CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE! :))) Well, sorry for the delay, I've been trying to put of writing this chapter since I'm not so familiar with Sakura's personality...So, I do apologize if it would be OOC. :) and, also, I'm already going to apologize in advance for all the grammatical errors in here as it is 2:30 am here (Philippines) and I'm really sleepy XD

Disclaimer: I do not own SA. I don't know who does though...sorry. ._.

"Jun-kun!" Sakura called out as she burst into her boyfriend's house, her thick, white coat covered with snow while her face was flushed pink from the cold air outside "Jun-kun, where are you?" She called out once more, a blue, beautifully wrapped box sitting in her hands as she headed towards the spacious living room where an irritated Megumi was waiting.

'He doesn't want to see you.' She quickly wrote on her sketchpad as she glared at the unwanted visitor.

The pink-haired girl rolled her eyes at her and shrugged as she ignored Megumi's protests and made her way up the stairs and headed down the hall towards the music room where the twins often were.

"Jun-kun!" She called out once more as she walked into the room, checking behind the drawn curtains until she spotted a pair of legs crouched low behind the grand piano, shaking slightly. She ran towards the big, black instrument and giggled when she had indeed found the brown-haired boy sitting behind the piano, cowering slightly. Then, she brought out the present and handed it to him with beatific smile.

"Merry Christmas" She said brightly as she stared at the present in her outstretched hands "Go on, take it."

Jun gingerly reached for the present and lifted the lid, smiling brightly as he stared at his gift in awe. Then he placed the box on the smooth, black surface of the piano and hugged her tightly, whispering 'Thank you.'

"Oh, I remember that." A much older Sakura suddenly said from behind Jun, breaking whatever reverie he was in, as she watched her boyfriend examine the photograph that had been taken by Ryuu while he was testing out the new camera that Tadashi has given him for Christmas that year. "You were so scared of presents from me back then." She continued with a light laugh as she walked around the sofa and set herself down beside the brown-haired man and leaned her head against his shoulder "Our first Christmas."