It's ironic, really.

His trainer cried out in frustration as Pidgeot fell from the sky, defeated by the Enemy's second Pokémon. Recalling it to its pokeball, she sent out her next Pokémon, Nidoqueen.

Crouching by his trainer's legs, a small Pokémon was hidden to view as Nidoqueen hurled her massive body at her opponent, slamming into it. It was defeated in minutes, and both Nidoqueen and her trainer let out a cry of victory. Two down, four to go.

Ironic how many humans believe the largest Pokémon are also the strongest.

Nidoqueen succeeded in defeating the Enemy's next Pokémon, but was so weak by then that she was quickly overwhelmed by the Aerodactyl that followed.

That problem, however, was solved in a single move when his trainer politely asked her Gyarados to use Hydro Pump.

It's amusing to see their faces when they are proved wrong.

The Enemy was down to his second-to-last Pokémon, but it was his toughest yet. It defeated both Gyarados and Nidoking before moving on to Machamp. Now both his trainer and the Enemy were down to second-to-last.

Then they were both down to their last Pokémon as Machamp used Submission, KOing both of them.

It is not size that determines a Pokémon's strength. Even the weakest of Pokémon can become strong.

The small Pokémon hidden by his trainer's legs looked up at her expectantly.

His trainer glanced at him with a secret smile. Then she turned and waited for the Enemy to send out his last Pokémon.

I haven't traveled for six years with my trainer for nothing.

The pokeball was tossed. A tremendous yellow dragon Pokémon burst out. Dragonite, the last and strongest Pokémon in the Enemy's arsenal.

The Enemy was now waiting for his trainer.

I haven't trained for six years so that I could lose now.

"Glad I saved the first Pokémon I ever had for last," his trainer called to the Enemy. The Enemy's eves narrowed slightly, though his cocky smile never wavered. No doubt he was imagining a Venosaur, Charizard, or Blastoise. Those were the evolutions of Kanto's starter Pokémon, after all.

It's kind of funny when I think about it. The smallest Pokémon on the team being the trump card.

The small Pokémon hidden by his trainer's legs waltzed into the open, reveling in the shocked expression of the Enemy. Mocking laughter rang out as the Dragonite snorted in disbelief at the tiny Pokémon before it.

"This? This is your final Pokémon? I almost pity you."

The small Pokémon and his trainer waited until the laughter finally faded. His trainer spoke up.

"Are you done now? Good. Because I'd like to get started."

The Enemy smugly issued his orders to Dragonite.

The battle was over in minutes… but not the way he'd expected.

It's ironic, really…

That a sixteen-year-old with a Rattata can take down the Pokémon League Champion.