Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is all fan made. Pokémon belongs to their rightful owners
Pilot Chapter - The Town Where the Winds of a New Beginning Blow
As the sun rises in New Bark Town, a young man prepares to head out for his very own Pokémon adventure. With his bag set up and his pokégear on hand, it seems our hero is ready to face any challenge that comes his way. Standing in front of his friend's house, he raises his head and stares at the window. He then sees the sunlight making its way down the mountains. He sighs and drops his bag.
"KO – TO – NE!" the boy yells.
Kotone, the name of the boy's close friend and our heroine, is apparently still asleep. She received her trainer's license almost a month before but decided to stay and help her friend before starting her own journey out into Johto. But right now, she's being far from helpful.
"Kotone!" he yells again. "Kotone, wake up!" The door creaks open. "Kotone's mom!"
"My Hibiki. You're here so early."
"Well, Kotone's supposed to help me today. We're going to Cherrygrove's Pokémon Center and get my license."
"I see." She smiles. "Good luck waking up my daughter."
"What? Wait." The door slams shut. "Kotone's mom!" he sighs.
Missing his chance, Hibiki picks up a small rock. He aims for the window and hurls the rock hitting the wodden ledge.
"I missed." He sighs again. "Kotone~! Hey Kotone!"
Inside, a small blue mouse wakes up. He was Kotone's marill, her partner since trainer school. The little one rubs his eyes. After hearing all the noise, he investigates looking through the window. He immediately recognizes his master's friend. He slumps to the floor and scurries to awaken her. It jumps onto Kotone's bed and starts to shake her master. That is until Kotone's eyes begin to roll. Realizing his futile attempt, he puffs his lips and his cheeks swell. Water suddenly gushes out of his mouth quickly awakening his master.
"Huh? What?" clothes wet, she shakes her left arm. Water slowly seeps down her body. She turns her head and promptly spots her marill. "Rima. What are you doing?" Just as she is about to scold her marill, a familiar voice calls for her name.
"HEY!" So it wasn't exactly her name but he'll say it… "C'mon, wake up already." eventually…
Seems our hero has lost his patience. His face brightens up as, lo and behold, the window finally opens.
"Ah. It's you. What are you doing here this early?" she asks.
"What do you mean what am I doing here? You're supposed to help me get my trainer's license today. Or have you forgotten?"
"Um… I'll be right down."
"Yeah right." He grunts. "You totally forgot."
Kotone rushes to her bag. She picks up a piece of paper and a pen from her study table. She arranges her potions and pokéballs, carefully placing them in her bag. She fills the paper with check marks and quickly opens her closet. She hastily changes clothes and runs off once again. Kotone then stops. She returns to her room and grabs and old badge case. After which she promptly goes downstairs. She runs into her mother, Rima jumping onto Kotone's shoulder.
"My, you woke up quite early dear."
"Well, yeah, though it would have been better if you woke me."
"You slept so soundly, I didn't have the heart to wake you."
"You forgot too, didn't you?"
"Now run along dear."
Marill rubs her cheeks on her face.
"Rima…" she pats his head.
"It seems Rima has taken quite a liking to you in just a month."
"Yeah. I guess you're right. Hey… quit changing the subject."
"KOOOOOOOOOOOOO – TOOOOOOOOOOO – NEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" a desperate plea from outside is heard.
"You mustn't keep your friend waiting."
"I'll be right out!" She shouts back. "I'm going out for a while mom. See you at dinner."
"Be careful dear." Rima happily hops along her master. "You too Rima." Kotone's mom adds. "Dear me, those two are always going out since they've been together. I guess it was the same then too." Her mother sighs as she continues with her chores.
Kotone closes the door shut and dashes to the streets stopping right in front of Hibiki. Rima, once again, bounces onto her shoulders. Her friend extends his hand and points at Kotone. "You are seriously late!"
"I'm sorry. I overslept a little."
"A little?" He exclaims. "Nevermind. Let's hurry."
"Wait. I have to check my pokégear."
"You can do that later. C'mon. C'mon." his excitement uncontainable, he continues to babble. "Prof. Elm is finally giving me a Pokémon today. We have to hurry."
"Honestly, he's too lenient on you. You don't even have your trainer card yet and you're already getting a starter."
"It's not my fault that my pleas were answered."
"Yes. Yes. You were crying all the way. So, what are we waiting for?"
"Yeah-hes! Finally!" Hibiki grabs Kotone's hand. Just then, her pokégear rings. She pushes off Hibiki and immediately answers. "Hello?" Behind her, Hibiki speculates who the caller is by constantly asking her.
