Keira was wearing the same clothes she did in the lagoon. She was crying, Jake was in the water whispering soothing words in her ear.

Vin flew across the ocean and heard singing. He looked into a widow and that girl was singing. She jumped on the mirror's table, crushing profume bottles, she stabbed the angel covered from wood with a pin. She looked herself in the mirror and it was ... Ashelin! He gasped. "I must advise Keira!" He said heroic. He turned around and flew straight into the boat wood.

Vin flew to Keira, who was crying on the docks with Jake and Daxter. Suddenly, Vin flew in.

"Keira ... Ashelin ... magic shell ... JAK!" Vin managed to spat out. Jake smacked his forehead with his hand.

"For Heaven sakes, Vin, speak the king's english!" Jake yelled. Vin ran up to Keira's face.

"Ashelin used that magic shell so she could marry the prince!" Vin cried. Keira looked at the boat and Ashelin's voice echoed in her mind.

When the sun sets on the third day, the spell will be broken.

Keira gazed at the sun, it was setting. She quickly pushed a barrel in the ocean and jumped on it. Jake dove in the pull her toward the boat.

"Vin, shall as long as you can!" Jake ordered and pulled his sister toward the sailing boat.

On board...

The wedding was about to take place. The guest gathered on deck. Jak stood there, looking blankly at his bride. It was like he was in a trance. Suddenly, the wedding march came on and that-girl-who's-really-Ashelin-but-wants-to-ruin-Keira's-dreams walked down the isle. A dog growled at her and she kicked him in the face. Very few people gasped at this and if she heard them, she wouldn't be too happy.

Meanwhile ...

Vin flapped his little wings through the forests, shouting, "COME ON MY BROTHERS! WE HAVE A WEDDING TO STALL!"

As soon as the message was out, every type of bird ever seen were flying after the seagull. They arrived at the wedding in time for some fun! They eat the cake, 'dropped candy' on the guest. Ashelin was NOT happy. Her plan was not going to fail, she worked too hard for this. She was suddenly attacked by small sea creatures and birds. She yelled and tried to get the animals off of her.

While that happened, Keira climbed on board. She hauled herself on the deck and, by luck, the dog bite her ... aft (A/N: Aft is the rear of a ship). She screamed, and Vin pulled her necklace off her neck. He threw it on the wooden deck and watched as the glowing light of Keira's voice traveled to her throat. Jak, snapping out of his trance, watched also and ran to her in joy. "Keira!" He yelled.

"Jak!" Keira cried. She smiled at the shock on Jak's face.

"You can talk! Which means ... you were the one who saved me!" Jak exclaimed. (A/N: DUH!)

"I tried to tell you ..." Keira's words drifted as Jak slowly lowered his lips to touch Keira's. But it was too late. The sun was setting. Keira's face twisted in pain as her legs couldn't stand anymore. She fell down past Jak's arms. While Keira's transformation took place, Ashelin started to laugh as if there was no tomorrow.

"It's too late!" Ashelin's original voice said. Jak stared at Keira's purple tail. "SHE'S MINE!" (A/N: Aww! Ew!) Ashelin transformed into her original form. She scooped Keira up by the neck. "Don't worry, lover-boy! You'll see her in heaven!"

As Ashelin jumped off the rail of the ship, Ashelin ripped Keira's clothing off. "You are one sneaky little brat! That was way too close." Ashelin retorted into Keira's long ear. Keira tried to squirm out of Ashelin's grip.

"LEAVE HER ALONE, ASHELIN!" A low and powerful voice boomed. Ashelin looked to see Samos standing there with Jake and Daxter cowering behind him. Ashelin looked at Keira and Samos and smirked.

"She's mine! We signed a contract!" Ashelin said as she put Keira into a whirl pool. Keira seemed to become thiner and shorter.

"Daddy! I'm sorry!"

