Disclaimer: i own nothing in this, harry potter and characters are the property of J. K. Rowling

This story is NOT mine, this was a good story that got removed, and despite everyone giving me and others bad messages, i believe this deserves to be on FanFiction, and unless im sent a message by someone representing FanFiction , or the original writer of this story, im not removing it, so dont bother trying.

other than that, enjoy the story :) feedback is always a good thing :)

Voldemort had attacked swiftly, acting when his parents had been away, entering easily with the help of Peter Pettigrew, their parent's once friend. He came upon them in the cradle. He marked them, casting the Killing Curse down upon them with practiced ease. No one knew who had been marked first, only that James and Lily had returned to wailing babies, broken wards and bloody foreheads. Harry's scar had been lightning shaped, while Henry's had been a large S, in a circular rune. Dumbledore had arrived in seconds, having set the wards to notify him immiediately if broken.

He had seen their scars, and knowing the prophecy, he deemed Henry to be the child of the prophecy, since the S would be more Voldemort's style, as he considered himself the Heir of Slytherin.

Things immediately went downhill. At least for Harry.

Henry got every ounce of his parents attention. He got the presents, the special advance training from Dumbledore, Remus, Sirius, though it was not much, considering his young age. Harry sneered in his bed. Henry, Henry HENRY!

They barely noticed him at all. It was like he was a annoying ghost, one they could not be rid of, and could only tolerate. Lily tried, of course, maternal instinct and all, but more often than not when she tried to talk to him, she really thought she was talking to Henry, and she got halfway through before Harry could not bear it anymore and quietly informed her of her mistake. There would be an awkward silence, then she would get a embarrassed look and walk out.

Harry grew cold. Cold and distant. He spent many hours locked in their family library, one quite large due to the importance and fame of their family. He grew imagination. He grew intelligent. He grew strong.

Since he did not have a wand, His father and mother being the only ones who did, he often filched them, staying up late while they slept, practicing basic spells and charms. His aptitude grew.

He got up, dressing methodically in clothes that had once been Henry's, him having outgrown them for a while. He picked up his wand from the side table, also once Henry's. He had refused it, after not being able to perform a charm for one too many times, not recognizing that it was his fault for not adding the extra flick, or not wanting to.

The many presents, attention and over lavishing made Henry quite the spoilt child. He got what he wanted, usually no matter what it was.

Harry pulled on the last leg of his jeans, and opened the drawer for his socks.

A large black snake immediately shot out, it's fangs searching for Harry's neck. He watched impassionately as it stopped a inch away. It remained there for a moment, before slowly retracting and coming to rest back in the sock drawer.

"Damn, no reactttion again? You are impossssible to ssscare!" Ico settled back, his mouth closing, his head shaking agitatedly as it did a snake's resemblance of a pout. Harrk grinned wryly.

"Really, Ico, the sock drawer? You have lost your spark." Harry smiled at the annoyed snake.

Ico was Harry's one true friend. Harry and their family had been going to a Muggle zoo, and Harry had been staring at the exhibit of the Black Tiger Snake, the eigth deadliest snake in the Muggle world. Suddenly, the snake was talking to him. Harry had discovered his ability to speak to snakes. No one else had found out, yet. Harry had felt bad for the snake, wishing it could see the forests where it's kin were born, and suddenly, the glass was gone. This was Harry's first bout of accidental magic, two years before Henry would preform his first bout of magic, making his birthday cake explode. Harry was five at the time. The snake slithered away, and the Muggle authorities were unable to catch him.

Harry felt happy for his friend, but wished he could have stayed longer.

A week later, Ico showed up in Harry's room. His parents did not know, of course. Harry had been feeding Ico and keeping him, stealing meat from the kitchen and such. Ico quickly learned how to navigate the plumbing without getting caught. Ico and Harry had been joined at the proverbial hip ever since.

Harry named him Ico from the latin word, to wound, which had pleased the snake. Ico alos meant to strike a bargain, which Ico also enjoyed, since it accentuated the cunningness of snakes.

