*Ok....This is actually my second fic. All my fics revolve around Katie, Roger and Oliver because I love that triangle. I took down my first one because I didn't know where to go with it...And if this story sounds like yours...it is probably because I have been inspired by the many great Oliver fiction writers on ffnet.
Title: Oliver Wood and Katie Bell
Author: Juvenus
Genre: Romance
Rating :PG13 ( because I'm not sure what will happen...ideas welcome.)
Roger watched as she glided down the hall towards him. He tried to catch her eyes but the beautiful clear yet dark brown orbs were focused on something behind him. He caught the scent of her seductive perfume as she brushed past him, hardly acknowledging his presence. Roger pivoted around and saw Oliver Wood, captain of Gryffindor's quidditch team, locked in her steady gaze. She walked up to him and whispered,
" Damn you."
A hurt expression shadowed Oliver's handsome face as he brows scrunched up in confusion. Her luscious lips broke into a smile as she soothed him.
" I was just kidding, sweetie."
Relief washed over his face as he leaned in for a kiss. Roger turned away. The sight of his former girlfriend and Oliver was too much for him to handle. Regretting the day he broke up with her, he turned around and slumped to his next class.
Oliver smiled contentedly. Having her in his arms was a dream come true, his dream ever since he first laid eyes on her, a dream he thought was as unreachable as the stars. As he held her close to him, unconsciously surveying the passageway for any wandering prefects or teachers, he thought about the fear that clutched his heart when she walked up to him earlier. The anger on her face scared him and the thought of losing her made him shudder with terror. Damn you, she had said. His heart sank to the pit of his stomach when he hears those words. What have I done? He had wondered, terrified. But all at once, she had smiled and he saw the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. He had kissed her, unable to control his overflowing love for her, and she had kissed him back passionately, as if trying to make up for the scare she gave him earlier. Oliver felt her hair brushing his chin. He looked down at her.
" We'll be late," she said, pulling out of his embrace regretfully.
Blowing him a kiss, she flounced away round the corner, her dark silky hair billowing behind her. Oliver immediately missed the warmth of her body against his.
Katie couldn't help it, she knew she was grinning like an idiot, but seeing Oliver always left her like that.
Oliver, she thought fondly. The incredible sweet guy who swept me off my feet, made me forget Roger, forget the hurt he caused me, forget about her tears spent on him. Both of them were so different yet alike...she smiled, each having their own attractions and faults. Both of them were crazy over quidditch, over her. One of them once, one of them now. Oliver was sensitive to her needs, her feelings, treating her like she meant the world to him. Roger used to be like that...she mused. Then he started taking her forgranted. He started staring at other girls openly, in front of her, flirting with them and breaking her heart with every smile he directed to another. She had cried, oh yes, she had cried, shedded tears for days, walking around school with red puffy eyes. Oliver was there, he always was, whether she noticed or not. He protected her, accompanied her, never taking advantage of her. All these years, she, the dumb old fool, had been oblivious to his affection for her, noticing only when feelings for him developed, after Roger left her for another slutty girl.
Katie was vaguely aware of a blurry object flying in front of her. Cashing back to reality, she realized that the 'blurry object' was attached to the arm of Angelina Johnson, fellow chaser on the quidditch team.
" See you've returned to earth, Katie," she teased, books stacked under her arm.
Katie became aware of chairs being pulled back and people filing out of class.
" Class over already?" she asked, confused.
She got up quickly as Angelina nodded, eager to see Oliver. In her hurry, she clumsily knocked over her divination books.
"What's the rush?" a voice came from the doorway, a voice she had come to love and cherish, a voice as familiar as her own.
Katie swiveled around and saw her beloved brunette leaning against the door, a smile playing on his lips. She stood up hurriedly and knocked her head hard on the hard wooden table. She moaned and clutched her head in agony. She heard someone rush to her and another voice saying, " Bloody hell, that must have hurt." Whom she assumed was Angelina. Oliver shushed her and tilted her head up to face him. Katie saw the amount of concern in his face and put on a smile, bravely ignoring the pain in her head. Oliver asked again, bemused, " What IS the rush?"
Katie stared into his eyes. " I wanted to see you."
Oliver smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around her. Katie laid her throbbing head at the base of his neck. " Well, here I am."
Vibrations ran through Katie when he spoke. "I know." She replied thankfully.
"Let's get to lunch, I'm starving." Oliver said, pulling her gently to her feet.
Katie nodded and collected her books, following Oliver out of the tower.