"Too late! The contract, I remind you!" Ashelin said as she showed Samos the golden contract with Keira's name written across it. Samos grabbed his pitchfork with two hands and blasted it. The blast sent Ashelin to the wall but it didn't brake the contract. Ashelin laughed. "It's invincible! The only was to reverse it is to sign YOUR name."

Samos looked at Keira as her young life slipped away. Flashbacks of Keira growing up flooded into his mind. Then he looked at Jake, he would loose seeing his son and daughter wedding. He nodded. "Hand me that contract."

Ashelin did so. Samos wrote his name on the line and the whirl pool left Keira. He was sucked in and was left as a lonely weed. His crown remained and Ashelin placed it on her head. "I'm the ruler of the seas now!"

"Daddy." Keira whispered.

Meanwhile ...

Jak couldn't take it anymore. He took off his best clothing until he was left in his sailor's outfit. He jumped into a rowboat and rowed to the spot were Keira's dress floated.

"JAK!" Sig screamed. "What are you doing?"

"I've lost her once! I'm not going to loose her again!" Jak yelled back as he grabbed a whale spear. He dove into the water.

Meanwhile ...

Ashelin gloated about becoming the ruler but soon felt a sharp pain on her arm. She looked up to see Jak. His lungs screamed for air so he tried to swim back to the surface. But Razor and Erol had other ideas. They grabbed his limbs and started to electrify him. Jake and Daxter swam until they reached the eels. They manage to pull the eels away from him for Jak to escape but Jak had passed out from the electrocution and lack of air.

"JAK!" Keira screamed. She saw Ashelin about to shoot Jak with the beam from the pitchfork. She swam behind he and pulled her hair, making Ashelin shoot the eels instead of Jak. Keira swam to her loved one and pulled him up to the surface. Jak woke up and started coughing.

"Keira! Are you alright?" Jak asked. Keira nodded. She hugged him as she pressed her lips on his. Suddenly, something glowing in the water gave Keira the chills. A HUGE pointy thingy from the crown. The giant thing had gone between them and kept going.

"YOU ARE MINE!" Ashelin screamed. Jak and Keira grabbed each other's hands and dove into the icy water. Ashelin started a whirl pool that sucked Keira into the middle of it. Jak, being a human, started to drown from the crashing waves until something had raised him from the water. He looked around, this was the same ship he sailed on. He suddenly had an idea. Hold on a bit longer, Keira.

Meanwhile ... (God that is annoying)

Keira was sucked into the whirlpool and was being blasted at by Ashelin. The mermaid held off as long as she could.

"You little brat!" Ashelin roared.

Jak, being heroic, sailed the ship into Ashelin's stomach, killing her with the sharp spirit bow. The sea monster screamed in agony as she was killed and was destroyed. Samos returned to normal after Ashelin was killed.

The next day ...

Keira had managed to drag Jak onto the beach and had left his there while he was passed out. Keira had sat on a rock alone watching him sleep peacefully. She understood now, he was a human and she was a mermaid, it would have never work. Still she loved him ...

Samos watched his daughter along with Daxter. "She really loves him, huh?" The king said.

"I always say, 'You never choose who you fall in love with.'" Daxter said. Samos looked at him and back to his daughter.

"You know what, I'm going to really miss her." Samos said. Daxter watched as his king laid his pitchfork in the water and a sparkling type of magic floated to Keira. She smiled as she saw something happen to her tail.

Jak sat himself up and pressed his hand on his head. "Aw, my head." He groaned. Then, he saw Keira wearing a sparkling dress and was walking toward him. He jumped up with a start and ran to Keira while she was still in the water. They both kissed which resulted into a wedding. Chris and Daxter sighed in unison at the wonderful sight before them.

During the celebration, Samos used his awesome powers to raise the water to bring him up to see his married daughter. She hugged her father and said in his ear, "I love you, daddy."

Samos lowered himself to the water again. As he went down, he made a happy rainbow for his daughter, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law.


FES: LORD! This is the WORST chapter ever! Oh well, now the pain is lifted! Hope you like it! BYE!