Birthdays (one shot)

November 3 Lili's birthday

Today was Lili's birthday, by the sound of annoying alarm clocks she woke. Instead of getting annoyed,

She was in a good mood because it was her birthday

She stretched her arms and yawned quietly. She got ready for school greeted by everyone who came across her

Lili giggled and said "I wonder if he will greet me today." She smiled at the thought

Arrived at school, she stepped out of her Limousine and was pleased by her first sight

It was Leo; Lili ran up to him and greeted him "Good morning Leo! Do you know what day today is?" her eyes filled with thousands of stars. "No. I don't. So leave me alone" Leo gave a cold reply and walked away

Lili got disappointed Even though they were in a relationship for several months she never expected that part of Leo

"What did I do wrong? Why is he angry at me?" Eyes began to mist.

For the whole day, everyone greeted her but it wasn't enough. Leo, the other hand was hanging out with the boys at the gym at the same time practicing

Leo never intentionally want to ignore her, it hurts himself more than he hurts her feelings he did his best to ignore her through the whole day.

After classes

4 men approached Lili it was Lars, Lee, Hwoarang, and Jin. "Lili, we have a surprise for you" Hwoarang grinned

"Oh, at least somebody else remembers." Her expressions saddened by the moment the boys blindfolded her eyes

And led her to the Main attraction of the school, the four pillars.

Jin removed Lili's blindfold, Lili was surprised by the first person she saw, and it was Leo

He kissed her forehead and said "Happy birthday, Mein Schatz" then he held her hands tight and sang a song

(You and me-by lifehouse) Lili, can't help but cry Leo wiped with his thumb and stroke her hair he smiled

Leo knelt down and gave her a single full bloom rose, it was only single but she felt like millions

"I'm sorry, I never intentionally ignore you… I feel guilty, yet satisfied in our situation right now."

Lili took the rose and Embraced Him tightly. "I forgive you, no man in this world will be as surprising yet gentle as you" Lili laughed at the last part

Never noticing the people surrounding them, they felt like the time stopped, this was the moment for the two of them

This was her most memorable birthday with her beloved Freund

_end ^^_