
The 19 Years

This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Starting Anew

Harry Potter awoke from a very peaceful and wonderful sleep. It had been several weeks now since the battle of Hogwarts, the final battle, the battle that saw the death of Lord Voldemort, the most terrible of dark wizards. There were still followers of the dark lord left alive but they were being hunted and brought to justice by the Ministry of Magic's Aurors. Aurors, becoming an Auror was all Harry thought about these days; well that wasn't totally true, he mostly thought about the love of his life Miss Ginny Weasley but becoming an Auror was also important to him. There was a knock at the door.

"Harry? Come on you sleepyhead Mum has breakfast ready," called a soft, sweet voice from the hallway.

Harry smiled; it was Ginny come to summon him to breakfast. He could get used to this.

"Come on in Ginny, I'm decent."

The door opened and there she stood, flaming red hair draped around her shoulders, looking like a vision.

"Good morning Harry, I'm really happy to see you sleeping so much these day."

She leaned over him and gave him a kiss on the forehead, smelling as always like vanilla and strawberries.

Harry looked up at her with a big grin on his face; he couldn't remember ever being happier.

"What are you smiling about Harry?"

"Just thinking about how pretty you look, especially in the morning."

Ginny blushed a deep red.

"That's enough of that for now, hurry down to breakfast before Mum has a fit."

"Your Mum wouldn't have a fit with me would she?"

"You know her too well. We both know that she thinks Harry Potter can do no wrong but if it was one of her other children there would be hell to pay for being late."

A strange look appeared on Harry's face.

"You alright Harry? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's just that you said one of her other children. Makes me feel like I am really part of the family."

At these words Ginny pounced on Harry and smothered him in hugs and kisses.

"Sometimes you can be so silly Harry; of course you are a part of this family and always will be."

"But I don't want to be your brother Ginny," said Harry with a grin on his face.

"Stop it Harry, stop it right now. I'm going down to breakfast now and if you know what is good for you had better hurry along."

Ginny jumped up and headed for the door where she stopped and turned.

"I don't want you for my Brother either Harry," said Ginny with a wicked little smile.

As the door closed Harry finally pulled himself out of bed. He decided to shower after breakfast so that he wouldn't keep everyone else waiting. He put on his swimming trunks then slid into his most comfortable pair of blue jeans and an old sweatshirt with the sleeves cut out. He might not look very dapper but man was he comfortable. That was one of the main things that Harry loved about the Burrow, it was just so comfortable. Now on with his trainers and he was bouncing down the stairs to the kitchen.

A familiar scene met his eyes, there was Arthur Weasley flanked on one side by an empty seat for his wife Molly and on the other side by his son George. Next to George was an empty seat that was kept in honor of Fred Weasley, George's twin, who was killed in the battle for Hogwarts. Next to Fred's seat sat Ron, Harry's best male mate and next to Ron sat Ginny on the little two seat bench that Harry always shared with her. Harry slid in next to Ginny and they both grinned at each other unashamedly.

"All right you two, give it a rest will you?" said Ron shaking his head.

"Ronald! You leave them alone!" said Mrs. Weasley in a stern voice.

"Aw Mum, I was just taking the Mickey out of them, they're always making goo-goo eyes at each other, it's getting to be a bit disgusting."

"You heard your Mother, Ron. Leave Harry and Ginny alone and eat your breakfast. Never thought the day would come when I would have to tell you to eat," said Mr. Weasley.

"Thanks Dad. Besides Ron, nobody criticizes you when you make goo-goo eyes at Hermione!" said Ginny.

"Why I don't do…." started Ron.

"That's enough from both of you. Let's just have a nice peaceful breakfast for a change," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Too right Molly, and just so you know Harry, I don't mind you making goo-goo eyes at my only daughter," said Mr. Weasley with a chuckle.

"Dad!" said Ginny.

"Arthur," said Molly.

Eventually everyone got a laugh out of Mr. Weasley's remark and they settled down to the task at hand, consuming one of Mrs. Weasleys enormous breakfasts. There was bacon and sausages and ham and eggs and biscuits and cream of wheat and even a little Treacle tart just because Mrs. Weasley knew that Treacle tart was Harry's favorite.

