Wilting Flowers

By: Chibi - Kyo -Chan

a Naruto fanfic by Chibi Kyo Chan © 2010

Rating: M - language, violence, sexual situations, and porn. Yes porn. Lulz.

Summary: 'Wow' he thought as an uncharacteristic blush crept up onto his cheeks. Apparently Hinata didn't wear underwear...Interesting...ItachiXHina

Disclaimer: This particular fic is AU as and most facts I will have obtained mostly come from the anime. Anything pertaining to Naruto and it's affiliating merchandise DO NOT I repeat DO NOT belong to me. But to the creator. For he was a genius despite all of those shitty filler episodes.

WARNING:Nobody under the age of 18 should read this fic. While the beginning chapters do seem pretty mild...it is a lie as the story progresses. People who are easily offended has been warned.

NOTE: As I have stated in the disclaimer most if not all facts I will have had obtained from the anime. This fic is a Pure ItachiXHina fic none of this Sasuke love triangle bullshit. Too stressful. The reason for the ItachiXHina fics is that I feel there isn't enough good ones out there that end the way I was hoping it would. So being the fanfic writer that I am I had to rectify the situation immediately. There maybe a future SasuXHina fic after this. Eh who knows.

EDIT:: This chapter has just been revised' thanks to my wonderful new Beta Mel-Chan. :D so minor mistakes and awkward sentences...you have been FIXED! YAY!


The room they chose to do business in was rather cramped, yet still tastefully done in rich colors. The Uchiha fan blazing proudly in an intricate tapestry against the far wall. Overall the visiting Hyuuga's were impressed. Hyuuga Hinata clung to her father's leg her face half hidden in his startlingly white robes. At the tender age of four she would do anything to escape the scary stares from the black eyed strangers.

"Fugaku." Hiashi Hyuuga stated in a tone that clearly meant that he would like to get down to business as soon as possible.

"Hiashi." The voice was startlingly cold and Hinata gripped onto her father harder, a shy blush flaming on her pale cheeks. With little regard to Hinata's discomfort Hiashi was able to pry his daughter from his leg and place her in front of him, his hands resting not too gently on her frail shoulders. "This is my Daughter Hinata."

Fugaku eyed her critically before summoning his wife, "Mikoto! Would you please take Hinata outside where the boys are?" At his command a lovely woman with a very kind face made her way over a gentle smile lighting her face, reminding Hinata of her own mother that she lost merely a few weeks prior after the birth of her younger sister Hanabi. "Yes, Fugaku-Sama as you wish." She stated in a voice so soothing Hinata almost felt instantly calmed, bending down to be eye level with the girl Mikoto grinned again as she held a hand out to the girl. "Would you like to meet my sons Hinata-Chan? I'm sure they would love to meet a sweet girl like you."

Hinata, being the shy girl that she was, timidly nodded her assent before placing one tiny hand into Mikoto's offered one.

With one more warming smile Mikoto beamed as she lead the poor girl out of the room and away from the two very intimidating men.

"Now we can get down to business." Fugaku stated taking a seat at the table, Hiashi followed suit nodding in agreement.

"Ita-Chan! Sasuke-Chan!" Mikoto shouted, as she excited out of the house and into the backyard, onyx eyes scanning the forest-y area for her sons. Hinata, feeling shy gripped Mikoto's hand harder.

"Mother." The voice that greeted them was emotionless, cold, and a little distant. If it wasn't for the younger boy riding on the older boys back ruining the illusion of some kind of boogeyman man, Hinata may have cried. She was so painfully shy.

"There you two are! What did I tell you two about wondering off?"

"We didn't wonder off. I heard you calling."

Mikoto merely gave her eldest a look. A mixture of exasperation and pity. She loved her sons so very much and her poor Ita-Chan has been through so much already. Shaking her head and resisting the urge to envelope her eldest in a bone shattering hug. She cleared her throat as once again Hinata was pushed into the center of attention, causing the poor girl to glow as red as a tomato.

"This is Hyuuga Hinata, her and her father are visiting today and I was hoping you could keep her company while her father and your father conduct... business..."

The way she said business had the elder boy weary however he nodded his head in consent as he helped his brother down from his back. Mikoto beamed, " You see that Hinata-Chan! They'll play with you!" extracting her hand from the tight grip the young girl had on her she waved. "I have to go back inside to take care of some things. You boys play nice with little Hinata-Chan okay?"

With another nod from her eldest she turned and made her way back into the main house.


The voice startled her and when she looked up she noticed it came from the younger of the two boys. He looked to be about her age. Blushing more she stammered, "H-h-hello..."

"Look Ita-Chan! She's shy!" He exclaimed pointing at her, making her feel like some freak. Pretty sure she was going to explode Hinata buried her face in her hands.