Ico had been up to this charade of hiding and jumping out at him for about half a year, right after Harry bet him he could not scare him. Harry hadn't lost yet. Not even when Ico hid in the toilet. It frustrated the snake to no end he was unable to get a twitch out of him no matter how hard he tried.

"Well, I had to think of sssomething. Thissss place only hasss ssso many placess to hide. I cannot wait until we arrive at your wizarding school. Think of theirr sssuprise when you already know hhalf the firsst term curriculem." Ico slithered up his arm and coiled around Harry's neck, his favorite position. Harry knew for a fact the snake could bite him faster than a heartbeat, and he would begin foaming at the mouth in less than thirty seconds. Or Ico could simply snap his neck with his large muscles.

With a sigh, Harrk lifted the snake off, placing him right on Harry's opened suitcase. Ico coiled up, trying to be as small as possible.

"I left a few chunks of meat in a baggie in the corner. They'll be good for a couple of meals. Are you sure that you don't want me to pack more?" Ico shook his head, his beady black eyes staring straight at Harry's green. "I can't let you out until we've boarded the train. It will be at the very least six hours."

A shudder ran down Ico's spine, the snake equivelant of a shrug. "I'll be fiine. Ssstop worrying. You sssound like your mother before that pathetic excussse for a meal you call your brother's birthday. I'll jussst sleep half the way." Harry nodded and closed the suitcase, leaving a part at the end a good bit ajar, so oxygen and a little light could get in.

Harry took the suitcase, be careful not to jostle it too much, and headed downstairs.

Lily Potter was serving breakfast, cooing over Henry as she gave him a large helping of eggs and bacon. Henry Potter was much like Harry, black hair unruly, green eyes. The only difference was his scar and the fact he was a bit chubbier than Harry. And the permanent snotty expression on his face.

It was today they were going to Hogwarts, so Harry was not suprised to see a large present sitting beside Henry, still unopened. From the rounded cilindrical shape, Harry would guess it was a owl. Harry snorted. The git probably hadn't even realized it, from the way he was shaking it entusiastically and how his mother was wincing.

He finally tore off the wrapping, revealing a snowy white owl in all it's beauty. It hooted indignantly at Henry, who's face fell at the sight of it. Harry rolled his eyes in anticipation of another mini tantrum.

"But mum" He whined, "I asked for a phoenix, just like Proffesor Dumbledore!" Harry nearly laughed at his stupidity. A phoenix? Who was the idiot trying to kid? They didn't sell phoenixes in stores. They didn't sell them anywhere. They only traveled with people by choice. Dumbledore had had to earn Fawkes's trust and respect before the gold and red creature allowed Dumbledore to stay in it's presence.

Though, by the look on his mother's face, she looked as though she HAD gone looking for phoenix.

"Sorry honey. But I simply couldn't find one anywhere." She looked anxious to cool him down. "But that owl is one of a kind! It is magical, and trained to sense auras, and-" Henry shook his head and turned the other way. He set the cage down rather roughly, earning another indignant hoot from the white bird.

"I don't want it. I want a phoenix." Harry discreetly moved to the side and picked up the cage, before bringing it to the couch and whispering softly to it. The bird calmed down, evidentally sensing no ill will from him, and allowed him to feed it bits of bacon through the bars. This was how it always went. They wouldn't miss the bird. It dropped off their radar the moment Henry stopped wanting it.

"How's Hedwig sound?" I asked it. She hooted softly, and Harry took it as a yes. She looked very intelligent. And aura reading birds were extremely expensive, too bad Henry couldn't see it's value. He continued feeding it any himself while his mother tried to soothe Henry.

There was a thump as the door swang in, admitting his father, James Potter. He tugged off his mittens, rubbing his ears and stomping his feet to remove the snow.

"The taxi's here. We'd best not be late." Harry finished up and wordlessly slunk past his father, carrying his bag and Hedwig. He barely acknowledged him with a glance.

