A/N: Got inspired to write this from the picture at the beginning of the latest chapter. Tugged at my heart strings seeing it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything relating to it.
A boy with bright yellow hair and eyes the color of the summer sky dashed out of the kitchen. Namikaze Minato merely raised his paper out of the way as his son came running through. He went back to reading and only winced as his wife stormed in.
Uzumaki Kushina, her long red hair flying around her, looked downright menacing as she stopped beside her husband. Minato grimaced and crumpled each side of his paper as he concentrated furiously on the latest village news.
Kushina raised the spatula she held dangerously above her head warningly. Minato cautiously leaned away. Many knew better to stay out of Kushina's way when she was angry. Unfortunately their son had to inherit her mischievous side and cause the redhead's temper to explode even more then the family really needed.
Naruto, a sandwich in his mouth, looked over his shoulder at his furious mother.
"You are not leaving this house until you finish your breakfast!" Kushina cried.
Naruto motioned to the sandwich. "I am eating!" He said, his voice muffled by the bread.
"That's your lunch I packed for you! "
Naruto grinned cheekily and pushed open the window. "See ya guys later!"
"Bye son." Minato called as Naruto launched himself out of the window and towards the streets below.
"NARUTO!" Kushina ran to the window and stuck her head out. "YOU ARE LIKE GROUNDED WHEN YOU GET HOME YOUNG MAN! YOU HEAR ME?"
The Yondaime chuckled nervously. Kushina swung her head around and glared daggers at her husband.
"And just what is so funny?" She demanded angrily.
Minato recoiled and hid his face behind the paper. "Nothing dear."
Yeah I always pictured Kushina wearing the pants in the family. Anyways, sorry it' so short but hope everyone liked it nonetheless!