After a time Harry pushed himself back from the table a bit and sipped his pumpkin juice. He thought he had better slow down or he would surely bust wide open. Under the table, Ginny was holding his hand; Harry looked at her and smiled. Ron just shook his head.

"So, George, when do you think you will have the joke shop back up and running?" asked Harry.

Mrs. Weasley frowned at this question and Harry regretted asking it as soon as it left his mouth. When the twins opened the joke shop it marked the end of their time at Hogwarts and even though the shop had proven to be very successful Mrs. Weasley still looked at it as a sort of shame on the family that neither of the twins had graduated from the magical school.

"Oh, sorry," said Harry.

"That's alright Harry, I suppose it's something that I will just have to get used to," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Things are almost all back together Harry; you should be getting your share of Galleons very so…."

George never finished his sentence, he just sat there staring straight ahead, and Harry had assumed the same position, saying nothing, staring straight ahead.

"Share of what Galleons?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh its nothing Mum, just a little business deal that Fred and I had with Harry, no big thing," said George as he slouched lower in is chair.

"What kind of business deal?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

Harry had begun to sweat profusely. No one had ever told Mrs. Weasley that the twins had gotten their start in the joke business with the 1000 Galleons that Harry had given them from his winnings in the Tri-Wizard tournament. Harry hadn't wanted the money and was happy to finance the twin's joke shop with it. Fred and George had insisted though that Harry would be a partner in the business and would receive a monthly full share of the profits. Now Mrs. Weasley was about to find out that it was Harry who had enabled her sons to leave school. Harry crouched down in his chair, waiting for George's answer and Mrs. Weasleys expected response.

It was at this point that one of those wonderful fortuitous events occurred for Harry. Just as he faced being lambasted by Mrs. Weasley, fate stepped in to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. A large Tawny owl had arrived at the Burrow and was pecking loudly at the kitchen window. From the markings on the leather pouch that was attached to the bird's leg it was clear that the owl was a Hogwarts's owl; it was carrying two letters in its beak.

Everyone stared at the bird as Mr. Weasley rose to let it in. The owl found Errol's perch and made itself at home. Mr. Weasley gave the bird some treats and water as he retrieved the letters.

"Are those for Ginny, about the new school term?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

"No, no Molly, one is for Ron and the other is for Harry," replied Arthur.

"What would Hogwarts be sending us letters for? We're graduated," said Ron.

Harry smiled when he thought about what Ron had said. They hadn't really finished their seventh year at Hogwarts, but he, Ron, Hermione and Neville had been given diplomas at a special ceremony at Hogwarts several weeks past. The four of them felt a little uneasy about accepting the diplomas but the Ministry of Magic felt it was a fitting reward for what they had done at the battle of Hogwarts. Nobody seemed to begrudge them receiving the diplomas so after a time the four of them were comfortable with it.

Harry and Ron both tore open their letters and then compared notes as the others in the kitchen looked on in anticipation.

"Well Ron what does it say?" asked Mrs. Weasley impatiently.

"They both say the same thing except for the names Mum. They want us to come to Hogwarts next Tuesday for a meeting with McGonagall and Minister Shackelbolt in McGonagall's office at noon," replied Ron.

"What kind of a meeting? What's it about?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"Don't know Dad, just says a meeting," said Ron.

"What have you done now Ron? Why do they want to meet with you? Do you think you'll need legal representation?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Easy Mum, don't get your knickers in a twist. Harry got the very same letter, you know it can't be very bad if Harry got the same letter," said Ron.

"Ron, that is no way to talk to your Mother. I'll check with the ministry and see if I can find out anything about it," said Mr. Weasley.

"You know what? I'll bet Hermione got one of these too. I'll send Pig with a note to her and double check," said Ron.

Ron scribbled a quick note to Hermione, attached it to his tiny little owl and sent him off. Harry wrote a note to Head Mistress McGonagall telling her that he and Ron would be available to attend the meeting. He gave the note to the Hogwarts's owl and the bird took off in a hurry.

