AN: Oh, man, the time to post this came faster than I thought possible...
Yo, booklover98? I will forever love you for giving me review number FOUR HUNDRED!(:
The title for this, THE FINAL CHAPTER, was inspired by two different songs: "When it Rains" by Paramore, and "All I Ask of You" from Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. I own neither, though I love both songs. Look 'em up, if you can, and enjoy the conclusion of The Battle of the Exes.
The Battle of the Exes
Summary: Two years after Fang left, he's back, with his own flock, on Jeb's orders. Chaos ensues as Dylan fights for Max, Max wreaks havoc on Fang and his new 'girlfriend', and Fang attempts to execute his own plans without revealing his ulterior motive for returning.
Chapter Twenty: Say it Again and Mean it (That's All I Ask of You)
The world looked so peaceful at that moment from my seat on the back steps. The wind serenaded the grass, enticing it, inviting it to dance. The trees swayed in time with the silently pulsing beat. The sun was alive and fading rapidly behind the trees, who almost seemed to be waving farewell to their friend, and sinking down into the earth. The breeze engulfed me, playing in my hair, waltzing across my skin. I didn't let my eyes close, instead breathing in the sweet air deeply.
The effortless cycle of nature. I, an abomination of nature, watching and enjoying the effortless cycle of nature with no concern whatsoever for the precisely controlled nature of science.
After a long while, I turned to face my fate. You see, I no longer had to wish for someone to share this incredible beauty with: my wish had already come true.
I looked at Fang, sitting quietly beside me. He seemed to recognize the serenity that I believed existed here, without even a word to tell him so. His dark eyes gazed forward, watching the sun go down. An ending to a day, a period of time. And an era of new beginnings, a time to start over.
For the first time since I'd claimed this spot as my own, I broke the silence, shattered the peacefulness.
"Fang?" I whispered into the fading light. I felt his name on my tongue, savored it there. I loved the taste. It was something I had missed dearly.
Slowly, his eye turned to mine, his face moving only a few degrees. "Max," he answered.
I smiled at him, hoping that maybe I could relay to him my feelings in that one action, though I somehow knew it wouldn't be enough.
His eyes just looked, remaining emotionless. He didn't smile back.
Something was wrong.
"What is it, Fang?" I'd just said his name again, surprising myself with how easy it was to say it.
He finally turned completely, looking right at me. "What happened, Max? I'm so…confused after what happened with us at the School and then we got back here and…nothing."
I wanted to reach out to him like I had just days before. "I'm sorry, Fang. I've just been trying to get my mind in order, and work out all the nonsense in my head. But I know that I don't regret what happened at the School with us, or anything that ever happened with us."
"You don't regret it, but are you willing to do something about it?"
"Yes! That's why I'm here now! Fang, you need to know how I feel, and I actually want to tell you, too."
He smiled, that half-smile I remembered so well. I nearly melted. "Why do you keep saying my name? Every time you speak, you throw it in there somewhere. Why?"
I shrugged, trying not to blush, though I suspected that that effort was fruitless. "I don't know. Maybe because I haven't really said it in so long—haven't wanted to say it in so long—I'm saying it more now."
He didn't say anything, but it looked like he was expecting me to say something more. When I didn't, he continued, "Oh, you missed that time."
"And that time. You didn't say my name."
"Did you want me to?"
"I certainly don't mind it. In fact, I quite like it."
"You do, do you?"
"Yeah, Max. When you say my name, it's just like a…a spark inside me, or something. I don't know."
I grinned. "Like a spark," I repeated. "Really?"
"Yeah. With you I feel…alive. And I like to feel alive."
"Fang? I came down here today to tell you something. And I don't want to take forever and a half getting to it. I've wasted enough time hiding my feelings."
"Okay." He gestured grandly at me, smiling. "You have the floor. But I have some things to say, too." He winked mischievously.
I giggled, then blushed. This guy was making me lose my mind! But…it was kind of nice to not have to think for once. And so, I took a deep breath and I began to say the words that would change my life.
There was no turning back.
Fang's eyes watched Max's lips form words. The words floated into his head and he understood them, even responded to them. But he was distracted, absolutely fascinated with her beauty, amazed that she didn't see it and that he had never taken the time to drink it all in. The fading sunlight made a halo in her hair and highlighted her eyelashes. Then, he tuned in completely.
"…I've wasted enough time hiding my feelings."
He smiled. "Okay." He waved his hands at her. "You have the floor. But I have some things to say, too." Fang winked at Max.
Her cheeks went red and a little laugh trilled from her lips. Fang loved the sound of her laugh. Then, she took a deep breath and readied herself for whatever was going to happen.
