Edit 2013/04/29 Just a small note – when I published this story, I was young, impressionable and (regretfully) downright stupid, because I thought god-mode OC's were the best things in FF. Now that a few years have passed, I realize I was being a fool. So: CAUTION. This story DOES contain a god-mode OC, and yes, he IS a central character for the two prologue chapters.
HOWEVER: Because of how poorly received such OC's are in general, I have planned to limit his interaction with the storyline to almost ridiculous levels. This story does NOT focus on a god-mode OC stomping every character – Naruto is still the main character of the story, and I like to think I've made him believably powered. If you're still offended by the notion of a god-mode OC's presence, please feel free to click the back-button in your browser. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the read.
The Visitors
Six years before the start of the series…
Flashes of white splayed out across building walls and tree trunks as the thunder roared amongst the howling winds and pitch dark sky hanging over Konoha, a perfect embodiment of the monstrous storm haunting the clouds above it, completely blocking out any rays of moonlight. The massive downpour of rain hammered against every surface, bounding off on impact and falling almost gracefully to the ground, accompanied by more cracks as the lightning forked and arched above the village.
With a loud crash, the topmost part of a cliff near the village shattered as a war hammer of macabre design struck the edge, neatly blasting a dent into it as chunks of rock fell to the ground below. With a proud smirk, a titanic silhouette towering over eight feet tall hefted the hammer so it rested on its shoulder, chuckling at the damage such a light swing had done. "I will never get tired of that…" A male voice drifted from the silhouette's face, as another bolt of lightning illuminated his body, revealing the man's form. His arms, pillars of flesh and muscle, flowed into broad shoulders and a muscular torso covered only by a tight-fitting sweatshirt. Gauntlets of sharp bone decorated his lower arms, and the black, fingerless gloves he wore took compliment from the grisly display of shards and bolts etched into his fingers as well as the back of his hand. Straps bearing an assortment of bones, teeth and blades crossed over his chest and back, further amplifying the small skull mounted on his belt buckle. The chains hanging from it, draped over his cargo pants, stretched down to his knees, where the spiky shin guards covering his boots gleamed ominously, and his skeletal, horned helm bore stains of different colours of red.
"Can't you take a simple order, you overgrown beef-stick?" A female voice laced with disappointment and anger echoed next to him, just as a bright blue flash brought the outlines of a young girl to view. With a bored expression, she cast her sapphire-coloured eyes to him, wet, pale blue hair swaying in the breeze as her milky skin stood out in the darkness. Crossing her arms over her chest, pinning her black, sleeveless jacket down in the process, she glared at the man, high-heeled leather boots shining as the rain poured down them, soaking her jeans and her elbow-length gloves. "Dammit, Kahn, Master's not going to be impressed by this…"
"Relax, Safaia." The giant Kahn replied with a growl. "There isn't anyone in this little camp that can do crap about what I did there."
"Mainly because your breath and clothes reek of old blood and filth, and the fact that you growl like a rabid dog while thinking, no?" Safaia taunted. "Please, Kahn, just because you like fighting and using your fists doesn't mean there's nobody who can take you down a notch. If Borgia saw that -"
"Saw what, exactly?" A bemused voice echoed from the shadows, cutting her off in mid-sentence as a man donning a red and black combat suit stepped from the trees, steel-soled boots crushing pebbles as he strode forward. His long black hair stuck to the sides of his face hanging into his cold, golden eyes as the mantle over his left arm and back swayed in the strong gust of wind. The handles of the two katanas strapped to his back stood out in the darkness like two silver-blue prongs, and his gloved fists squeaked from the friction, grazing the ribbons of blue fibre tied to the pommels of two knives mounted across his lower back. "What did he do this time, Safaia? Something that will upset Master again?"
"No!" Safaia quickly waved her hands in front of her, dismissing the question. "No, no, nonono… He did nothing of the sort, Borgia. He only… Uhm… Released some tension, is all."
