Yes, I have made a part 2 ; for season 2 of the anime. Can you figure out which episode each of the 7 scenes are from (key at bottom)?
Don't forget that the italics are the actual lines from the show!
The stout man huffed in self anguish as he spoke, "OK everybody. Vampire Knight Guilty begins shooting today. Let's try to get through this as quickly as possible. I only came back because of the paycheck for my mustache cream, not because I like any of you…or for the free porn."
There were a few laughs and more than a few deadly glares for the menopausal man as he rattled on, "Now for our first scene we need Yuki and Zero. Kaname be ready on the side lines in case Zero needs some inspiration."
"Can we start now?" Zero snapped at the director as they began the scene without waiting for an answer.
The silverette had begun to walk down a hallway when he was nearly tackled by Yuki. "Zero! For a whole week I had to work hard and do this job all by myself you know!" she pouted as she gestured toward the pureblood standing on the other side of the set "You had better work twice as hard tonight."
Zero sighed, "You can be so…"
"Come on now, aren't you craving it? I mean, I'm sure they didn't give you any at the medical clinic, right?" the girl winked, "So just for tonight, I'm willing to give you an extra helping-"
"CUT!" Rick bellowed, "Please don't tell me that this is how the day will continue. Shiki, Kain, Ichijo, and Ruka. On set, now!"
As the four vampires took their places, Kain and Ruka looking on further back while Shiki and Takuma came closer to camera. Almost immediately, Shiki began to strip out of his Night Class uniform.
Takuma's eyes widened "Senri, go back to your room!"
"So," the petite brunette purred as he revealed the leather corset and panties he wore underneath his clothes, "you're ordering me around now?" The suggestive gleam in his eyes saying 'Did you forget last night already?'.
Ruka had fallen over laughing as Kain trying to suppress his own, "What have you…"
"Just who do you think you are talking to?" Shiki retorted as quickly and deadly as a whip.
Scooping his lover into his arms, Takuma smiled "I'm sorry just please go back to your room."
"Well, seeing how you asked nicely this time," Shiki said as they turned to go to the dressing room they shared, 'See you around."
"Wait a minute!" Rick fumed, "Where the hell are they going? Ugh, we don't have time for this. Zero and Kaname, get your horny asses out here!"
As Zero gave the stout director the middle finger, he sank down the wall, "I don't want to see you. Just leave."
"Ah, yes." Kaname teased, "You must be strong, otherwise I'll be in trouble."
"Why would you be in trouble?"
"It's been a little over four years and the pawn I've carefully nurtured is almost able to devour the king." the pureblood smirked as he gestured to his crotch.
"Don't even try it!" the mustache twirling Rick yelled, quickly breaking up the soon to be love-fest, "Shiki. Ichijo. Since you're done going at it like bunnies, get onto the 'forest' set!"
Shiki practically skipped onto the set, the sly look on his face screaming 'I was on top this time'. He casually leaned against the nearest tree and as his lover can into view, he said "You look unhappy Ichijo."
He began to circle the blonde, his eyes seductive even with the one wine colored contact he had to wear. "You don't want me to sacrifice that girl in order to resurrect myself? Or perhaps it's because you have betrayed Kaname?" the younger vamp asked as he trapped Takuma against a fake tree, "Or is that look in response to the fact that I've taken Senri's body hostage?"
The look he had been referring to was that of flushed cheeks and glazed over emerald eyes. Takuma tilted his head back in bliss as he felt the brunette continued to rub over the freshly made bite marks he now had on his inner thigh "Please stop!"
Satisfied, Shiki chuckled. "There's no reason to keep hiding up there." he called over his shoulder, "Just come on down, Rima."
There was a moment of silence before Rick bellowed "Where the hell is Rima Toya?"
"She called in sick this morning." the camera man patiently reminded the angry director.
"Fine, we'll try this scene tomorrow…if I don't kill myself first." Rick cursed, "Next! Fight scene between our two leading men! And Action!"
There was a quick scenery as a large tub was wheeled into the room, filled to the rim with bubbles…and two nude vampires.
On one side of the tub Kaname was sprawled out, a trail of blood on his neck turning the water slightly red. "Hmmm, your body is honest. Your eye lust for the blood it sees. I can smell Yuki on you." he clawed at the silverette's pale chest, drawing blood, "You ungrateful Level E."
Zero let out a small grunt as his lover slowly ran his tongue across the dripping cut.
"Now that you've lost all that blood, I'm sure you're desperately thirsting for more." the pureblood's eyes twinkled with mischief, "Listen Zero. Take my blood again."
"WILL SOMONE PLEASE TELL ME WHY THESE TWO, WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO HATE EACH OTHER, ARE NAKED AND IN A TUB TOGETHER?" the ever balding Rick looked like he was going to pass out or explode.
He poured himself a mug of 'Irish' coffee, taking a few sips before starting back up again, "Cross and Toga. You two have the last scenes of the day, please show these grope crazy teens how two mature adults handle themselves."
For the first time that day the eldest couple found themselves on set. Kaien Cross looked up from the 'garden' he was planting as the hunter walked by "Oh, why hello. You only have the Day Class today?"
"Yeah…I see Zero is back now." Yagrai gruffly replied.
"Hmmm, I guess you would notice that." the sandy blonde coyly remarked as he sent his lover a wink, "Zero was in a terrible state when you left. I still don't know how he was able to regain his sanity."
Tipping back his hat, the hunter admitted in a husky voice, "Well, I'm not the renown hunter that you are. There are lots of things I tend to miss."
"That's not what he said last night!" someone cat-called from back stage, causing everyone but Rick to burst out laughing.
"Keep rolling!" he demanded after he practically ripped off part of his prized facial hair in fury, "Finish this last scene and we can all go home."
"I see your point now." Yagrai stated.
Rick let a small smile travel onto his thin lips, "See, somebody agrees with me."
"No Rick, that was my next line."
"Oh shut up….oww" Rick rubbed the side of his head that had been hit.
"Anyway…I see your point now."
"Then stay!" Kaien exclaimed, jumping into his lover's arms "We can be together forever."
"Get off! I'll have my own look at the Hunter's Association and see what they're up to." the raven haired hunter's expression softened, "But no I'm not abandoning you."
"Huh? Yag-"
"THAT'S IT! I GIVE UP!" Rick exploded, storming out of the room.
Kaien innocently looked around the room, "What did I do? Wasn't that the line?"
Ok, this has been almost a year since I first got the idea to make this sequel…..ugh.
Anyway here is the episode guide:
1st Scene- episode 1 Burden of the Sinners
2nd Scene- episode 7 The Kiss of Thorns
3rd Scene- episode 10 Prelude to the Battle
4th Scene- episode 8 Spiraling Recollections
5th Scene- episode 5 The Subordinate's Trap
6th Scene- episode 1 Burden of the Sinners
7th Scene- episode 5 The Subordinate's Trap