A Royal Family

"Quaint. Simply, quaint," she spoke, looking about the many marble columns and priceless furniture. I stared at her, looking where ever her eyes went, being sure she didn't spot something wrong.

"Yes, my daughter will love it, my son as well," she continued her slow, loud stride to the main entrance. Her round body was completely covered in silk, jewelry, and fringe. Her feet were smashed into tiny silver shoes that made her wobble as she walked. Her face had so much make up smeared on, I couldn't tell if it was a mask, or really her face. Her, now graying, hair was put up on her head, fastened with an arrangement of diamond studded barrettes and other jewelry.

"Come and escort my children into their new quarters," she said, loud and clear, behind her shoulder to me. I swallowed hard, but, obeyed. Being sure I was in step with her, I walked her out towards her large carriage that held the Kagamine twins.

The Kagamine family was royal beyond your dreams. The at-most powerful, and the most wealthy of any other monarchy. The current queen, Lady Sachiko, was almost ending her term, and was ready to hand it down to one of her children. Her children, the twins, were next in line. Rin Kagamine, being the oldest by a few moments, would be the obvious choice for the throne, but, because she is female, they have chosen to hand down the throne to Len Kagamine, the younger male. Rin Kagamine is to be married off to a neighboring country, and, to soon absorb them into our own country.

I held the carriage door open, took Lady Rin's hand, and helped her down the one step onto the brick ground. I did the same for Lord Len. The two were exactly alike in every means of appearance. Since their birth, they have been inseparable. The two were like a magnate, unable to be pulled apart with out being attracted to each other again. Both blonde hair, blue eyes, and graceful frames. If they weren't of the opposite gender, no one would be able to tell them apart. Their attitudes were even almost symmetrical. Polite when needed, but happy, and full of laughter when appropriate, they are each other's perfect match. Some of the tabloids have even made rumors of them being "together", though completely untrue.

Lady Rin was beautiful. Short blonde hair that just touched her shoulders framed her face, bright blue eyes, and the most symmetrical face on a woman ever seen. Her body was completely beautiful, and perfectly proportioned for her. Slender, and never a clumsy moment when moving, she was the catch of the century. Her voice was a high soprano, almost like a million bells when speaking that no one person could ignore.

Lord Len, the younger of the two, shared his sister's beauty. Blonde hair, that was just long enough to be put back in to a small tie in the back of his head. Bright blue eyes, that seemed slightly greener than his sisters, complimented his facial features perfectly. A tad bit taller than his sister, he still had the same gracefulness to his step. His body was the perfect shape, which every man his age aimed for. He seemed strong, but not overly "buffed". His voice wasn't deep, but not high at the same time. His voice was just low enough to perfectly compliment his sisters. Their voices were so perfectly matched, if they spoke at the same time, they may have been mistaken for one person.

Often, they sang. They sang together, or apart, but beautiful all the same. They have their own assortment of songs between themselves, and their friends, such as those who will be staying here. Their voices were all perfect for each other, when singing in one large group, you couldn't help but listen.

"Mother, this is where we will be staying?" Lady Rin asked, without turning towards her mother, taking her brothers hand.

"Yes darling, this is your new home. Your guests should be arriving tomorrow," Lady Sachiko told her, her voice soft when speaking to her children, with a hint of laughter.

"Len?" Lady Rin turned to her brother, who nodded in return.

"Do you think we could live here? Do you think we will be okay by ourselves?" she asked with obvious worry in her voice.

"Rin," he spoke as they began into the large building, "we shall be together. Besides, we have plenty of mine and yours coming, am I correct?" he assured her, referring to their guests.

"Yes, I suppose. It just seems so lonely without Mother, or anyone else," she argued, now within the walls of their new home.

"You will be fine, and so will I," he said, stopping and taking his sisters hand in both of his.

"I promise," a small smile crossed her face, and she leaned her forehead against his and replied:

"I believe you."