The ride to London from their manor was long. Henry whined constantly. Harry simply sat next to the window, stroking Hedwig through the cage and re-reading his copy of Intermediate Spells, Grade 2.

When they finally arrived at the station, Harry spared himself the sight of his mother sobbing all over Henry, telling him just what a big boy he'd become, and his father clapping him on the back by rushing straight through the barrier.

The great crimson train was a impressive sight, he had to admit, but the blatant favoritist attitude towards Griffindor colors was a bit annoying. Harry had already decided to go to either Slytherin or Ravenclaw, as they sounded the most promising houses for learning.

Harry brought his suitcase onboard. He quickly learned that to find a cabin all to himself would be absolutely impossible. He finally decided on a cabin mostly vacant, save for a single boy in a grey hoodie asleep against a window. Harry supposed that it would be alright to let Ico out.

Ico immiediately slithered out. The black snake twisted himself languidly around one of the poles, which was their way of stretching. Ico stopped squeezing, and rejoined Harry around his neck.

"Ssso...This is the famousss Hogwarts Expresssss?" Ico gazed about lazily. "Not very impresssssive."

"Wait until it starts to move. The view is quite breathtaking, I've heard." Ico uncoiled himself and slithered around one of the bars near the window, apparently waiting.

The door to the cabin opened, admitting a short, blond girl.

"Hello. Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked in a dreamy sort of tone. She gestured to the seat next to the sleeping boy.

"You'd have to ask him." Harry responded neutrally.

The boy, previously thought sleeping, spoke up.

"Certainly." He answered, his voice sounding rather deep for his age. The girl beamed.

"Great." She answered cheerily. "I'm Luna Lovegood." She held out her hand.

The boy merely stared at it. "Matthias Cooke." He answered. He turned back to the window. Luna seemed to take it without amiss, simply putting up her things and taking out a book to read. For some reason, to read upsidedown.

"I guess it's my turn." Harry mused aloud. "I'm Harry Potter."

Unlike most times, there was not much of a reaction. Luna merely peered over her pamphlet and nodded morosely, before returning to it. The boy turned slightly, his eyes flickering the Harry's scar for the briefest of moments, before turning back to the window.

The train huffed, groaned, and slowly began to move. Ico gave a hiss of excitement. Matthias's eyes immiediately whirled to him, and the boy's body tensed. Harry sighed.

"Ico, you're making our companions nervous." Harry admonished in Parceltongue. The boy's eyes turned to him.

"You're a Parcelmouth?" He asked. Harry turned to him.

"Yes. Do you believe it's a sign of dark wizards, like everyone else?" There was a hint of threatin Harry's voice. Matthias shook his head.

"No. That would make me something of a hypocrite. I'm a Aerimouth." Harry was intrigued. A person who could talk to birds.

"I see." Harry simply said. "But Aerimouths are held in much higher regards here. Dumbledore is a Aerimouth. Parcelmouths, however..." Harry left it unsaid. The point was apparent. Matthias shrugged.

"I don't believe in biased treatment." He said flatly. Harry cocked his head.

"Many others have said the same. Tell me, you don't come from England, do you? Your accent sounds foreign; Are you...Norweigan?" The boy chuckled slightly.

"Close. I do have norweigan heritage. I'm American. A exchange student to be precise." He removed his hood. His hair was light brown, in a shaggy mane that reached the nape of his neck. His bangs covered his forehead, but his brown eyes peered out from under them.

"Really? Why? I've heard there are plenty of good schools in the US." Harry asked. Matthias shrugged.

"My dad's idea. Said I should experience some culture. Plus, most schools in the US school you for service in the government. There aren't a lot of career choices." Harry nodded. It made sense. Europe was the leading magical epicenter right now. The other countries were working naturally to try to keep up or bring themselves up to speed.

"So, If I'm not mistaken, that's a Black Tiger snake, right?" Harry nodded. "They're not native to England. Where did you get him?"