"Release tension, my ass!" Kahn said harshly. "I knocked that cliff to bits 'cuz I felt like it." Borgia glared at him in response, before looking past both him and Safaia. "Did you see anything, Victor?" He asked, as both Safaia and Kahn groaned, slowly craning their necks to look behind them. Sure enough, there, with his black balaclava covering the lower half of his face, and bandages covering his eyes, stood their last comrade, as still as a statue with the stoicism to match. The dark brown leather vest he was wearing, with sharp, steel shards extending over his shoulders, covered the top of his torso, supporting a holster for a very long, very jagged knife on the back, as well as a few slots for throwing knives, smoke bombs and the odd explosive or two. The silver braces covering his lower arms each housed a razor-sharp folding blade, and a metal cestus covered each hand. His flat-topped shoes blended with the shadows on the ground, flowing into the solid black shin guards and his dark gray jean. His balaclava extended into a full mask, covering every part of his head except his eyes and the bridge of his nose, which were, in turn, masked by bandages. A short, spiky ponytail protruded from the back of his head.
"Answer something for me, Victor." Borgia asked, receiving a nod of the head as the only confirmation from Victor. "Am I correct when I say there is only one cliff as large as this one near Konoha?" Victor nodded, silent as a mouse. "And, correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that cliff be the revered Hokage Monument?" Victor nodded again, and Kahn gulped.
"This… This is that face-mountain-thingy of theirs?" He asked softly, looking back at Victor, who only nodded. Quickly, he rushed to the side of the cliff, and almost yelled when he saw that a chunk of rock had been broken off the face of the rightmost Hokage, one with spiky hair. "Oh, crap…" He sighed, quickly spinning back to face his three comrades. "Master can't know about this! Nobody must tell him! Especially you," he jabbed a finger at Borgia, "you Teacher's Pet!" It seemed like Borgia had an answer on the tip of his tongue, but fell silent and averted his gaze elsewhere. Kahn only realised why too late.
"What be it that I may not know of, Kahn?" A deep, hollow voice sounded behind him, and as if on cue, Borgia, Safaia and Victor could see the colour leave their comrade's face right through his helm. Slowly, Kahn turned around to see a spiralling circle of shadow hovering in midair, a single sharp, red eye with a golden iris and lining staring at him from the blackness with a look of expectation and a hint of malice. As if undeterred by the rain, the shadows spread, slowly forming a black, faceless mask with two of the sharp, red eyes, covered by a hood hanging across two shoulders, travelling down a chest and a back until ending in arrowhead shapes. Two heavily robed arms extended from the shoulders, eventually meeting a crossed stance across the figure's chest, arms and hands hidden by the wide sleeves of the monk-like robe. Eventually the robe had formed all the way to the ground, hidden in a haze of shadow and hiding the figure's feet. Several more arrowhead-tipped straps hung from the robe's back, each dancing as the winds blew and the rain poured. "Be there something you wish to state to me, Kahn?" The robed entity asked, its eyes showing the only emotion in its facial area.
"N-n-n-no, Mast-t-er…" Kahn stuttered, immediately falling to his knees, ground shaking as he landed. "A… A f-foolish mistake on m-my part, Master, n-nothing to be-"
"What have you done this time, disciple?" The entity demanded. "This reaction be only present when you know your punishment shall be brutal. So what devilries have you partook in this time?"
"He broke the Hokage Monument…" Borgia cooed, earning a look of disbelief from his two of his comrades, and a look of unbridled rage from Kahn.
"I see…" The entity said softly, eyes turning completely crimson, spurred by its fury. "You shall receive your punishment when our destination has been reached, Kahn. Because of your incompetence, lack of proper discipline and childish demeanour, I must now right your injustices by my own hand. You will not escape this so easily…" It said, turning its attention to the village. Its eyes narrowed as it looked upon Konoha, before it turned back to its disciples. "Set up camp near here. We shall turn in for the night. I must now go speak with the Hokage concerning the damage to the monument." It stated. "Now be gone, and leave me to my thoughts." The entity turned back to Konoha, observing it thoroughly as it heard the crunching of leaves and the cracking of pebbles die down. With a soft sigh, it studied the small village.
