The Right Kind Of Wrong

"Hey, Paul!" I yelled as I ran over to him. He looked over at me and nodded. He never said much. But I didn't mind. I could talk enough for the both of us! Unfortunately as I ran, I tripped over something, and fell right into him. "Troublesome, you really are clumsy," he said as he caught my fall. My face started to feel warm, and I knew in seconds I would be as red as a tomato. And knowing him, he would tease me about it. Or say I was pathetic for blushing at something so simple as his touch. I couldn't help it though.

I jumped out of his hold, and waved my hands in front of my face, trying to take the attention away from my face. "I'm not always clumsy!" I spoke. He smirked. "Really? How many times have you tripped, dropped something, or fallen today?" he asked, that smirk not faltering one bit. "Uhh, n-not m-many times," I stuttered. Truth is, that was the third time I tripped that day, let alone I broke my moms coffee cup earlier that morning. His smirk grew, and he turned his back to me, and started walking straight. "H-hey! Wait up!" I yelled. He continued walking, and I followed closely behind. We came to a small pond. This was our secret meeting place because no one approved of our relationship. I started dating Paul when I turned about 18. It was a big shock to most of my friends, and most of them still give me a hard time about it. Paul doesn't have a very good reputation. People say he is a jerk, cold, heartless, cruel, and it doesn't help that he isn't to kind to his pokemon either. Still, he is pretty close to becoming Champion of Sinnoh, so hopefully people with lighten up a bit when he does.

He was standing on the edge of the pond, and I walked over and stood next to him. My blue locks, swayed slightly in the wind. I looked sideways up at him. He seemed so relaxed here. I had always hoped that was because I was with him, but I could never tell. To other people, Paul looked like a heartless man. To me though, he is more of a mystery. You have to figure him out one step at a time. My friends tell me to give up on him. That he is going to leave me heartbroken one day. Maybe that's true, but right now I didn't care.

"You know," I started, "loving you, isn't really something I should be doing." He looked down at me. His expression was shocked, and I smiled. "I know I probably should go, that this is a mistake. My friends tell me the same thing. They say your something I should go without. They tell me I should run." I said, facing him now. He turned toward me, and asked in a sneer, "Then why don't you?" I giggled. He was getting mad. This was how I knew he loved me too. Whenever I said something like this, he would get defensive, act like he wouldn't care if I left. But when I look in his eyes. Those beautiful, black eyes, I see worry, the pain he would endure if I really did leave, and most important, love. "I don't, because you're the only thing I want to run to. It may be wrong, but," I smiled as I said the last sentence, "baby you're the right kind of wrong." Now Paul actually smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waste, and I wrapped mine around his neck. "I love you, Dawn." I smiled at the fact he said my name. "I love you too."