DISCLAIMER - I do not own Bleach, just the plot and a few made up characters.

Hello again, I've had a few messages about continuing Adapting, so here's a teaser. This is just the first chapter, and the rest isn't written yet, so please be patient. I have a little more time now that university is finished, but am busy job searching, so I can promise anything regular. Enjoy ;-)

"Loly! What is with you?" Menoly demanded in frustration as she walked up to the girl in question, who was lying on her bed staring up at the moon. The blonde Arrancar had never seen her friend so depressed, at least not since news of Aizen's death had reached them in Hueco Mundo.

"Nothing." The ebony haired girl replied, her long hair loose about her shoulders and back as she lounged on the white sheets, her bare legs bent at the knees. With a sigh Menoly plopped on the end of the bed and looked down at her dark eyed friend, who seemed to have lost all of her malice.

"It can't be nothing! You've been down since you got back!" The tomboy sighed, massaging the skin around her mask fragment and closing her green eye. Loly didn't reply, as usual, and Menoly got to her feet. "I've been called away…You'll be alright while I'm gone won't you?" She checked in concern, not only worried by Loly's emotional state, but by her lack of activity. Sitting around like this was likely to draw attention, Menoly didn't want to return to find her friend had been eaten.

"Hai." She replied simply, not taking her eye off the half moon. Taking a final look at the depressed girl Menoly left their small room and headed down the towering halls, her steps muffled by her black and white boots, which were flat and reached her shins beneath her white hakama. She reached the throne room and knocked before returning her hands to her pockets, waiting for the silken voice to reply, which it did. That woman gives me the creeps! She thought as she stepped into the huge towering room, which had been left much the same as when Aizen ruled there. Approaching the throne Menoly knelt at the bottom of the steps as she had hundreds of times before, only the owner had changed. If she raised her head she could just see the high heeled feet of the woman on the throne. She wore a long white dress in a sort of Greek design, and her long auburn hair tumbled down past her waist. Menoly would have looked further up, but it was wiser to keep your eyes on the ground in her presence.

"Menoly…I have called you here to give you a little mission." Her deep yet melodic voice began, a light chuckle reverberating around the room, sending shivers down the blonde's hunched spine. Looking a little higher Menoly awaited her orders, "You know the Fourth…You know what he looks like." The woman added almost questioningly.

"Hai." Menoly replied, just in case it was expected,

"Good…I want you to take him…a little gift. You will use this body," The woman explained, snapping her fingers as she paused. From beside the throne a human body was thrown to the stone floor. It was a young teen with deep auburn hair that stopped above her shoulders and purple rimmed glasses, wearing the school uniform of Karakura High School. "And you will make Ulquiorra swallow this, by any means possible." She ordered, Menoly lowering her gaze as the tall, elegant figure stood from the large white throne. The clicking sounded loudly as the woman walked down the steps, the sound sending barely noticeable shivers down Menoly's spine.

"Hai." Menoly replied obediently as the rustling of fabric sounded before her, auburn hair tickling her cheek as the tall woman leaned down to hand her something. It was a delicate crystal vial filled with a clear liquid, which almost seemed to sparkle with its own ethereal glow. What on earth is this? Menoly wondered as she looked at it,

"Be careful with it…It's not a very pleasant potion. It's a little something I acquired from Granz's lab." She replied offhandedly, Menoly biting back a correction. This woman has no respect! She'd even address Aizen-sama rudely! "Now go, and don't disappoint me." The woman added dismissively as she returned to the throne.

What am I? Where am I? Who am I? Why am I? She wondered as the world began to form around her. She felt hot, or was she cold? The breeze caressed her bare skin, sending prickles across the damp surface. The ground beneath her was hard and solid, but if she moved she felt it give beneath her weight. There was a rushing sound in her ears, a steady rhythm of near and far, and with the rhythm she felt a coolness travel up from her feet to her waist before receding.

"Onii-chan! Onii-chan! Look! A mermaid!" A young voice sounded, the noise seeming far off as she turned her heavy head. Taking a breath she felt her lungs fill with cool air, and as she eased her heavy lids she could see a hazy vision. The blue sky was above, and at her feet was the blue of the sea, stretching out as far as she could see.

"What? Hey! Are you alright?" An older voice sounded, the girl's head turning to the other side, where two fuzzy figures stood. Blinking she brought the pair into focus, a young boy with brown hair, and an older boy of similar complexion. Alright? Alright…Alright…"What's the matter? Can you hear me? Can you understand me?" The older boy asked as he knelt down, the lapping waves wetting the legs of his jeans.