The more things change, the more they truly remain the same… It thought. This town, this village, is exactly how it was when I first came here forty years ago… However, this time there is something else here, something new, something my disciples fail to see. I do not blame them for their blindness, however. No mere human can see that which I see clear as day. No mere mortal can observe such calamity with a simple glance. This tide, this cloud of hate, of malice, of disgust, it seeps from the very foundations of the buildings, towering into the air in thick spires of solid fog. I can see sneers, frowns and curses hidden by forced smiles and false happiness. I can see the suffering the people of this village have gone through as if it were swirling before my very eyes… This calamity… It truly be a spectre to behold with the refined eye, a monument to the corruption and darkness of hearts, spurred by one wrong decision… It thought as it observed the thick fog of darkness rippling through the village through its own eyes, seeing the different shades of black and grey representing fear, hatred and misfortune among the sorrowing souls of the village. Jiraya… It seems whatever choice your student has made has led to this wave of calamity… Its eyes rested on the area where the fog was thickest; observing it move through the streets and alleys at a slow, steady pace. It would seem I have found the source of this chaos… It mused as it watched. Let us see what horrors these walls restrain…
Another flash of lighting arced across the sky, and another strong gust blew. However, there were no black robes to illuminate, no arrowhead-tipped strips to dance in the wind. For the instant the lightning flashed, the entity had disappeared.
Naruto Uzumaki panted heavily as he raced through the city streets. The storm hit just as he decided to head along to his 'home', and it had become so violent in such a short time that he had no choice but to take shelter under one of the porches near him. Now, just for sheltering from the rain, a group of six men were chasing him mercilessly, bellowing cusses at him from afar. His six-year-old body could not outrun them, so he had taken to ducking and diving into and out of several alleys and side streets as he fled, to no avail. The men's cries were becoming louder, clearer, and each threat and insult made his heart hammer in his chest and his breathing grow heavier.
Just as he skidded around a corner, his foot slipped in a puddle of water and he was sent rolling to the other side of the street, abruptly stopping when the back of his head hit a concrete wall, sending pain spreading through his head like wildfire. With watery eyes and a swimming vision, he looked up - straight at the six men who were chasing him, the leader grinning as he stepped closer to the boy. "Did you really think I'd let a runt like you use my porch for shelter, brat?" He asked, delivering a kick to the boys ribs before picking him up by the collar and tossing him into the middle of the street, where the other five surrounded him. "I'll teach you to -"
A loud yell of pain left the leader's throat as a long, black spear pierced his back, cutting all the way through his body before breaking out of his chest, tip embedding itself in the street. Gasping and rasping in disbelief, the man started to tremble as he saw the spear sinking into the ground, causing a large, black circle to appear before him. As soon as the whole spear disappeared, two tendrils shot to his shadow, connecting it and the circle, and before he could blink, the circle was gone, merged with his shadow. He saw the expressions of fear on his friends' faces as his vision began to swim, and just as he felt himself fall forwards, his world went black.
"Did your parents not teach you to restrain from a assaulting a minor, vile entities?" A hollow, dark voice called from the top of one of the buildings. The remaining five gasped as they looked up, observing solid crimson eyes on a pitch-dark mask, covered by a black hood with straps running down the chest, ending in sharp tips. More of the strips hung from the back of the hood, and the figure's monk robe was darker than the night sky. Each hand was tucked into the opposite sleeve, hiding his arms in the wide openings as it stared at them with murderous intent. In a flash, the figure reappeared before them on the ground, drawing yelps from them as they hopped back. A blanket of shadows formed under Naruto's amazed, fearful form and carried him to the area behind the figure, where it dissipated. The boy remained there; utterly dazed at the fact that person had pulled off a jutsu without any hand seals or words. Slowly, it turned its gaze back to Naruto, and a golden iris appeared in its crimson eye. "Be you harmed, boy?" It asked. "Be you in need of healing?"