"I've missed you, Fang," she began. "I really have. I never wanted to admit it. But I did." She reached into her pocket, her fingers wrapping around something. "Eventually, I stopped crying over it and I got angry. Horribly infuriated at you and what you did. When I learned that you were coming back, I was kind of torn between taking you into my arms and rejecting you with every fiber of my being. Mostly, I tried to push you away, tried to get my revenge. I wanted to hurt you so bad. And I think I succeeded." Max glanced up at Fang sheepishly. "And I'm sorry. That's something I do regret."
"It's okay," Fang told her. "I'm sure I deserved it, after the jerk I'd been. I shouldn't have done what I did, and I wouldn't have if I'd have known what it would do to you."
She grinned. "I'm not done. When you were gone, I would crave your presence when I was feeling lonely. But then when you came back, I tried to forget you and what you had meant to me. I burned what you had left behind, the things I'd decided to keep. And I was burning this"—she pulled her hand out of her pocket, showing Fang what was in her hand. It was the letter he had written to her, the very last thing he had done before he left—"and then I just couldn't. I pulled it out of the fire. I was stopped because I saw what you had said, just a little bit. 'I love you.' And I wondered if anyone would every say that to me again, say it and mean it."
He stroked her cheek. "I don't see how it wouldn't happen."
Max blushed again at his flattering words. "Ahem. As I was saying, that sobered me up a bit. I did keep trying to fight you off, trying to deny that there was still something. And then when I was sick and nobody was talking, except you and me, I realized how easy it was to be around you. How I could just sink back into what we had. And I liked it. And I was getting sick of fighting anyway. Surprisingly, it was Izumi who convinced me in the end. She said a lot of things that got my brain juices moving. That's why I left, because I had to think things over."
"And did you?"
"Yeah. And then Bob, Daryl, and Bart said some stuff, too. And you came to rescue me. I was going to get out of there myself, but now I know that that would've been impossible. Then when I saw you, I was just…I don't know. I just knew I couldn't fight anymore."
"Well, I'm glad you decided not to." Fang grinned at her. "Is it my turn yet?"
Max thought over his question for a moment. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Okay. So you know why I left, right?"
"More or less," Max replied.
"Jeb and Dylan convinced me that, because I was being hunted, it wouldn't be safe for you to be around me. And I was stupid enough to believe them. It turned out that, while the School was after me, it actually wasn't for some horribly inhumane reason. It was basically the same as what happened with you: they stuck me in a simulator and asked me a bunch of questions. It felt like only a few hours, but it was actually about a week. The thing was, though, they let me go after that time, and I took Pepin with me. But with you, I was scared. You're like their prized creation, and I wasn't sure that they would let go so easily. That's why when Angel said the whitecoats had taken you, we just went straight after them. I didn't want to lose you again."
Max smirked. "Well you're in a talkative mood today, aren't you?"
Fang chuckled lightly and continued. "I didn't want to leave, Max. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. But I didn't want to watch you die because of me either. That's why I did it." He picked up her hand and tangled his fingers in hers. "You're also why I came back. It was hurting me to be away from you."
"I know what you mean."
"I know you do. I remember it."
Max's face became a mask of bewilderment. "What do you mean?"
Without removing his eyes from her, Fang reached into his pocket and pulled out something of hers, something he had given her in another time, when all had been well in their world.
Max gasped. "My ring! But…how?"
Fang smiled, slipping it onto her right ring finger. The birthstone glistened in the light. "I saw you that day. I'd never seen you more angry. You could've terrified every criminal on the face of the earth to death with that look."
"You were here?" she said slowly. "You were here, and you didn't say anything?"
Fang nodded. "Yeah. It was hard to let go, and so sometimes I would just sit in the trees and try to pretend that I was still a significant part of your lives. I remember that it had been raining and I just had nowhere else to go. I sat out here the whole night and was shivering for weeks after. I heard you scream and then the door flew open. You screamed again and I realized that you were crying. Then you ripped the ring off your finger and threw it into the backyard. You stayed outside for maybe an hour, just lying there, in the mud. It took everything in me to not go to you then and try to comfort you."
She smirked. "It's probably better that you didn't. Like you said, I was angry. I probably would've thrown you all the way to Africa."
"I don't doubt it. But after your mom called you in, I went to where I'd seen the ring land. And I took it with me. I've always had it since then. I just didn't know if you'd ever take it back."
She nodded vigorously. "I will. And I won't chuck it anywhere this time."
Fang kissed her forehead. "I came back here to win you over, you know? I still care about you, and I'm sick of not having you with me. I know that I have my own flock, my own responsibilities, now, but everyone seems to get along great. I don't think they'd mind if we stayed in the neighborhood."
"And now we get along, too."
"I would hope so."