Seeing her discomfort the elder of the boys tapped his brother on the head with his fist. "Sasuke leave her alone."

"Ow! I didn't do anything!" It was an automatic response as Sasuke grumbled. Feeling a little sorry for her the elder knelt down in front of her. "Hey, he didn't mean anything by it." It was a simple statement one Hinata knew was said to make her feel better. Looking up from her hands she smiled, "Thank you, Ita-Kun."

Standing up the boy mumbled, "My names Itachi."

"Come on Hinata! Lets play a game!" Sasuke shouted suddenly feeling playful as he grabbed her hand and began dragging her along. "O-o-o-okay."

Itachi merely sighed, resigning himself to following. When was he put on babysitting duty?

Several days passed, and all of them happened pretty much like the previous. Hinata and Her Father would go over to the Uchiha Compound. Her father would meet with Uchiha-San as she was left outside to play with the boys; and while she was confused as to why they always seemed to be visiting she was glad to be playing with children her age that wanted to play with her. A rare occurrence back home as her only true age mate was her cousin Neji who focused more on his training than on playing silly games with his small whisp of a cousin.

"Tag you're it! Itachi-Kun!" the little girl screamed as she tapped on the older boys shoulder, giggling madly as any little girl would. She took off as fast as her feet could carry her as she ran. Itachi still surprised, merely blinked. Apparently he was playing now... he grinned. Sasuke hated when his brother played tag because he was so unbelievably fast it was hardly considered fair. And unfortunately for Hinata she didn't know this.

Before she could get too far Itachi appeared out of nowhere causing the poor girl to trip on her own feet, But before her face met dirt she felt warm arms wrap around her as they brought her closer to a strong chest. "Tag." He whispered into her ear. "You're it Hinata-Chan."

Being the shy little girl that she was... she fainted.

The Next day it was raining, So the children were forced to stay inside to Sasuke's dismay. "But Mother! Why can't we go outside?"

Mikoto sighed, "It's raining Sasuke-Chan I don't want you to catch a cold." With ease she made her way around the kitchen getting thing prepared to begin making dinner. The boys sat bored at the table, both moody and for the most part silent. Little Hinata was the only one that didn't mind being inside.

"W-w-w-would you l-like s-s-s-some help?"

Mikoto smiled warmly at the girl, "If you would like Hinata-Chan. It is nice of you to offer."

Hinata Smiled getting up from the table and making her way over to Mikoto, "W-what would you like me to do Mikoto-San?"

"If you would like, you could help me shape the rice for the Onigiri."

And that was how the afternoon was spent, the two boys watching their mother and the little girl bond over cooking and It was in that very instant as he watched her little hands expertly shape rice that something in his cold exterior broke... just a little.

Later that night as Hiashi walked home with his daughter in tow and it was then that he say something about what was happening in that little meeting room.


"Yes, 'Tou-san?"

"Do you like the Uchiha boys?"


"Good. You will be married to one someday."


"Fugaku and I have decided that a betrothal would be... beneficial to our clans."

Hinata only really understood the Marriage part and while she was blushing wildly she didn't exactly hate the idea. She liked the Uchiha boys. They were nice to her... something she rarely received at home. Then the idea that married couples held hands and kissed made her feel woozy from the blush emitting from her cheeks.

"W-w-which one will I-I-I-I-" She was stuttering so horribly she couldn't quite get the words out.

Understanding what his little girl was saying he gritted his teeth as he spoke, "Fugaku believes... it will be Itachi."

'Itachi-Kun...' She thought continuing to blush wildly.

Five Years later

"Itachi-Kun! Sasuke-Kun!" nine year old Hinata shouted running up to the two boys, gasping for air as she reached them. Itachi raised a curious eyebrow, Hinata wasn't exactly the shouting type. Sasuke grinned, poking her in the ribs, "Hey there Hinata-Chan."

After the children were informed of the betrothal they took it well and surprisingly not much changed between them, they were still friends and still played from time to time, even if Sasuke had his jealous moods every once in a while because his Nii-san got the girl.

"I-I-I h-h-heard you had a m-m-m-mission today Itachi-kun."

"Yes." He stated simply in that cool stoic tone of his. Usually if he coupled it with a glare he could scare any potential fangirl away but he would never do that to Hinata, his Hinata. The only Tolerable girl in Konoha besides his mother.

"I-I Wanted to say goodbye and wish you well before you left."

It was a simple statement, but one that filled his heart with warmth none-the-less as fourteen year old Itachi stared at her in what could be described as mild surprise. Sasuke muttered something about having to go somewhere before slinking off looking rather grumpy. Hinata always did prefer to play with his older brother more.

Ever since Itachi made ANBU last year it seemed that Hinata worried more and more about him as he left for missions and in some twisted way it made him feel good. Even though she should be more concerned about the Academy and training he couldn't help but like the attention she only gave him. Even if he didn't really show it.