"Oi! Don't just ignore us here!" One of the men summoned the courage to call to the figure. "You just killed our friend and now you dare to ignore us?" He called angrily. "Just who the hell are you? What gave you the right to kill him!" The figure shot another crimson glare at the man, silencing him as a spire of shadow rose next to it. Naruto gaped in awe as the shadows took the form of a long, elaborate staff, made of a smooth black metal with a four-talon claw at the top, holding a crystal diamond in place. Slowly, the figure drew its hands from its sleeves and wrapped one around the staff. The remaining five men trembled in fear as they saw the smooth, clawed hands protruding from the sleeves, seemingly devoid of detail as the fingers arched into sharp nails.
With a simple twitch of its wrist, eight spheres of shadow shot from the figure's staff, hovering above it. With a low hum, it started to split until hundreds of them surrounded the five men, and in an instant, each sphere started to convulse and chains. Naruto saw the colour leave the men's faces as each sphere took the shape of a ten-foot-long sword of varying shapes.
"I am known as Archos." The figure spoke with a murderous voice. "And I be your executioner this night."
With another flick of its wrist, the swords shot forwards, and a cacophony of screams, a boy's cry and the sound of steel cutting flesh echoed throughout the night. And in a minute, it was all over. No more screams. No more sounds of swords cutting through flesh. Only the slight chattering of teeth, coming from a small boy.
Victor, Kahn, Safaia and Borgia each shuddered as they sat around the campfire, knowing the chilling sensation, the wave of cold and dread creeping up their spines all too well, having learned that the omen never bode well when their master, Archos, was involved. Safaia pulled knees up to her chin while Kahn nervously cracked his knuckles. Slowly, Borgia turned to Victor.
"Master… Master just killed somebody… Right?" He asked shakily.
Victor only nodded, and turned away.
Naruto quivered as he watched the scene unfold, a mix of awe, horror and shock on his face. Out of nowhere, this Archos person summoned over a hundred swords of shadow with just a flick of his wrist - just a flick of his wrist. Turning his attention to the grisly scene before him, he shuddered as he saw each of the five men reduced to fleshy pincushions for the obscenely large blades. With several sickening squelches, the swords quickly dissipated merged with the shadows in the vicinity, leaving only five bodies cut and slashed beyond recognition. Slowly scurrying back from where he was, he attempted to stand up and run away. He got up onto his feet, ignoring the pain in his stomach, and turned - only to come face-to-face with Archos.
He froze. Even with his mind screaming at him to turn away and run, he felt those red eyes freeze the very blood in his veins with fear; he could have sworn his heart had skipped a considerable amount of beats when he met those eyes. There they stood, in the savage downpour; One tall, ghostly figure clutching a staff, seemingly oblivious to the storm, and one terrified little boy, shaking from the cold. Archos slowly lifted his staff, causing Naruto's breathing to increase as he pointed it at the boy, and softly chanted in a tongue the boy could not grasp.
"Vigoratus quod Restituo , Unus orbis."
A sudden bright light shot from the tip of the staff, forming a single circle filled with arcane signs and runes as a bolt of light shot from the centre, making impact with Naruto's chest before the boy could even register the chant had ended. A sudden warm, fuzzy feeling pulsed through his tiny body as he felt the pain in his stomach and the back of his head disappear, replaced but a feeling that made the boy close his eyes and exhale in relief. He wished that he could always feel like this, this warm, fuzzy within him making him drowsy as he stood. However, within a moment, the light died out, and Naruto opened his eyes to see Archos floating away, a mist of black in the area where his robe touched the ground. Hurriedly, he ran after the figure, against his better judgement. "Oi! Strong guy - Uh, sir! Wait up, will ya?"