Max couldn't stop herself any longer then; she just had to. In the dimming light of the sun, she closed the last of the space between herself and Fang, kissing his lips gently, briefly.
"I'm sorry, Fang. I'm sorry I was such a jerk," she whispered, falling into his endlessly hypnotic eyes.
"I'm sorry, too, Max. So sorry."
"You should be," Max snickered, slapping Fang's arm playfully. "Not only did you make me fall for you once, you made me fall for you twice."
"Well you've kept me falling for years," Fang whispered, kissing her.
"Is that so? And you haven't gotten sick of me yet?" she asked sarcastically.
"No, Max. I could never get sick of you. You're smart, you're funny, you're bossy, you're scary, you're beautiful, you're amazing, you're defiant, you're stubborn, you're incredible, you're…indescribable."
Max laughed as Fang kissed her cheek. "Well that's a mouthful."
"And I mean it. Max…"
She looked at him earnestly. "Yes, Fang?"
She put her hand on his mouth, stopping him. "Wait just a moment. The sun's almost gone." Max's eyes drifted toward the horizon. Fang's followed and he could see why she was so in love with the sight. The glowing orb that was their sun was sinking into the ground, now much faster than before. It left in its wake a flurry of colors mixing in the sky. The clouds turned varying shades of pink and purple, crimson and azure. The sun twinkled at them, saying good-bye until the next morning. Max watched with glowing eyes, completely enthralled. Fang glanced over at her and smiled at the look of fascination on her face. She reflected the sunset in her magnificence. Both were dazzlingly gorgeous.
When the last of the sunlight was drowned, gone, Max turned back to Fang. He opened his mouth to continue what he had been saying, but her lips hushed him.
"Shh," she whispered against his flesh. Pulling back, she found his eyes. "Fang, I love you."
Fang wanted to shout for joy. She really did love him. He'd been right!
His lips caught hers and he kissed her again, savoring the taste. It was so good to feel alive again. He never wanted the feeling to end.
But he had to tell her.
"I love you, Max," he whispered into the darkness. "And I won't lose you again."
"Well that's good. Because I don't intend to lose you."
"I'm not going anywhere."
Before Fang could kiss her again, Max said, "Are you sure of that this time?"
"Yes. Definitely. I plan to stay in the neighborhood for a long time. A long, long time. If you'll have me."
"That's all I ask of you. And I will have you, for that long, long time."
"I hoped you would. Do you think your mom would mind if I stuck around?"
"I don't know if there's much she can say about it. Everyone in this house seems to be hooking up lately. Maybe she'll quit the vet thing and become a matchmaker."
The two of them laughed and then Fang stood up. "Do you want to lie in the grass? We could look at the stars," he suggested.
Smiling, Max said, "Sure."
And so, side-by-side, they lied down in the backyard, pointing at the different stars they knew, chortling occasionally just because they felt like it, and because they were happy.
Fang rolled over, hovering just above Max. "Hello, beautiful," he murmured.
"Hey, you're blocking my view of the stars." She playfully pushed at his chest, her hands staying there, because she didn't really want him to move.
"But I'm too busy looking at the ones in your eyes."
Max laughed out loud. "Wow, that is so corny."
Fang flashed her his lopsided grin. "I know."
And then Fang brought himself down to Max slowly, careful not to hurt her. Max got impatient though, and tugged on his shirt roughly. Fang's hand brushed Max's cheek. She sighed, smiling at him. "Thank you for coming back," she said to him.
"I'll never regret it," he replied and then he pressed his lips to hers.
Angel beckoned to the others. "Come on! Hurry!"
Iggy and Dylan lugged the bucket over. "Geez, that's a lot of water," Gazzy mumbled. Pepin nodded in agreement
"Okay, everything's all good between them now. They're just lying in the grass and…oh, wow, yeah, now their making out again," Angel relayed.
Lux clapped her hands gleefully. "But it worked, right? They're back together?"
Angel nodded. "Yup."
Nudge poked her head out the window, her hand in Artemis's. "They're, like, right below us. It's too perfect!"
"Good thing on Angel's part that she gave Fang the idea to lie in the grass. Otherwise they would've stayed on the porch," Artemis said to her.
Izumi smiled slyly. "I'm just glad we finally get a slice of revenge after all of this battling."
Ella went to stand by Nudge, looking down. "Aw, it's so cute. Almost a shame we're doing this."
Iggy looked at her quizzically. "Are you backing down?"
She snorted. "Hell, no! Bring over the bucket!"
Artemis went to help Dylan. "It is heavy," he commented. "Are you sure this is ordinary water? Feels like rocks."
Dylan snickered. "Straight from the tap, kiddo. And Dr. M didn't even notice."
