Thank you to everyone who reviewed, favorite and alerted this story. We finally close the story.

One piece is not mine and it will never be mine.

Zoro didn't seem fazed by the several stares that were fixated on him when he walked into the dining area. His attention was fully on the young man who was sitting in the chair at the head of the table. The two males locked eyes and a stare down settled. The crew not knowing what else to do, were left to awkwardly just stare at the two men.

Finally one of them regained their ability to use their legs and with steps that echoed throughout the room, Nami made her way to the door. Before she stepped out of the room she paused and said "Please remember that every action affects us all, just for once consider the crew before you guys act"

With that said Nami left the room. Her departure prompted the other crewmembers to follow her until only Sanji was left. With a sigh he left saying "If you bastards make any of the ladies cry I'll kick both your asses"

With no reaction from them, the cook closed the door and a thick silence dominated the air. Both males dared the other to say something first but neither submitted. It was only until Zoro unconsciously started to rub his chest that was beginning to ache. The action immediately caught Luffy's attention and he broke the stare down to glance at the bandages that peaked under the swordsman's shirt.

"How are your injuries" Luffy asked sincerely. When he saw the thick bandages on his firstmate, guilt began to consume him.

"They're getting better" Zoro muttered. He wasn't too thrilled to start conversing about his injuries, so he decided to change the subject. "When did you guys decide to leave"

"Today" Luffy said bluntly. The topic of departure left Luffy now feeling frustrated. "So Zoro have you decided on the captain's order"

Zoro shook his head and said honestly "I don't think my answer has changed"

Luffy tried to control his anger but the calmness of the other's reply pushed him over the edge. "Why can't you just follow this one order Zoro" He yelled.

"I followed you without hesitation since the first time I decided to join your crew. But I can't follow this order, and I never will"

"So you're going to leave this crew just because you can't swear to not kill yourself anymore" Luffy exclaimed. He hoped that the swordsman would answer right this time.

"Are you really going to kick me off the crew" Zoro asked, his voice was drained from any emotion.

Luffy felt his face grow hot with anger, Zoro was playing with him. The swordsman didn't think that he was serious about him leaving him on this island. "Yes, we will leave without you"

Inside Zoro was shocked that Luffy was actually serious with the threat. He knew that Luffy was capable of leaving a crewmember, the Water 7 departure proved that, but to leave a crewmember over defiance for an order. This was new.

"Zoro all you have to do is follow the order, it's that simple"

The swordsman shook his head in response and was going to say something when Luffy interrupted him. "We are leaving at sunset; give me your final answer then"

Before Zoro could say anything else, Luffy got up from the table and walked out the door. "See you in two hours" Was the last thing Zoro heard as he watched Luffy walk away.


Not knowing what to do for the next two hours, Zoro decided that a walk would do him some good. Walking out of the palace grounds he saw that many of the village women were carrying cargos of food. He was sure that this was going towards the crew thanks to that Hancock chick being crazy about Luffy.

A smile found its way onto his face and he shook his head at the thought of Luffy ignoring all the woman's advances. The smile quickly fell when he realized that if he rejected this order, then he would never see Luffy's antics anymore.

Not just Luffy's antics, any of the crew's crazy actions he will not see, all because of a damn order. This whole ordeal could have been avoided if Luffy would just stop being such an idiot.

'You're being stubborn yourself' a small voice said inside his head.

Before he could question the thought, his hands gripped his swords and pulled them out. The sound of swords clashing boomed throughout the jungle. Zoro's chest heaved as the pressure of the enemy's sword pushed down on his swords and onto his chest. He glared into golden eyes that stared back intently on his every move. He brought his swords up and leapt back, making some space between him and his opponent.

"Are you now weak minded too, Roronoa" Mihawk mocked him.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean" Zoro snapped. His swords were still poised in a defense stance and he didn't let his guard down for a moment.

"I simply mean that your decision will reflect on your pride" Mihawk explained himself and continued." Will you swallow that pride or will you stand by your decision that you have stood by since the beginning"

After the explanation Zoro barely had any time to defend himself when Mihawk suddenly attacked him. For several moments the two men were a blur of moments, one trying to defend while the other viciously attacked.

When the attacks stopped, Zoro panted and tried to keep his mind straight from all the thoughts that were conflicting his mind.

"So Roronoa what are you going to do" Mihawk asked again. He sheathed his large black sword and he waited for the young swordsman to answer.

Zoro seeing that he was no longer in danger also sheathed his swords. He thought about the question that the greatest swordsman had asked. For a moment he had almost wilted in following the captain's order, but thankfully that stray thought had vanished.

"I'm going to stand by my decision" He said with determination in his voice.

Mihawk seemed to think over his decision and then he silently closed the gap. Zoro tensed and kept his hand on his swords. When Mihawk was only a few feet away from him, he gave him a small smirk and nodded.

"Stand strong on your decisions Roronoa, I wouldn't want to be known to have had a weak minded pupil"

With that said Mihawk walked away but stopped and turned around to face the young swordsman. Before Zoro could stop him, the man brutally punched his shoulder directly over the recent shoulder wound. His teeth clenched, but he only let out a hiss of pain, since he did not want to show pain in front of his rival.

"You're defense is still weak, work on it" Mihawk criticized.


