The Artist and the Aristocrat

Hi! This is my first FF, but I think it has pretty good grammar.

I hope you enjoy it.


20 year old Amy Cahill's forehead creased in frustration as her green eyes took in the surroundings that were oh so familiar. Central Park, New York. Ever since she had moved there last month, Amy had come there every day at 7:00 A.M. sharp, to see if anyone would buy like to buy a self portrait of themselves, drawn by herself, of course. Her price was a mere $15, yet she only sold about three a day. She knew she was lucky to at least have inherited half of her late parent's inheritance. Ever since she had been kicked out of her Aunt Beatrice's home, and disinherited . The reason? She became an artist, not a doctor like Aunt Beatrice wanted, and usually Aunt Beatrice got what she wanted. But Amy hadn't listened and left the house not one week later.

That had set in motion the events that caused Amy to gain more self confidence and lose her stutter.

Unlike her blond brother Dan, who had always had a gigantic ego.

16 year old Dan Cahill was talkative, annoying, and totally lovable. He may not have shown it, but he loved his sister. In fact, the only reason he wasn't with his auburn haired sister was because, well, Aunt Beatrice was paying for the fancy high school Dan was going to, in exchange for half of his inheritance.

Not that Amy didn't understand. Dan needed to go to his high school; he had friends and actually…. pretty good grades. Amy was lucky that Aunt Beatrice had sprung for the discounted, nonrefundable, full four year pay at the college she was attending at the moment. NYU. It was a great school, and she had a nice private dorm.

Amy was brought out of her thoughts when a handsome man about her age strolled up to her and began to speak in a very attractive British accent.

"Hello, my name is Ian Kabra. I see you paint portraits of people, the best out of this whole lot, obviously."

A baffled Amy managed to only nod her head. The… best? There must have been at least 20 people in the park! And anyways, tourists mostly from places like California and Vermont bought her paintings. The people that sprang for a decent, cheap portraits. True New Yorkers hardly ever bought her paintings, but Amy knew why. She was a foreigner. A painter that didn't belong in their beloved Central Park. Not to mention, Ian was obviously NOT a tourist. He was a traveler. The handsome exterior, the extravagant clothing, the neatly groomed black hair, the Italian shoes….he was obviously wealthy, perhaps even an aristocrat!

"Lovely. Would you paint me?" Ian said briskly, but with a slight smile twitching at his lips.

"Of course… Ian." Amy motioned for him to sit across from her.

They stayed like that for a while, Ian smiling regally, as if he was, as Amy suspected, an aristocrat, and Amy painting him.

"There!" As Amy brushed one last stroke on the canvas, she subtly checked her watch, and silently gasped. It had taken her two hours just to draw him! He must have been seriously stiff.

As if confirming her thoughts, Ian stood up with a groan and stretched. He took the canvas from Amy and smiled.

"Fantastic… truly worth it." He said, grinning as he paid her.

Amy's eyes widened as she stared at the hundred dollar bill Ian had just given her.

"Thank you."

"You deserve the gratitude, not I. Oh, and keep the change." "Ian chortled.

Amy smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, what's the painting for?"

Ian sighed. "My wedding."

Amy's heart dropped. O-Oh. So… when did you know you truly loved her? Or him."

Ian snorted at the 'Or him' part. "I don't. In England, I'm next in the bloodline to become prince, and when my uncle dies, king. But to first become a prince, so the bloody parliament dictates, I must marry a royal. I am, unfortunately, set to wed Lady Sinead Starling of Ekaterina."

"You don't like her?"

Ian rolled his amber eyes. "Not in the slightest. She's a ghastly woman."

"How about this, then? You invite me to the wedding, and I'll give you the best bachelor…er, week anyone's ever had?" Amy chuckled.

"I don't know about this…" Ian muttered.

"Hey, you won't have to be a part of the wedding plans, and you won't see Sinead for an entire week." Amy joked.

Ian's eyes flashed. "You're right. Let's go!" He grabbed her hand.

"What! I was just kid-" Amy was cut off by trucks honking loudly as Ian dragged her into the city.

'Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap.' Was all Amy could think of in the moment as she tried to think of what to do with practically a TOTAL stranger for a whole week in New York.

~!$%^&*()*&^%$$%$^&*()*&^%$$*()*&^%$%^&*()*&^%$$%^&*()*&^^%$ DIVIDING LINE!#$%^&*(&^%$##%^&*()

So that was my first REALLY short chapter.

I should update soon, so Read and REVIEW!Love Ya!