"Zoo incident." Matthias laughed. He reached up and pulled a cage down.

"Same." He removed the cloth. There was a peregrine falcon, preening itself carefully. "He's Onis."

Harry nodded aprreciatively. "Nice. Hurricane." Harry pointed to his snake. "Ico." Matthias grinned.

"I get it. Wound. Bargain. Nice one." He leaned back. "So how's life as the brother of Henry Potter?" Harry nearly glared.

"Don't hold him in such regard. He's a spoiled little git." To his suprise, Matthias nodded.

"Figured as much. Was never much for titles, anyway." The boy had NO idea how many brownie points he had just won in Harry's book. Harry smiled.

"Well, Matthias-"


"Matt, what do you think we;ll be seeing at Hogwarts?" Matt's eyes sort of lit up. He started talking about all the things he thought he'd learn at Hogwarts.

Harry talked back. This was the begginning of a good friendship.

The both stepped off the train, with Luna trailing behind, still immersed in her pamphlet. Harry had tooken a glance at the title. The Quibbler, by Xenophillius Lovegood. He supposed that was why she read it, but why upside-down?

"Firs' Years! Firs' Years over here!" Harry turned to see a man bigger than any he had ever seen before. Must have some giant blood he thought.

Matt seemed equally calm. Maybe he had seen someone such before. Luna barely noticed.

Henry was among them, already surrounded by a gaggle of admirers and followers. He sniggered and pointed at the half-giant, no doubt making fun of him. Harry sent him a look of deepest loathing, one that would have DONE Snape proud. Matt noticed.

"Damn, that much?" He whispered. Harry merely nodded. "Looks like his mother still dresses him in the morning." Harry could not hold in a snort. He nodded inarticulately. Matt's eyes widened. "Seriously? Damn, what's the bastard gonna do if his shoe gets untied?" Harry chuckled.

"Probably order one of his servants over there to do it up for him." And the sad part was that they would.

"All righ', all'er you lot follow me. Mah name is Hagrid, and I'm the games keeper here at Hogwarts." The man strode off into the woods, and the first years were hard pressed to follow.

They were lead to a lake, a vast lake, where many rowboats were piled up on shore. Hagrid divided them up, three per boat. Harry, Matt and Luna were assigned to the same one. They watched the light of the torch of Hagrid, and finally rounded the bend.

Hogwarts from the night was a breathtaking sight.(damn I'm a poet and didn't know it.). The thousands of lights from the castle illuminated the surface of the lake. Even Harry was a bit shocked.

"Now that's a sight." Matt remarked. "Damn." Harry simply nodded. Suddenly something jerked the boat and a loud curse filled the air, and Harry turned around.

There was a huge tentacle wrapped around Matt's waist. He was beating it wildly. One hand was reaching back for something.

"Mother(censored)! Get the (bleep!) offa me, you stupid (bleep!)-ing huge ass tentacle!" Harry was suprised Matt had such a hidden vocabulary. He memorized a few word for later use.

Matt took out a penknife, when Hagrid called out hastily.

"No no no NO! Don't do that! That's ther giant squid! She's jus' bein' friendly, that's all!" Matt glared at him. But he took the knife and scraped it delicately on the skin before letting the tentacle go. It slipped back into the depths.

Harry raised a eyebrow at Matt as he produced a baggie for the thin skin layer. He shrugged.

"Who knows? Maybe it's worth something." That was logical.

They reached the foot of the castle, and walked up a large staircase many flights. Many students were panting as they reached the great hall doors.

There was a rather severe looking old woman in green robes standing in front of the doorway. As they approached, she spoke.

"I am Minerva McGonnagel?. I am teh Deputy Headmistress, and Head of the Griffindor House. Incidentally, I am also the Transfiguration proffessor. You will see a lot of me in your education. Please listen to these few rules before we start..."

Harry zoned out as she explained how to act as they stepped in. He turned to Matt.

"What house would you prefer?" Harry asked. Matt shrugged.