"Oh, Kotone. Professor Elm here."
"What is it professor?" "Hey Kotone, who's calling?"
"Have you made your way to Cherrygrove yet?"
"No, we're still in town. Is there something wrong?" "Hey Kotone, heeeeeelloooooo?"
"No, I mean is, nothing's wrong. Mr. Pokémon sent me an e-mail. He wanted to show me something but as you know how busy I am in the lab and…"
"Do you want me to pick it up?" "Pick up? Are you getting a zigzagoon? Or a pachirisu? I think both are great though."
"If you don't mind, that is."
"Maybe if you give me that chikorita as a reward…" "Now you're saying chikorita? What are you talking about?"
"I'll think about that. I'm indebted to you Kotone."
"No problem professor. I'll see you at the lab." She places her gear on her bag's strap and quickly takes hold of Hibiki's ear. "We're going to Mr. Pokémon's house."
"WHAT?" he said in complete shock. "But we're supposed to get my license today."
"No problem. After I take you to Cherrygrove, I'll just continue on and you can get your license and go back here. Simple, right?"
"Except I have no Pokémon. What if one jumped me as I go home, huh? What if a crazy rattata bites me in the butt?"
"Then bite it back. Hmmm… well, I guess I owe you for making you wait." She stops for a moment and thinks until… "Let's go and ask for your starter."
"Did I hear those words right?"
Kotone walks by him and turns back. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Sparkles in his eyes, Hibiki replies with a resounding yes. Yet someone overhears their conversation. "Starter Pokémon?" Upon hearing those words, the mysterious red haired boy follows them. With neither of them unaware of their stalker, they happily enjoy the sights of New Bark Town. Located near the base of a mountain, it is almost isolated from all of Johto, which makes it hard for police to respond to any emergency. As they reach the outskirts of town, they come across Prof. Elm's lab. It also houses a ranch where Pokémon of different species meet. These are likely from other trainers before who have entrusted their companions to the professor's care.
"We're here!" Hibiki shouts.
"Indoor voice please."
"But we're outside."
"Hush." She blushes. " Let's go. I already e-mailed the professor that we were coming."
"Right behind you."
As they enter the lab, our mysterious boy continues to observe Prof. Elm's lab. Inside, Hibiki absolutely touches every single thing he deems interesting… "Ooooh. That thing is shiny." … or shiny. Kotone, meanwhile, finds a place to sit down and waits for the professor. The doors slide open and out come the Pokémon Professor Elm. His lab coat filled with research papers and his left hand grasping a clipboard. He extends his hand to Hibiki.
"It's nice to finally meet you Hibiki."
"Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" He starts up a machine that opens a glass container with three pokéballs inside. "Now, each of these has one pokémon. I have a chikorita, the leaf pokémon, a cyndaquil, the fire mouse pokémon, and a totodile, the big jaw pokémon. You can choose whichever you like."
Hibiki closes his eyes and starts to pick.
"What are you doing?" Kotone shouts. "Why are you closing your eyes? You should be picking your partner."
"I know." He replies with his eyes still closed. "And I pick this one!" he grabs a pokéball and throws it into the air. "Come on out partner!" In front of him the fire mouse, cyndaquil appears. "Yeah! I have my first Pokémon, Cyndaquil."
"Are you insane? You just picked a starter with your eyes closed."
"Now now Ms. Kotone. He can pick however he wants to. It's his choice afterall."
"Oh. And about your reward. Let's talk about it after you finish your errand."
"I can't believe it. I'm a trainer." He happily embraces his new found friend.
"Wait a second Hibiki." Hibiki turns to Kotone. "I want to challenge you to a battle."
"What?" he said with the look of shock and awe in his face.
"Excellent idea. I can sure use the data." Prof. Elm snaps his fingers. Two aides appear out of nowhere. "There's a field out back. You two can use that." The two aides guide Kotone and Hibiki to the field with the professor leading the way. "This is certainly unexpected. I haven't witnessed a battle in a long time. If feels so refreshing." Hibiki stands to the east side of the field whilst Kotone takes the west. "And to think that Kotone would be the willing challenger… she must have been upset seeing her friend act that way in picking his starter. This might be more of Kotone wanting to teach her friend a lesson. Or will it be the other way around?"
"I don't know what's gotten into you. But I like it. My very first battle…" He said with anticipation.
"Let's go Rima~" marill hops off his parter's shoulder and into the field.
"C'mon Cyndaquil" cyndaquil scurries out.
Meanwhile, inside the lab, and unexpected and uninvited guest has made his move.
My first pokémon fanfic. Hope you like it. Read and review. Thanks all.