"We should get a reply from Hermione later this evening. If she got a letter we can plan on meeting up before hand and having a butterbeer or two," said Ron with a big smile on his face.

"If her parents decide to let her go," said Ginny.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Ron.

"You know as well as I do that Hermione's parents have been acting very strange ever since you and she brought them back to London and restored their memory. They seem to be really put off that Hermione used a memory charm on them and placed them in a far off location, even if it was for their own protection. And just how friendly have they been to you lately Ron? And when was the last time Hermione came to the Burrow for a visit?" asked Ginny.

"I know, I know, things have been really rough for Hermione and her parents lately. I don't really think that they want her to have anything to do with our world anymore. From her letters I know that it's tearing her apart. It's not doing me much good either, It seems like I haven't seen her face to face in ages," said Ron.

Mrs. Weasley took this moment to give her youngest son a big hug and assure him that things would work out for the best.

"Well, I've got to go, got a lot to do at the shop, see you all this evening," said George as he quickly stepped outside and apparated away from the Burrow.

"Ron and I will go down to the pond and clear out some of those water lilies that are threatening to take over and maybe later we can give the garden a de-gnoming" volunteered Harry as he pushed Ron out the door.

"Wonder what that was all about?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

"You know Harry Mum, always trying to be helpful," said Ginny sounding a little suspicious herself.

"I think I'll pop into the ministry for a bit Molly. Maybe I can find some information as to what this meeting is all about," said Arthur. He gave his wife a kiss on the cheek, stepped into the back yard and apparated to the ministry.

"Well, that leaves just us girls Mum. Come on, I'll help you tidy up and then you can show me that recipe for treacle tart that Harry likes so much," said Ginny.

Molly smiled lovingly at her daughter, it meant so much when Ginny asked her for her help.

Harry had dragged Ron down to the pond despite the red head's protest.

"What was that all about Harry? Why the hurry to volunteer us for work detail all day long?" asked Ron.

Harry decided it was time to let Ron in on the secret of the Tri-Wizard galleons and his full partnership in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

"Crikey Harry! If Mum ever found out about that she'd blow her top!"

"Exactly Ron, that's why I was in a hurry to get out of the house and keep your Mum from asking about that business transaction."

"Your secret is safe with me Harry. If you don't mind me asking, how much was your share each month before the shop closed?"

"About a hundred galleons."

"A hundred galleons? Each month? What do you do with it all?"

"Put it in my account at Gringotts, I have some special plans for it."

"With that much they could be some really special plans."

"Let's get on with cleaning up the pond, we have a lot of work to do," said Harry.

Ron nodded and the two boys began pulling the lilies from the pond and stacking them on the shore to be burnt later. Harry really didn't like talking about his money, he knew that it was a little bit of a sore spot with Ron but maybe later, when Ron found out what Harry meant to do with his money, it would cease to be an issue.

The boys worked all afternoon. It was pleasant work though as they were in the water most of the time and never had a chance to get hot. After they had been at it for a while Ginny brought them some iced pumpkin juice and turkey sandwiches for lunch. Harry started to put his jeans back on over his swimming trunks but Ginny assured him that he didn't have to get dressed for her.

"Ginny will you stop it? Sometimes you sound like a sc…." started Ron.

"You hold it right there Ron Weasley. Don't you even think about calling me a scarlet woman. You do and I'll show you how I've improved my Bat-Bogey hex," said Ginny pulling out her wand.

"All right you two, let's just have a peaceful lunch shall we?" asked Harry.

The two siblings sat down to finish their lunch while glaring fiercely at one another.

When lunch was over Ginny collected up the dishes and put them in her basket. Just before she left she made a point of giving Harry a lingering kiss and a knowing smile.

"She did that on purpose you know, just to make me angry," said an agitated Ron.

"Of course she did Ron. As long as you seem to have a problem with Ginny and I being in love she will continue to take the mickey out of you."

"Aw Harry, I don't really have a problem with it, it's just that she's my sister, you know what I mean?"