"I-I hope it goes well today. Please be careful."

She was adorably cute as she stood there. Light lilac eyes bright and huge, pale skin flushed from her run, black hair so dark it looked blue. Even at their tender young age he knew she was exotic, beautiful. In a rare show of affection, Itachi did the unthinkable, he reached out grabbing her by the hand and dragged her over to him as he wrapped his arms around her. He only ever really showed this side to his brother, but she was special. She was his friend. His best friend.

"I will. I will do these missions with pride knowing I protect people like you and my brother." And as quickly as he hugged her, he let her go taking a step back and slipping into his cool mask of indifference.

"I'll see you later Hinata."

And with that he turned around and walked away waving at her from over his shoulder. Hinata smiled as she blushed, her hands clutched against her chest.

She closed her eyes whispering so low not even she could really hear it, "Later... Ita-Chan."

Hinata hummed to herself as she brushed her hair, wiggling her toes she giggled to herself as she thought back to when Itachi hugged her. Feeling blessed to know the Uchiha boys for who they really were sweet, gentle, and kind.

A hard tapping on her door brought her back to reality.


Hiashi Hyuuga walked into his daughters room with purpose, He was extremely disturbed by what news they had brought him and while he wished to keep his daughter ignorant he knew she needed to know...

Better to sever the tie now before it was too late.

With emotionless white eyes and rigid posture he spoke, "Hinata."


When White locked onto Lilac, he hardened himself knowing that saying this was going to crush her. However he needed to say it...to get it over and done with. With as much callousness he could muster he said, "You're Betrothal to the Uchiha boy is void."

Her eyes widened, "W-w-what? W-why?"

Surprise was evident in her fathers posture, Never has he heard her question any of his decisions. He was hoping to spare her of the gory details, unfortunately he was about to teach her on why she should never question him.

"The Uchiha's are dead."

"What? What happened Tou-San? T-this can't be true! T-tou-san You're lying!" It came out in a rush, as she felt herself begin to panic. Sasuke... Mikoto... Itachi... "Tou-San you have to be lying!" She was crying now, hot, wet tears trailing down her face.

It was then that Hiashi knew it was too late.

"It's true, you pathetic girl!" Hiashi yelled unaccustomed to such an outburst. "They're dead! Their oldest slaughtered them like cattle." It was harsh he knew, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. "He killed them all and skipped out like the coward he is!"

She could feel her world shattering. It was wrong, it had to be.

"The arrangement is over! I suggest you move on and stop acting so weak." and with that said he left, only feeling slightly horrible. He had better things to worry about.

Refusing to believe his words and making sure he was well out of earshot she snuck out her window and ran.

Ran until her lungs burned and her heart hurt with tears running down her face.

Her father lied. He had too.

When she got to the Uchiha compound she saw him, Sasuke limping away from the front gate. "Sasuke-Kun!" She could feel relief flood through her like a tidal wave. Her father did lie, they were all right. "Sasuke-Kun!" she shouted again, reaching him. When she got close she froze, seeing him covered in blood and tears running thickly down his face, "S-S-Sasuke-?"

"He killed them." he gritted out anger burning in his dark eyes "That bastard killed them!"

Her heart plummeted again as she gazed up into his face, "N-N-N-N-No..."


"S-Sasuke you're s-scaring me..."

"I'll avenge them Hinata, I won't stop until I kill him."

"P-Please Sasuke..."

"You always liked him better." he stated with such bitter anguish glaring at the shaken light eyed girl "But how do you like him now, knowing that he did all this? How do you feel knowing you'll never be able to cook with my mom again because he took her from us. Tell me how it feels HI-NA-TA?"

She could only blink feeling the tears slide down her cheeks in such a steady rhythm. She knew he only said these things out of anger, grief...but it still cut deep in her young heart. He stood there staring at her with contempt waiting for her reply. A reply she will never give...

Because in all honesty...she wasn't feeling anything, she was only numb inside.

Miles far, far away A shadow lept through the trees at an alarming speed. This mission was the worst mission he ever had to do, He knew he could never go back...that he'll never see Sasuke or Hinata again.

'I did it for you.' He thought envisioning his brother...and her. He put everything on the line to protect them... 'I did it all for you.'

A/N: And thus chapter one of my pet project is born! :D This fic has been apart of me for a while and just now I had the courage to let it out. I'm putting everything I have in this fic, and with sheer force of will and determination I will see it to it's completion. This is my baby, and I love it. The story itself is outlined and my goal is to post a chapter every week, maybe every other week depending on my work schedule.

There was a video made for this fic, by the wonderful MiryuChan a link will be posted for it in my profile.

So Please Enjoy,


and let me know what you think. I hope you are as impressed with my baby as I am.