So, I wanted to make another chapter for this story. I had nothing else to call it so I just called it "Epilogue". Enjoy!

The next day, I noticed we were laying in bed... still.

We fell asleep around three am, playing God of War.

"Hmm..." I moaned, rolling over

I then fell onto the floor.

"Ow..." I groaned

I heard a laugh and I looked up. Annabeth was laying in my bed, trying to hold her laughter.

"Go ahead and laugh" I sighed

She started laughing her head off.

"What is so funny?" I asked, standing up

Annabeth laughed. "Your only in your boxers"

I looked down and noticed... I was only wearing boxers.

"So, you've seen before in these" I leaned over and stole a kiss from her

"I don't care, I was laughing because you fell over... off the bed"

"I need a bigger bed" I mumbled

Annabeth laughed and put her hands on my waist. She pulled me onto the bed and put her head on my chest.

"So, you liked that game?" I asked, stroking her hair

"Yeah, it was fun"

I grinned and put my hands on her hips. I pulled her up, so I could look at her.

"I love you, you know that right?" I asked, my head falling onto the pillow

"Yeah, I know"

"Good because I can't lose you"

Annabeth smiled and kissed me, passionately. I ran my hands up her back and laid her down on the bed.

She pulled back and I looked in her grey eyes.

"I love you..." Annabeth whispered

"Me too" then I kissed her, softly

I felt someone's hands on my back.

"Dad?" someone asked

"Hmm... what?" I asked, turning around

"Can we play God of War here soon?" my son asked

I grinned and sat up.

"Yeah, bud"

I got up out of bed and we went downstairs. He hooked up the PS3 and grabbed the controller.

I felt footsteps down the stairs and my daughter hopped onto my lap.

"Are you guys playin God of Wart?" she asked

I laughed at her messed up grammer.

"Yes and it's God of War" I laughed

"God of War" she smiled

"There you go"

I set her down on my left as my son went on my right.

My kids, Daniel and Alliysa loved this game.

Then I heard other footsteps down the stairs.

"You guys love this game?" my Wise Girl asked

I got up and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Yes, just because we got into this game... now our children are, Annabeth"

I placed my forehead on hers and kissed her, lightly.

"Eww..." we heard behind us

Annabeth and I laughed then walked over to the couch.

Alliysa sat on my left and Daniel sat on Annabeth's right.

"Daddy, did you and mommy play this game?" Alliysa asked

"Yep, we did honey" Annabeth answered

"Coolio!" she squealed

Wise Girl and I laughed at her squeal.

"See, we have the perfect family" I whispered

Annabeth smiled. "Yep, we do"

I kissed her head, lightly then we turned to the game.

"Go, go, go Daniel!" we all cheered

Then the electricity went out.

"Darn it!" we all yelled

Those last few lines made me laugh!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this two part one-shot!

I'm working on chp. 3 on "Is Love Possible" and 17 of "What's Going to Happen?". You'll have some chapters to read, here soon.