"Anythings good, I guess, as long as house placement doesn't affect career options." Harry nodded.

"I'd prefer Slytherin or Ravenclaw, personally. Ravenclaw because the people are dedicated, and Slytherin because the same reason, and it would piss off my parents." Matt fixed him with a stare.

"You really don't like them, huh?" Harry was about to answer, when McGonnagel? finished.

"..Now follow me. You will be sorted shortly." She flung open the doors, and the first years followed her in.

The Great Hall was very wide, and vast, the cieling holding numerous enchantments to make it seem like the true night sky. There were four very long tables, each for a house. At the end, the teacher's table sat.

A lone stool sat in front of the teachers. On top of it was a ratty old wizard hat.

Harry watched dispassionately as the students whispered as pointed at him and Henry, trying to distinguish which one was the actual Boy-Who-Lived?. He ignored them.

The first years made a mass in front of the line. McGonnagel? started calling out names, in alphabetical order.

"Blaise, Zabini."

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat screamed. Harry was a bit suprised. He knew that it sorted, but it talked as well? He missed a few names in his musing.

"Cooke, Matthew!" Matt waslked calmly up to the stool, and planted the hat firmly on his head.

Matt was shocked as he heard the hat's voice in his head.

"Well, well, aren't we the secretive one?" It whispered. Matt's eyes widened. He tried blocking out his memories, somehow, anyhow. It was no good. The hat sifted thorugh them like a fishwife at a market. He gritted his teeth. Those were PRIVATE!

Harry watched in confusion as Matt's face twisted into...anger? It was a pretty scary look on him. He looked like a hawk.

"You don't like me looking at your memories? Allright. I've seen what I needed from there." Matt calmed a bit. "Let us see...you're remarkabley intelligent...excellent for Ravenclaw...but you have quite the ambition right there. Slytherin could steer you right." Matt kept his expression neutral. "No preference either way? Very well...in that case..."

"RAVENCLAW!" The Sorting Hat screamed. The Ravenclaw table cheered and Matt walked over to them, hands in his pockets. Harry looked over. Ravenclaw it was then. Harry was not going to lose the first friend he had made. A few names passed, until his name was called.

"Potter, Harry." Murmurs spread throughout the hall.

Harry walked up to the hat and placed it on his head.

The voice in his head was expected. "Well, well, the brother of the Boy. Or perhaps, a little closer to the Boy than you might think. My, you have such resentment bottled in you. Such coldness. Slytherin would be perfect for one such as you..." Harry firmly shook his head. "Oh? No? Ah, your friend I see. Well, you possess a brilliant mind, so I see no problem with it. One warning, though, Harry Potter. Do not let your hate destroy you, for it will destroy those around you as well."

"RAVENCLAW!" It screamed. The Ravenclaws cheered even louder. They had the brother of the Boy-Who-Lived?. Not as good as Henry, but still. Harry knew that was what they were thinking, but ignored it. He sat down next to Matt.

"Potter, Henry." Harry did not even turn around. He turned to Matt.

"Griffindor. Henry would never go against family tradition. Not against daddy dearest." Matt looked a bit bemused, but nodded. The hat screamed affirmative, and Henry walked over to join the whooping Griffindoors.

The rest of the sorting was boring. Luna joined the Ravenclaw table as well, taking a seat beside Harry and Matt.

Dumbledore gave his speech, warning them to stay away from the third corridor and such and telling them the Forbidden Forest, is well, forbidden. Then he said some final, random words and bid them to eat.

Matt looked in suprise at the food that had suddenly presented itself before him.

"Damn, when they go out, they really go all out, don't they?" He asked, to no one in particular. Harry nudged him.

"Try the mashed potatoes. They're delicious." He needed no further prompting.

Shortly after, the prefects led them to their dormitories, where they then slept. It was the beginning of the first year of Hogwarts.

Reviews and feedback is always good, next chapter will be up tomorrow or later today, not sure yet