The girl looked at him blankly, the boy not knowing what he should do. It was the middle of winter and she was laying on the shore naked as if she had been washed up. In his opinion she was lucky to be alive if that was the case. Her skin was pale, and he couldn't deny she had a beautiful figure, more like a china doll than a human being. Her eyes were the most spectacular shade of blue he had ever seen, and her hair was a deep navy blue that he had never seen before, and it went down to the base of her spine and caressed her figure as she lay there.

"Go and call an ambulance." He said as he looked over his shoulder at his brother, who still held the leash for their dog, which was still running around along the shore. At his words the young five year old nodded and hurried to the steps leading up to the sidewalk. Turning his attention back to the girl he hesitated before reaching down to brush her delicate bangs out of her eyes, "It's okay, we're getting help." He assured, seeing her mouth some words that he couldn't catch. "Say again." He said as he leaned closer, but though her lips were moving not a sound came out.

"Happy New Year Ulquiorra-kun!" Miaka called brightly as he entered the classroom, her expression darkening a little as she noticed Orihime holding his hand gently. The boy was oblivious to all the dark looks being sent his way, though Orihime couldn't miss them and held on just a little tighter as they approached their seats.

"Hai, and to you Miaka-san." He greeted in return as he placed his violin case carefully on the floor, releasing Orihime to pull books out of his bag, his brunette classmate appearing by his desk with a sweet smile. As he sat down she leaned on the empty desk in front of him,

"Thank you for the book, it was so helpful!" She said as she looked down at the ebony haired boy, who had sat back in his chair to read his latest book, which was on advanced mathematics.

"Hai, I thought it would be. Geography is your weakest subject." He replied simply, calmly turning the page. Across from him Orihime had opened her workbook and set about checking through her homework, which Ulquiorra had helped her finish off the night before. I wonder when Tatsuki-chan will be here…I haven't seen her since the New Year celebrations in town…

"Orihime!" The sporty girl called as if on cue as she entered the room, the redhead looking up with a bright smile. It wasn't long before the rest of the class assembled, including Sensei, who stood at the front calling for silence.

"Alright! It's time to organise the class play!" She announced, Ulquiorra raising an eyebrow as he looked around in confusion, half the class groaning in despair while the other half giggled and chattered excitedly. "And for those of you who don't know, the play happens every year at the cultural festival. This year it's our turn, and the play is…Sleeping Beauty." Sensei added, getting used to the fact that Ulquiorra seemed to know very little about anything other than what he read in books.

"How are we going to decide parts?" Miaka asked from her place near the front, the excitement clear in her tone. At her question Sensei held up a tub of paper,

"Easy. In here are all of the parts, and you'll all take a piece of paper and play the part you have written down. No swapping, no backing down, is that clear?" Sensei asked, various nods of agreement coming from the students. Sensei made her way down the rows, watching carefully as each student took a neatly folded piece of paper. "Now, read out your parts!" She ordered as she returned to the board, writing out the parts and leaving space to list the students. "The Prince?" She called,

"Hai." Ulquiorra announced in disinterest as he turned the page in his book, chatter springing up between a lot of the girls while Sensei gave a helpless look. How did I guess?

"Princess." She called, turning to look at the class, many of whom had turned to look at Orihime, who shifted uncomfortably and shook her head. This sent a new wave of discussion through the class; this meant another girl would be with Ulquiorra, would get to kiss Ulquiorra.

"I am!" Miaka exclaimed in disbelief as she stared at the piece of paper, Sensei misinterpreting her disbelief for lack of confidence,

"You'll be a fine Princess." She assured with a smile before listing off the next character, "The Witch." She called, Orihime blushing slightly as she raised her hand, Tatsuki snickering beside the redhead, who smiled in agreement. The witch was the role least suited to her.

As it turned out the others all had minor roles; Ishida and Sado were working behind the scenes, which suited them down to the ground. Tatsuki was Ulquiorra's mother while Ichigo and Rukia were Miaka's parents. Keigo was Ulquiorra's brave companion, and Mizuiro was greatly amused to find that he was playing Miaka's nanny, laughing so much that he almost fell back off his chair.

"Alright, here are your scripts! Rehearsals will take place after school and at lunchtimes. If you can't make it then let me know before hand! You will be graded on this!" Sensei announced as she handed out the scripts, all of them highlighted for the actors already. "On to this morning's lesson. History." She continued as she returned to the front of the class, noting Ulquiorra had already opened his script and begun reading, not that it matters; he already seems to know everything!

"Note from Miaka." The boy in front whispered as he put a neatly folded piece of paper on Ulquiorra's desk, the Arrancar raising an eyebrow as he unfolded it and read it discreetly. We should get together for practise.Looking up Ulquiorra noticed Miaka glancing at him over her shoulder, the Espada nodding slightly in agreement. Across from him Orihime was oblivious to the exchange, however Tatsuki had noticed the note, and the discreet nod Ulquiorra gave. What is she up to?