Author's Note: I am not (and I mean NOT) a Mamoru/Darien hater. (Read my other Sailor Moon stories if you don't believe me.) With the way I wanted my story to go, I had to do something to him and this was the best way that I could see. Also, I would normally use the English version of these characters names, but I felt that this time the Japanese version of their names would be the best. Listed below is a translation key, if you happen to not know the Japanese names.

Usagi - Serena
Ami - Amy (obviously)
Rei - Raye (of course)
Makoto - Lita
Minako - Mina
Haruka - Amara
Michiru - Michelle
Hotaru's name was the same in both versions.
Setsuna - Trista
Mamoru - Darien (a.k.a. Tuxedo Kamen - Tuxedo Mask)