"She will when she gets the water bill," Pepin muttered, smiling. He had managed to open up to his new family, and it turned out he had quite a bit to say.
Angel turned to Ella. Iggy had moved to stand behind her, his hands on her shoulders. "Would you guys like the honors?" she asked mischievously.
Ella grinned wickedly and Iggy did, too. "If you mean shouting at them, then definitely."
Dylan and Artemis got the bucket up on the window sill, ready for their cue. "Ready when you guys are," Dylan said.
Ella peeked out. "Oh, man, they're still going at it."
"And they complain about us?" Iggy scoffed.
Izumi pushed herself up to one of the other windows. "You guys are so not doing this without me watching. I want to see everything that happens."
Dylan grinned at her. "I love it when you talk evil."
She winked at him. "Good."
Angel and Lux peered over the edge of the window. Max and Fang were in just the right spot and completely distracted. Angel smirked. This was going to be sweet, just like revenge always was.
"Okay," Lux said. "So Iggy and Ella go first, and then it rains."
"And when it rains, it pours," Izzy added, looking down below. "You know, I always thought that I'd be jealous if I saw Fang with another girl. But now…I don't know, it just seems right."
"Probably 'cause you're with another guy," Ella remarked.
"True." Izzy looked over at Dylan. "And I'm glad I am."
Dylan beamed. At least he hadn't really had to chase after this girl. And even if Max was his perfect other half, Izumi was all he wanted. And he felt some satisfaction in defying the rules.
"Can we go yet?" Iggy asked eagerly.
"Yeah, this bucket's getting awfully heavy," Artemis said. "Heavier, I mean."
Angel looked again. Max and Fang were still thoroughly distracted by each other.
"Yeah. Max, then Fang, 'kay? On three…"
Everyone counted along with her, careful to not be too loud. "One…two…three!"
Then, together, Iggy and Ella stuck their heads out the window, their hands clasped, and bellowed, "MAX! FANG! QUIT SUCKING FACE!"
Max and Fang jumped up and apart, embarrassed. They saw both their flocks, united, peering down at them from the upstairs windows. And then, before they could reprimand them, a cascade of water fell on them both, drenching them to the bone.
"ANGEL!" Fang and Max yelled in unison, knowing that she'd been the little devil who'd engineered this all.
The screaming caught the attention of Jeb and Valencia inside. They dashed out the back door and absorbed the scene. Max and Fang, standing next to each other, dripping wet. Their two flocks, jeering at them from the windows. The shouted words. And it all clicked.
Jeb chuckled and Dr. Martinez grinned. "I guess it all worked out," she said.
He replied, "Yup. See, I told you they could all work together. They just needed some time, the ideal circumstances, and the right leader."
"I guess so. But who would've thought they would work together to pull a prank on their leaders under Angel's direction?"
"The world is full of surprises, Val. Lots and lots of surprises…"
"Indeed. Max, Fang, why don't you guys come on in? I'll get you guys some towels to dry off."
Max nodded and she and Fang walked onto the porch, shivering in the cold night air. Jeb looked at them and his eyes crinkled when he smiled.
"I knew you guys would figure things out," he said. "But Max, if I may ask, why not choose the one who's perfect?"
Max smiled and glanced at Fang. His hand was on her back, and where it felt impossibly warm, considering that she was soaked. "Because. It's the flaws that make a person perfect."
Fang grinned and kissed her cheek. "I promise I'll take good care of her," he assured Jeb.
"I know you will, son. And personally, Max, I'm glad you picked Fang. Someone who falls in love with you of his own accord is, I think, far more reliable than someone who was forced to fall in love with you." Jeb clapped a hand on Fang's shoulder. "And I know you'll protect her in what's coming, Fang. Her, her flock, and your own flock. You care about them all."
Fang nodded.
Max's nose crinkled. "Speaking of what's coming, Jeb, you have yet to clarify that. What exactly is coming?"
Jeb chuckled. "You'll see, Max. You'll see. All in good time…"
AN: See? This is why there will be a sequel. Remember: The Battle's Just Begun. Christmas Eve. Author Alert me if you're interested in reading it. No sneak peeks...I have to actually write it now...
Also, it is at last December, and I finished November with more than FIFTY THOUSAND (50,000) words of my novel written. I would like to thank you guys for your patience, and also for helping me name my protagonist.(: If you remember, at the end of Chapter Twelve, I asked you guys to tell me your preference between the names ALEXANDER and ALEXZANDER. The trippy "Z" won by three votes in all, and also enabled me to nickname my character Z. Alexzander thanks you as well, as he likes his name very much. But...he doesn't like me very much...(x
Please REVIEW. It's guaranteed to put a smile on my face.