Prompt: 171 - Breed
Pairing/Characters: NigelxKuki
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I don't own Codename: Kids Next Door. I'm a Marshmallow.
Word Count: 94
"Oh, oh! This one's cuuuuute! Oh and this one too!"
When he woke up this morning, Nigel hadn't been expecting to go anywhere. Especially not a pet store. With Kuki. Looking for a dog. It's been over an hour already!
"Kuki maybe we should come look tomorrow?" He tried, but it didn't go through.
'Which breed is the best for indoors?" She asked the owner with sparkling eyes.
As he answered her, Nigel looked at the tired, sad looking bulldog that Kuki had just stopped swinging around.
"Be glad you're not living with her." Nigel muttered to it.