Archos stopped and looked around, seeing the young boy run toward him with a relieved expression on his young face. "What be it you want, little one?" It asked.
"Thanks for saving me back there, mister! That was great! It was - It was - You just flicked your hand and pow! All those mean men get beaten. That was cool!" He said enthusiastically. "And then you healed me so easily too!" He looked at the crimson eyes in Archos' mask, seeing once again the golden irises that resided in the centre. "Please, mister, tell me: What were those techniques you used? Were they genjutsus? Or an advanced ninjutsu? Or-"
"They were not the techniques you ninja utilise." Archos responded as he turned away and stalked on. "Now leave me be, little one. I have urgent matters to tend to."
"Aw, come on, mister!" Naruto pleaded as he ran after Archos. "I can't use them just yet - but I need strong attacks when I become Hokage one day!" He saw Archos turn and look at him with a raised brow. "Oh yeah! I'm gonna train hard and become Hokage one day - then everyone will have to acknowledge me! Believe it!"
Archos grunted. "It is good to see you have a steadfast goal at your young age, little one." He said as he turned around and walked on. "I wish you the best of luck in reaching that goal; but know that even if you become Hokage, you shall not be able to use my skills without the correct training, and I be sympathetic to say that what you need be not ninja training."
"Huh?" Naruto asked, stopping for a minute before chasing after Archos again. "Mister! Hey mister! What do you mean by that? Why won't ninja training help me?" Archos did not answer. Instead, he simply raised his staff and tapped the ground with it. In a second, a sphere of moving ground and earth encased them, moving around them at such a speed that the dust and loose sand seemed to form a haphazard wall around them. "Whoa…" Naruto's jaw dropped in awe as he saw the technique. Again, Archos flicked his wrist and the sphere of earth burst into fire with a fierce flash of blinding crimson hues. Naruto felt the wind leave his lungs as he watched the chunks of earth turn into molten rock within seconds before his very eyes. A movement from Archos made the boy look back at him, just in time to see it snap its fingers. With several loud cracks, the molten rock froze solidly in its tracks, the spires of dancing flame protruding both inwards and out. The shock and disbelief, as well as the excitement and awe, was enough to bring the young boy to his knees, gaping at the frozen fire around them. He heard Archos smirk again, and saw it tap the ground with its staff again. With an almighty crash! the sphere burst into pieces, shards of ice flying everywhere, again rendering the young boy speechless. Archos then flicked his wrist again, and with a loud splash, the ice turned to water in midair. Slowly, it turned to face him, and Naruto could see in its eyes that it was smiling.
"I am not a ninja, little one." Archos said, locking eyes with Naruto. The boy felt an unknown feeling in the pit of his stomach, as if he knew that Archos was about to reveal something so great that it would knock him off his feet as easily as the cloaked person had defeated those bad men. Naruto saw a slight hint of pride in Archos' eyes, and then it spoke:
"I am a mage."
Here lays an archive of spells used the world around…
- Vigoratus quod Restituo , Unus orbis.- Latin, Heal and Revitalise, One Circle. Basic healing spell utilizing the unsealing of one of ten possible Arcane Circles, releases an amount of magical energy into the recipient's body and in so doing, heals minor wounds.
A/N: Done! Signed, sealed, delivered! Yes, ladies and gents, a mage! A freakin' super-powerful one at that as well. So five OCs: Archos the Mage, and his disciples Kahn, Safaia, Borgia and Victor… Are they good characters? Or did I make a grave mistake rebooting this series with OCs? Hell, did I make a mistake by just rebooting the series at all? That, my friends, is something only you would know! And something I would like to know, for that matter. So please, guys, leave me a review and tell me what you think. I need to improve, and the only people who can help me are YOU GUYS! The readers…
So thanks for taking the time to read. I really hope you guys enjoyed it…