Meet the kids of Port Charles.

The Morgan Family- Jason and Sam Morgan.

Austin Emily Morgan: 16. Long chocolate brown hair and piercing blue eyes makes her irresistible to the boys, but the fact that she is daddy's little girl means all the boys are fearful of getting to close.

Brett Daniel Morgan: 15. Light blonde hair and baby blue eyes. His personality is just like his dad's and that fearlessness can sometimes get him into trouble.

The Spencer Family- Lucky and Elizabeth Spencer. (Just moved back from London)

Liam Lorenzo Spencer: 16. Blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He's sensible and responsible just like his father, but when it comes to a certain girl...his sensible and responsible qualities go out the window.

(Cameron and Jake aren't in this story at first, but I'm going to throw some Jake in there eventually.)

Lillian Audrey Spencer (Lilly): 15. Spitting image of her mother. Very smart and beautiful.

The Corinthos Family- Sonny and Olivia Corinthos.

Clayton Michael Corinthos (Clay): 16. With a head full of dark brown hair, and heart-melting dimples, Clay is the heart breaker of Port Charles. He's best friends with Brett Morgan and the "big brother" of Austin (Even though he's younger), beating up anyone that does her wrong. Since he was old enough to remember his dad and Jason had always told him "Look after Austin." and that's what he did.

The Jacks Family: Jasper and Carly Jacks.

Jocelyn John Jacks: 17. The younger version of her mother in more ways than one. Her beauty and outgoing personality makes her the wild child. Best Friends with Austin Morgan.

The Drake Family: Patrick and Robin Drake.

Noah Robert Drake: 16. Looks just like his father and also inherited his "I'm hot and I know it" attitude. (Best friends with Clay Corinthos and Brett Morgan.)

I thought it would be fun to have a preview of how I see the characters, they will change as they get older and when that happens I'll give you guys an update. There will also be more characters added along the way:) I don't own anything. First Chapter should be up shortly...Thanks and please REVIEW:)