*That was chapter 1. Like every other author, I really appreciate reviews....
I might write a prequel....if you liked this...that is.
Forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes...
Title: Oliver Wood and Katie Bell
Author: Juvenus
Genre: Romance
Rating :PG13 ( because I'm not sure what will happen...ideas welcome.)
Roger watched as she glided down the hall towards him. He tried to catch her eyes but the beautiful clear yet dark brown orbs were focused on something behind him. He caught the scent of her seductive perfume as she brushed past him, hardly acknowledging his presence. Roger pivoted around and saw Oliver Wood, captain of Gryffindor's quidditch team, locked in her steady gaze. She walked up to him and whispered,
" Damn you."
A hurt expression shadowed Oliver's handsome face as he brows scrunched up in confusion. Her luscious lips broke into a smile as she soothed him.
" I was just kidding, sweetie."
Relief washed over his face as he leaned in for a kiss. Roger turned away. The sight of his former girlfriend and Oliver was too much for him to handle. Regretting the day he broke up with her, he turned around and slumped to his next class.
Oliver smiled contentedly. Having her in his arms was a dream come true, his dream ever since he first laid eyes on her, a dream he thought was as unreachable as the stars. As he held her close to him, unconsciously surveying the passageway for any wandering prefects or teachers, he thought about the fear that clutched his heart when she walked up to him earlier. The anger on her face scared him and the thought of losing her made him shudder with terror. Damn you, she had said. His heart sank to the pit of his stomach when he hears those words. What have I done? He had wondered, terrified. But all at once, she had smiled and he saw the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. He had kissed her, unable to control his overflowing love for her, and she had kissed him back passionately, as if trying to make up for the scare she gave him earlier. Oliver felt her hair brushing his chin. He looked down at her.
" We'll be late," she said, pulling out of his embrace regretfully.
Blowing him a kiss, she flounced away round the corner, her dark silky hair billowing behind her. Oliver immediately missed the warmth of her body against his.
Katie couldn't help it, she knew she was grinning like an idiot, but seeing Oliver always left her like that.
Oliver, she thought fondly. The incredible sweet guy who swept me off my feet, made me forget Roger, forget the hurt he caused me, forget about her tears spent on him. Both of them were so different yet alike...she smiled, each having their own attractions and faults. Both of them were crazy over quidditch, over her. One of them once, one of them now. Oliver was sensitive to her needs, her feelings, treating her like she meant the world to him. Roger used to be like that...she mused. Then he started taking her forgranted. He started staring at other girls openly, in front of her, flirting with them and breaking her heart with every smile he directed to another. She had cried, oh yes, she had cried, shedded tears for days, walking around school with red puffy eyes. Oliver was there, he always was, whether she noticed or not. He protected her, accompanied her, never taking advantage of her. All these years, she, the dumb old fool, had been oblivious to his affection for her, noticing only when feelings for him developed, after Roger left her for another slutty girl.
Katie was vaguely aware of a blurry object flying in front of her. Cashing back to reality, she realized that the 'blurry object' was attached to the arm of Angelina Johnson, fellow chaser on the quidditch team.
" See you've returned to earth, Katie," she teased, books stacked under her arm.
Katie became aware of chairs being pulled back and people filing out of class.
" Class over already?" she asked, confused.
She got up quickly as Angelina nodded, eager to see Oliver. In her hurry, she clumsily knocked over her divination books.
"What's the rush?" a voice came from the doorway, a voice she had come to love and cherish, a voice as familiar as her own.
Katie swiveled around and saw her beloved brunette leaning against the door, a smile playing on his lips. She stood up hurriedly and knocked her head hard on the hard wooden table. She moaned and clutched her head in agony. She heard someone rush to her and another voice saying, " Bloody hell, that must have hurt." Whom she assumed was Angelina. Oliver shushed her and tilted her head up to face him. Katie saw the amount of concern in his face and put on a smile, bravely ignoring the pain in her head. Oliver asked again, bemused, " What IS the rush?"
Katie stared into his eyes. " I wanted to see you."
Oliver smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around her. Katie laid her throbbing head at the base of his neck. " Well, here I am."
Vibrations ran through Katie when he spoke. "I know." She replied thankfully.
"Let's get to lunch, I'm starving." Oliver said, pulling her gently to her feet.
Katie nodded and collected her books, following Oliver out of the tower.
*That was chapter 1. Like every other author, I really appreciate reviews....
I might write a prequel....if you liked this...that is.
Forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes...