Claudia walked through the aisles with her clipboard, checking off items one at a time. She always whined to Artie about having to do inventory but secretly, she loved it. It was fascinating, all the different historical artifacts just sitting there collecting dust. Actually, now that she thought about it, there was no dust, not a spec of it anywhere. Was this something she had to look forward to, dusting all the shelves after inventory was over, or did the warehouse get dust? It was a curious thought.
As she turned the corner to head up the next aisle, something out of place, caught her eye. There was a large wooden blue box tucked in between some large crates that she was sure wasn't there yesterday. As she walked closer she noticed it had windows, door handles and was that a light on top? When did this show up, and what was it. There was no placard or lot number and it appeared that there was light coming from the inside of it. She read the sign across the top of it, "Police Public Call Box", what was that? She pulled a little handle on the front and it swung open to reveal an old phone, but picking up the receiver told her it was dead. Claudia tried the other handle but found that it was locked. She looked around but there was no key anywhere to be seen. The lock looked normal enough, and a smile crept across her face. This is why she loved doing inventory she thought, and took off running down the aisles.
She came back a few minutes later, her left hand covered in a purple latex like glove, holding a very old key. Claudia carefully slid the key into the lock and tried to turn it. A purple spark flew out of the lock but it wouldn't budge. She could tell it had nearly worked; the key had tried its best and failed, fizzled out. Claudia leaned back on her heels and thought for a moment and smiled. "I know what this needs, More Power huh huh huh". After making a mental note not to try and imitate Tim Allen ever again, she pulled out her Tesla, took a couple steps back and aimed it at the key.
The Doctor strode silently through the aisles, glancing at all of the amazing items housed on the shelves. Yes this was the perfect place he thought. It took a little convincing, but he finally got Artie to believe him and agreed to house the objects the Doctor felt needed special looking after. After Torchwood had fallen he took it upon himself, with a little help from a very pregnant Gwen, to sift through the rubble and find any alien items that were still intact and remove them before someone else found them. He had done the same after Canary Wharf; his storage closet was getting full. There were a few larger items that already had gone missing, and he feared that might come back and bite him later, but for now he took what he could.
He had to find somewhere safe to store the items, somewhere hidden away with people who could be trusted. He immediately thought of the Warehouse. He had worked briefly at Warehouse 12 many lived before, but decided instead to bring them to the present day Warehouse 13, where they were less likely to remember him. After going over the list with Artie, lovely man offered him a cookie, they had gone about shelving all the items in one of the back sections. With that done the Doctor was on his way back to the TARDIS. Suddenly there was an insistent beeping noise in his pocket. "What?" He pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver, stared at it for a moment, and then took off at a run.
It had worked, a blast of energy from her Tesla right at the key had juiced it enough to work. It sparked quite a bit, and she noticed some slight scorch marks on the wood around the lock but she didn't worry about it. She removed the key, carefully pushed the door open and looked inside, "Holy crap!"