Summary: This happens when Elena comes back from France, she doesn't know anything about vampires, yet. Elena and Matt broke up before she left for France but there still friends.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Vampire Diaries or any of the characters, but I wish I did…
Chapter 1
Elena's POV
Another year of school ahead of me, and usually I wouldn't be afraid to go to school, it wasn't like I was intimidated of anyone or that I couldn't handle the pressure of exams, but today, on the morning of the new school year, after coming home from a trip to France, I'm terrified to go to school.
I know it sounds stupid but I just keep hearing this voice at the back of my mind, telling me to stay off school, screaming that it's not a good idea, but I shake it off because I'm just being paranoid, freaking myself out over nothing, it's just school.
I grab my bag at the sound of Meredith's car horn beeping and say good-bye to Margaret before walking out to met Meredith and Bonnie, jumping into the car.
"Hey Elena, how was France?" Bonnie asks eagerly, even though I phoned them everyday when I was away.
"Amazing" I say smiling, and then I see her usually straight hair is now framing her heart-shaped face with red curls, making me gasp, "Your hair's beautiful!" I gush.
"Thanks" she said blushing, Meredith looks at me knowing there's something off about my tone, because I'm trying to sound like my normal self but my voice shakes because were getting closer to the school with every turn of the steering wheel. Thankful she just smiles at me, knowing I would make something up if she asked what was wrong, because honestly I didn't have a clue what was wrong.
"So what happened when I was away?" Elena asked trying to block off the voice in her head.
"Nothing much" Meredith shrugged, concentrating on the road.
"What do you mean, nothing much!" Bonnie gasped, she turned to Elena, her brown eyes wide with excitement, "You won't believe this, there's a new guy in town, and he went with Caroline Forbes for 2 days before dumping her for someone else!"
Elena couldn't believe it, Caroline was always the person how dumps people, it was never the other way around.
Meredith rolled her eyes, "He's a total man-whore honestly he came here at the start of summer, and already dated nearly every girl in Fells Church" she said shaking her head in disgust.
"What's his name?" Elena asked the voice in the back of her mind and the feeling in the pit of her stomach increasing dangerously.
Meredith's eyes narrowed as she said through gritted teeth, "Damon Salvatore"
Hey :] I know it's really short but I wanted to know what you all thought about it before deciding if I should continue it or not so please review xxx
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