"No Ron, I don't know what you mean. You and I have been best friends forever, you know me, and you know that I would never intentionally hurt Ginny or any member of your family. You have to get used to the fact that Ginny and I are in love and if things work out we will be married someday and I will be your brother-in-law. Are you going to have a problem with that too?"

"No, I would like to have you as a brother-in-law Harry. I promise I'll try to be more understanding."

"And I promise that Ginny and I will try to not make goo-goo eyes so much when you are around. Okay?"

"Okay mate," said Ron as he shook Harry's hand and they both laughed at Harry's last remark.

As evening arrived and both boys had prune fingers they were ready to head back up to the house. They had the pond in pretty good shape but they never did get around to de-gnoming the garden.

The boys entered the house and Harry raced upstairs so that he could be first in the shower. The hot water felt so good especially after he had been in the pond water all day. He would have liked to stay in the shower longer but Ron was pounding on the door demanding his turn. Harry finished and went to his room to change. He was squeaky clean, he had on clean clothes, and he felt great. Harry headed downstairs where Mrs. Weasley told him to go ahead and take his seat at the table and relax a bit before supper.

Harry enjoyed watching Mrs. Weasley prepare the meals and Ginny as she helped out. The thought of Ginny cooking meals for him after they were married made him smile. Of course he hadn't asked her to marry him yet, they were both still a bit young for that but it was an understood thing between then.

It wasn't long before Ron came running down the stairs and took his place at the table. His arrival coincided with that of Pig, he had returned with an answer from Hermione.

"Go on Ron, read it," said George who had just stepped in the door.

A sudden pop just outside the kitchen door signaled the return of Mr. Weasley from the ministry.

"Hello Weasleys!" said Mr. Weasley which was his usual greeting when arriving home.

"Hush Arthur. Ron is just about to read us his answer from Hermione," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Well do go on then Ron," said Mr. Weasley.

Ron stood up and began to read;

My Dearest Ron,

I was so excited to hear from you, it seems like forever since we have talked or had any contact with one another at all. I hope that you and all your family are well. Be sure to tell Harry that I said hello and tell Ginny that I wouldn't mind receiving a letter from her once in a while…. Hint hint.

You are quite correct Ron, I too received a letter from Hogwarts about the meeting next Tuesday. I have no idea as to what it is about. I fully plan to attend even though it did cause a big row with my parents. They are becoming completely unreasonable and don't seem to want me to have anything to with the wizarding world anymore. This latest fight ended with me telling them I was going to the meeting and if they didn't like it I would just go ahead and move out on my own. That seemed to put an end to things but I hated saying it, I know they need me now more than ever and I don't want to hurt them. Sometimes I just don't know what to do.

If you and Harry are keen on the idea I thought we might take the train to Hogwarts for old time's sake. We could take the early train and be at Hogwarts in plenty of time for the meeting. If I don't hear back from you I will assume that this plan is acceptable and I will see you at the station just before six a.m. . I imagine that you are reading this to everyone Ron but if I were you I would stop at this point.

You know I love you Ron and have for so long. You are everything that a girl could want. You are handsome, brave, intelligent and ever so kind to me. I know it has been difficult with the way my parents have been acting and I appreciate the space you have given me. I know things will work out and I am looking forward to spending some quality time together at Hogwarts.

All my love to you Ron,

Your Hermione.

Ron blushed when he got to the part that Hermione had told him not to read to everyone.

"Did you read the whole thing Ron or were there some special parts?" asked Ginny, barley able to keep from laughing.

"I read all you needed to hear," said Ron, still glowing bright red.

"What do you think Harry, are you up for a train ride?" asked Ron.

"Yeah, I think that would be a lot of fun, like Hermione said, for old time's sake," said Harry.

"Well you won't know what the meeting is about until you get to Hogwarts. I tried several of my contacts at the ministry and if anybody knows anything they aren't talking," said Mr. Weasley.

"Come on everyone let's tuck in. Tomorrow I'll help you boys get packed for your trip and we'll figure out how we are going to get you to the train station," said Mrs. Weasley.

The group needed no more encouragement from Mrs. Weasley as they began the task of devouring another Molly Weasley feast.


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