Once upon a time in a land far away, a castle stood that watched over a large village and in this castle a King and Queen lived there. They were very distraught because after many tries the Queen would not get pregnant. Years later as they were about to give up they found out that the Queen was finally pregnant and the whole kingdom rejoiced. They celebrated and waited patiently for their new heir to come…

People gathered from far and wide to welcome the King and Queen's newborn baby. The kingdom of Britannia's long awaited heir was finally here and there was a celebration. People rejoiced as they packed into the main hall to see the new baby girl.

Or at least that was what everybody thought. In fact it was far from it. The slightly chubby, drooling baby was a boy. The reason for this lie was because without a baby girl the kingdom of Britannia and its neighbor, Ameris, could not unite together, and at this moment that was what the two kings were talking about.

"Without a marriage our kingdoms will never be one. You promised a marriage and without one, the deal is broken," the king of Ameris said, exasperated. His slightly chubby stature and round, red face did not help his image of a king, but his people accepted him anyways.

"I'm sorry, but it took all we had to have one child." The other king replied trying to calm not only himself, but the other too. "The doctor said we were lucky enough to have one, He doubts we will have another." The two kings sat in thought for what seemed like an eternity.

"What if we still go through with the marriage?" the king of Britannia said thoughtfully. "No one has to know."

At that thought the fat King went into a fury. His face went from a pale to a cherry red color and his cheeks puffed out. His fists clenched and unclenched as he tried to find coherent words to speak. His mouth formed an o a couple of times while his eyes remained unblinking. "You asked for a marriage and I am only trying to respect your wishes," the king Britannia quickly said trying to calm the other king down enough to explain.

"My son! Married to a man!" he roared, ignoring the Britannian king. He grabbed a sword from the wall and held it to the fellow king's throat. "I have never heard of such perverse things. Two men?" he rambled, no longer looking at the one he was talking to.

"A marriage. All you asked for. If you are so against it now then how about…a ceremony. A promise ceremony." The taller king said.

The King of Ameris finally settled down enough to reply."A promise ceremony. That sounds better." He said to himself, lowering the sword slowly. He stroked his short beard thinking silently. At hearing that the Britannian ruler smiled.

"A promise ceremony is just right. A marriage implies love and a dutiful wife and husband, while a promise ceremony is different. They are promised to be married, but they won't be," he said looking at the King of Ameris.

Eyes met eyes and it seemed to be a battle of who would break first. The King of Ameris finally dropped the sword completely and stood a little straighter. "A promise ceremony it is then. We will wait until he is older to announce that he isn't a girl, but a boy." He huffed and with that they shook hands. The "contract" lasted a brief moment before they pulled away. "Let us toast! And then we shall see your beautiful baby gi-…beautiful baby." And with that the two kings walked away towards the main hall.

The main hall was packed when the two kings arrived in the main hall. The strolled to the front, and while the King and Queen of Britannia greeted each other, the other ruler went towards the thrones to summon a young boy forward.

The young prince of Ameris was quiet and his bright sapphire eyes darted around trying to take in everything. He promised to be on his best behavior, so he silently walked forward as everyone started to quiet down.

The prince slowly moved towards the cradle that stood a little ways off from the thrones. As he reached the wooden structure, he peeked over the top and looked at the drooling infant.

A look of disgust passed slowly crossed the young boys face. He couldn't believe eh was going to marry this baby. Wasn't he supposed to marry a pretty girl? This…thing was far from a girl. Its short blond hair could barely be called hair, but more like fur that had just been clipped, thought the prince. Its pudgy arms tried to reach his hand which was tightly gripping the edge of the cradle. The thing that he couldn't overlook though was the baby's eyebrows.

Instead of a thing line of hair above the eye, there was at least half an inch of thick, blond hair that took its place above the infants eyes and to the young prince, it looked as if it was a small fluffy animal, or two animals.

He couldn't marry her! He knew that for sure, but when he glanced at his father, the look he got changed his mind. Instead he bent over to place a small chaste kiss on the newborn baby's cheek. As he did so he noticed how soft the skin was and decided that maybe his future wife wouldn't be that bad.

As this thought came forward his father came forth and joined him.

"Let us celebrate!" the other King bellowed, immediately silencing the entire crowd, "For not only our new heir, but the unification of two kingdoms who will be joined by a ceremony of such promise that war will not come forth for centuries!" and with that last comment cheer erupted and the festivities started.

As soon as it started though, it had to stop in awe of what was happening. The light that escaped from a nearby window and shined down upon the cradle started to shimmer and sparkle. The air seemed to move and sway as the wind picked up and spun around the cradle. In a poof of smoke three fairies arrived.

Unlike most fairies that people think of, which are girls, these were three males. The first fairy was in a green tunic and had shiny blond hair. He looked the youngest of the three, but no one took notice. He smiled and giggled when he saw the small baby smile back. The next male in red was bouncing up and down with a wide grin on his face; his hair bounced with him, and included a curl that went away from his head. His eyes, bright emeralds, shone with love as he looked down at the small child. The fairy next to him in blue looked exactly like him, but was different in personality. Instead of smiling like the other two, he scowled and looked away and an identical curl turning with him.

"Welcome Petey, Feli, and Lovi. It is an honor to be in your presence. We thank you for coming to see our baby." The Queen of Britannia exclaimed. The three fairies bowed first to the King, then the Queen, and then turned back to the child.

"Your highness, it is our honor to be in your presence," Petey said in the most regal voice he could muster. "We are not only here to greet her, but to grant her with three special gifts," he said grinning. Even Lovi, who before had his signature scowl, smiled now as they each pulled out their own wands.