric managed a weak smile in return.

"Get some sleep." Taylor whispered.

"Will you be here when I wake up?" Eric asked.

Taylor nodded. "Always."

tada! what did you think?

i own nothing