Prompt: 489 - Suck

Pairing/Characters: HoagiexAbby


Disclaimer: I don't own Codename: Kids Next Door. I'm a Marshmallow.


Word Count: 100

Guilt. Extreme guilt. Sneaking into Abby's room was one thing, but stealing candy from her secret stash was a totally different story.

Like a secret agent, he tiptoed around her room, even though she wasn't there. Maybe she wouldn't notice he took another?

Suddenly the door downstairs swung open and he heard Abby's voice. In a panic he squeezed under her bed, wiping sweat from his goggles as he placed the watermelon flavored lollipop in his mouth.

Was it worth it?

He noticed her pants falling to the floor and he had to suck on the lollipop to keep quiet.

Yes. Yes it was.