The crew was working furiously to pack the ship with the necessary items for the trip back to Sabaody. Though everyone was working, glances were constantly sent to the navigator and the log pose. Whenever the navigator caught a glance she would silently tell the worried crewmember how much time was left.

After all the items that were donated by Hancock were packed on the ship the crew was left to wait out the remaining time. Robin and Nami tried to discuss what they would do once they reached Sabaody but they stopped talking when Zoro's name kept popping up. They tried to switch the topic when they heard a clash inside the ship's kitchen.

Sanji barged through the door and without a word to the rest of the crew, he shakily lit a cigarette. Nami and Robin shared a look and they both walked to the cook. Standing on each side of him, they wordlessly gave him support by placing a hand on his arms. The cook smiled at them and with one last drag of the cigarette he flicked it into the ocean. With an hour left, the three of them decided to instead sit on the bow of the ship and watch out for a certain swordsman.

The others were no better.

Brook and Franky tried play a couple songs on their respected instruments but they stopped after several failed attempts. Usopp and Chopper sat on the deck playing cards, but neither of them was aware that they were both playing different card games. They finally gave up on the cards. All four of them joined the other three and waited.

The last to join them was Luffy. He sat down on the gangplank and together the crew waited. The captain had been alone since he arrived at the ship and no one dared to disturb him. The entire time he had a look of deep thinking.

The air was tense and not a word was spoken. Time passed slowly and for a rare moment the crew was still. No jokes were said, no conversations were started and worst of all no one commented when Luffy ordered the crew to get ready for departure.

As the crew got up to do their tasks, Chopper stopped and turned when he heard a noise. His sensitive hearing alerted him that someone was approaching. He turned towards the shore and waited anxiously for the person to reveal themselves. Chopper's fixated stare, caused the other crew members to also stop and stare at the shore. A grin soon spread on the crew's faces when Zoro walked out of the jungle. Robin happened to notice that a grin was also on their captain's faces.

The foolish grins fell through when Luffy realized what needed to be done. He pushed his way to the front of the crew and looked down at his first mate. Though he tried to look stern, inside he was a mess of nerves. With shaking hands he took his treasured strawhat, so his hands could hold onto something.

Taking a moment to make sure his head was clear Luffy tried to think of what he was going to say. Before he could think to hard he blurted out "Are you ready to say yes"

The crew tensed and hoped that the idiotic swordsman finally came to his senses. They all held their breath while the man in question, took his time in answering.

Zoro laid a hand on his swords and with determination on his face he said "I made my decision" A smile spread onto his face and he said lightly "I'm not going to follow that order"

Some of the crew members gasped in surprise but, others seemed like they knew this would be the answer. Before they could question the swordsman's decision, he continued. "If we were in the same situation, and sacrificing myself was the only way to save all of you…then I would do it" He stopped and directly looked at Luffy and said "I'll never regret my actions"

Luffy stared back at him and tried to keep his anger down. Now closing his eyes he reflected on the past few days. He realized his mistakes about how he first approached Zoro and endangered his life even more. He saw that each of his crewmates desperately wanted this order to cease, each one of them giving him a different reason.

But he couldn't let Zoro give up his dream. He had to do something. Something which would keep his crew together and at the same time keeps Zoro safe.

He knew everyone was waiting for his answer but he needed just a few more moments to get his answer together. With a deep breath he opened his eyes and regained eye contact with his firstmate. With a small sigh he said quietly "That's fine because, I'm making a new captain's order"

The whole crew turned to Luffy, everyone's eyes wide with surprise. Zoro was relieved that Luffy had finally let go of the order, but he was hesitant in learning this new one. Luffy took another moment and Zoro saw why the younger man was taking such long pauses. He looked like he was about to break down any moment.

The whole crew was tense when they saw that their captain was going to continue. Luffy took a step forward and he yelled

"The new order is that we can never lose again. We all got stronger and now we can protect one another in the New World" Luffy exclaimed with tears streaming down his face. "So with this new order, the old order is no longer needed. Now get your ass on this boat so we can head to Merman Island'

The crew all had smiles on their faces, some even on the verge of tears. Zoro had a large grin on his face and shook his head at his captain. He stretched his hand and Luffy immediately knew what to do. Stretching his arm he grabbed his firstmate's hand and whiplashed him onto the boat. The man barely landed on the deck before he was bombarded with several bodies. He received hugs, punches and rude comments all in a matter of seconds.

When the crew finally decided to release him, Nami announced that they were ready to leave. Before the navigator could leave, Luffy stalled everyone by placing a barrel in the middle of them. Without an explanation he placed his foot up and with a wide grin he said "Pirate King"

Nami laughed and planted her foot next to Luffy's and said "Map of the entire world"

Usopp and Sanji did the same.

"All Blue"

"Bravest Warrior of the sea"

The other members caught on.

"Cure for all diseases"

"Finding the truth of history"

"Sailing to the end of the world"

"Reuniting with Laboon"

All eyes turned to Zoro who planted his foot down and while looking at the entire crew said with a grin "World's Greatest Swordsman"

Throwing his hands up in the air Luffy yelled "Now off to the New World"

Way long overdue and my deepest apologies for the wait. So yeah with how One piece actually occurred this can be labeled AU. Lol. Well Oda is a genius.

Anyways Since it is the last chapter please leave your thoughts on this story. Alright off to do my other stories. Thank you guys for reading this story.