Wilting Flowers
By: Chibi – Kyo - Chan
a Naruto fanfic by Chibi Kyo Chan © 2010
Rating: M - language, violence, sexual situations, and porn. Yes porn. Lulz.
Disclaimer: This particular fic is AU as and most fact I will have obtained mostly come from the anime. Anything pertaining to Naruto and it's affiliating merchandise DO NOT I repeat DO NOT belong to me. But to the creator. For he was a genius despite all of those shitty filler episodes.
Sasuke was completely on edge and everyone noticed. He was snappish and more aggressive than usual already setting off their already short fuse. In fact the only one that seemed rather withdrawn about the whole situation was Sakura, who watched her team with contemplative eyes.
It has been three days.
Three long miserable days.
And still no sign of Hinata.
They were traveling rather quickly, leaping from tree to tree staying relatively out of site. Keeping constant vigilance. They were exhausted, but no one was willing to stop and rest, thoughts of a poor defenseless Hinata being tortured danced in their heads and kept them going.
The startling howl made everyone jump as they all looked over to the large white dog. Kiba grinned viciously flashing gleaming white teeth. "Akamaru picked up her scent! Shino lets go!"
Sakura blinked as she saw two of her teammates rush off leaving the rest of them quite literally in the dust.
"Um guys? What the hell just happened?" She couldn't help but ask, it was just so...sudden and her mind has yet to wrap around it. Sasuke however, wasn't as slow. Muttering a low "Finally." He took off, following behind the trail of Kiba and Shino.
Blinking once, twice Sakura exchanged looks with Naruto and Neji before nodding to each other and taking off.
'Soon.' The pink haired girl thought as she struggled to keep up, her already exhausted body slowing her down 'We'll find you soon Hinata – Chan.'
Hinata was amazed by how quickly the three of them settled into normalcy. They had some type of comfortable routine and she couldn't help but feel close to them. They were her friends...and as startling as it was she was beginning to love them like family.
Eyes wide and innocent she turned toward her companion and smiled "Yes Kisame – San?"
Kisame grinned back unable to stop himself, Hinata's smile was a disease one that was easily caught. "I'm hungry."
Hinata laughed and it was a sweet sound as she promised him feverently that at the next town they will either get something to eat or she will make something. Kisame merely grinned showing a mouth full of fang.
Itachi was silent during the whole exchange watching Hinata with such an intensity he was kind of surprised she hasn't noticed him staring yet. Being around her like this had been hell on his nerves and he half wished she would just go back home. These emotions swirling around inside of him made him unbalanced...almost weak...
Shaking his head he attempted to clear his thoughts.
He was falling for her all over again, he knew it and fought like hell against it.
The sound of her voice sped his pulse up as a blush fought desperately (and thankfully lost) to show itself.
"A-Are you alright?"
"Of course I am." he stated locking gazes with her pretty pale eyes " Why wouldn't I be?"
She blushed then, feeling awkward around him. She thought she made it clear that she still had feelings for him...and some part of her was hoping he would show some sort of sign that he had those feelings too. It was confusing some days he would seem open and like the Itachi she knew...and then others...he would slip into this ...mask of indifference and seemed almost untouchable to her.
"I-It's just that..." she trailed off blushing and frowning at the same time as she struggled to find the words she wanted to say... Maybe she should just bite the bullet and tell him how she felt?
Kisame watched the exchange between the two with such an intense interest it should have burned, It was annoying...he decided...watching them dance around each other like preteens. Hinata he could understand but it was just fucking absurd seeing Itachi do it.
Coming to the swift descion to give them space, he mumbled off something about going to hunt down firewood for later before disappearing among the trees.
They didn't even notice Kisame's quick departure.
"Just that what?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow in question.
Blushing deeply and feeling a little sick to her stomach she made her decision "I-Itachi-kun...I-I still have f-feelings for you. A-and n-not the ones of just friendship I-I h-h-have always cared f-for y-you, and I -I don't think I-I-I ever stopped." taking a deep breath she tried to stay in the world of the conscious.
Itachi was stunned, and the emotions that swirled around and fought inside him for days came crashing to the surface, drowning him in it. And what he did next surprised them both. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her flushed up against him, his eyes boring into hers in some sort of indescribable emotion.
Hinata was frozen, eyes wide and pale cheeks flushed, 'What is going on?'
As soon as she thought the question it was answered with his lips baring down on hers. Her brain seemed to have just shut down as her eyes fluttered closed loosing herself in the moment. What started out gentle quickly moved to something more frenzied and passionate her arms finding a way to wrap themselves around him as her fingers found a way to tangle themselves into his hair.
His tongue gently caressed her lip for entrance as his hand was drifting dangerously low toward her butt...
The shout quickly brought them back to their senses as they quickly broke apart putting a good two feet of distance in between them.
"Hey, you guy didn't have to stop on my account, that was hot." Kisame stated, hands full of firewood and a lecherous grin set firmly on his face.
Itachi looked ready to kill as he glared daggers at his teammate, in a blink of an eye Kisame found himself being thrown across the clearing, firewood scattering everywhere.
Kisame however somehow expected the hit and was able to land on his feet "What the fuck Itachi?" he asked, a growl forming low in his throat. His beady shark like eyes narrowing into slits.
"U-Um please don't fight..." Hinata pleaded looking between her traveling companions with fearful eyes.
"Well if this ass wouldn't..." Kisame began until a shout from the distance interrupted
The shout caught everyone off guard, and in a swirl of activity Kisame and Itachi both were on the move leaving poor Hinata blinking after them in confusion... apparently at the sound of someone calling out her name they were able to put their differences aside for the time being.
"Was – was that Kiba-kun?" she thought aloud before a look of realization and horror crossed her face and she took off after her traveling companions.
'Please don't fight each other.' she silently prayed to herself 'Please let me get there in time.'
A/N: I LIVE! I am soooo sorry for the long wait and the short chapter guys. September was a hell of a month for me and I couldn't find even a minute of free time to get anything accomplished. So I slapped together this littler filler chapter (that was a bit nessascary to move along the plot) for you guys to enjoy until I can get a longer chapter out there.
Hopfully the next update won't take forever, however It may not be as frequent as I normally am I will aim for next Sunday as a deadline as long as nothing comes up.
Well I hoped you enjoyed the chapter please R+R :3