A/N: Aww... Last chapter... I'm feeling so sad... Ah well what can I do? :/


So I really hope you won't hate me after this chapter. Remember it is a "love story" after all. It has to end well- right? I guess it could always end hurtfully aswell-but I would never do that! Or would I? I guess you just have to keep reading to find out.

On with the last chapter: Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: For the last time I don't own anything except Danielle!

He wrapped his arms around my waist and my own arms went around his neck as the kiss deepend. It felt amazing, just like in the dream. Pure bliss. I couldn't believe this was happening. I pulled away for a second to look at him. He seemed to be in the same daze I was but once again we closed the gap between us. It was as if everyone dissapeared around us and it was just us there. Our bodies were pressing against each other and we finally pulled away to breathe. He had his forehead to mine and I could feel his cool breath on my lips. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. He embraced me with a loving hug and I hugged him back. It felt like everything was right in the world now. I know it sounds cheezy but that's how it really felt!

Well we all know how stuff like that can change in less then a second and that is what happened next. I was looking past Damon's shoulder and that was when I froze. Across the street among a bunch of kids playing, was a tall brown haired man that I would recognize anywhere. He smiled at me in a wickedly way and mouthed the three words I feared the most right now- " I found you". I blinked once and he was gone. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I pulled away from Damon's embrace, shaking, and he looked at me confused.

" Danielle are you okay?" He asked me as I looked at my hands. " Danielle, you are shaking. What's wrong?" He asked me worried and I shook my head, trying to hide the tears that threatened to fall. He grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him. " Talk to me." He said softly, as if he really cared. I shook my head again.

" I'm sorry Damon. I have to go. Excuse me." I said and got free from his grip and began to run away not looking back.

I somehow managed to get home and as soon as I was in the house I locked every door and ran up to my room. I took out my suitcase and packed down everything. I changed into jeans and a t-shirt and let out my hair. I had to get out of Mystic Falls before he got here. I screamed as my door suddenly burst open.

" Oh My God Damon!" I said when I realized it was just him. He was glaring at me.

" What's wrong with you?" He yelled at me. I looked at him and noticed he was mad. Trust me, if this was a cartoon he would have smoke coming out of his ears.

" Damon I'm sorry I-"

" Explain!" He demanded then he noticed my suitcase. " Are you leaving?" He said pointing at the suitcase. I slowly nodded and he ran his hand through his hair. " Are you freaking real?" He asked me. " I just told you that I like you as more than a friend and we kiss and then you run away from the place and I find you at home packing?" He asked me and I nodded.

" Sit down Damon." I said calmly. He looked at me as if I was crazy. " Sit down dammit! I don't have much time!" I yelled and he finally sat down.

" I think it's time for you to hear the rest of the story." I said and sat down next to him. " The man my sister and I both fell in love with was called William. I never liked the way he played with me and my sister but I still stayed with him. I loved him, what was I supposed to do. One evening my father invited him over for dinner. I was always good at acting so I hid my feelings well while Rebecca practically threw herself at him in front of our father and mother. After dinner my father wanted to speak with William and they went to his office. I followed them and over heard that William was planning to marry Rebecca." I took a breath and continued.

" I was of course heartbroken and went to the tavern to get drunk and hopefully forget everything. Just when I had begun to feel the effect of the alcohol William and Rebecca walked into the tavern. After a fiew smart comments and conversation I somehow got Rebecca to leave. I didn't tell William I over heard his conversation with my father but I told him that he had to chose between me or Rebecca. He began to kiss me and I was once again lost in his charm." I felt Damon stiffen next to me. He was listening intently to my story and wasn't interuppting like he would have normally.

" He took me home that night and while he was kissing me he told me that he had chosen me and then bit me. That night he turned me and there was nothing I could do about it. The next day, when I woke up I noticed the blood on the bed and when he walked in I had realized what he was. Once again he charmed me and told me that we could spend the rest of eternity together. When I asked him what to do about Rebecca he told me he had taken care of it." I said close to tears. Damon took my hand.

" He had killed her." Damon finished for me and I nodded.

" And it was all my fault. Just because I had been so selfish." I cried on Damon's shoulder knowing that I usually never would, but my life story always seemed to bring back tears. " After the funeral William talked to my father and they arranged a wedding for me and William. I was going to talk to my father and tell him what William had done but my father wouldn't listen because he was in too much pain from losing his oldest daughter so I went to my mother. I told her everything and told her what I was now and she surprized me, when she accepted it. She told me to run away from the town and never come back. She told me that I should forget. Forget about everything and that it wasn't my fault. I did as she told me and ran away from my home." I told him as he held me.

" After that I was on the run. William and I crossed paths many times and he always seemed to want to get me to marry him or torture me for fun. Last time he found me was 1983 in Chicago." Damon raised an eyebrow. " Katherine had helped him find me." I confirmed and he let our a breath. I lifted my shirt up and showed him the scar on my hip. " It never healed. That's how bad the torure was. I managed to escape and he hasn't been able to find me until today." Damon looked at me confused.

" What are you saying Dani?" He asked me and I swallowed.

" I saw him today. At the event. He was right across our street." I told him and he clenched his fist.

" Stay here Danielle and we'll kill him." I shook my head.

" No. This isn't your battle to fight! I started this and I need to fight it myself." I told him. " I need to leave for now, but I'll be back. I promise." I said and he looked me in the eyes.

" How can I know that?" He asked me. I smiled and took of my locket.

" My mother gave me this, right before I left home. I want you to have it." I said handing it to him. He hesitated but then took it. " I will be returning to take that back from you." I winked at him standing up. I grabbed my suitcase. " Go back to town and act as if nothing is wrong. When you get home later, tell Elena and Stefan the truth. Don't look for me." I said with my back turned to him. He grabbed me and turned me around. He caressed my cheek softly.

" Don't take to long Danielle." He whispered.

" I won't Damon. Remember as long as you have that locket, I will be returning to Mystic Falls and more importantly, to you." I said and closed the gap between us. The kiss wasn't as long as the one at the event, but it was filled with more passion then anything I had ever felt. I pulled away. " I need to go now." I said and he looked at me.

" Good b-" I silenced him with my lips. He was just about to kiss back when I pulled away.

" Don't say good bye." I told him and he nodded. " I'll see you soon." I said and he nodded.
" See you soon." He agreed and we kissed one last time before I left. I looked around quickly before I ran to my car and started it. I qickly drove away from the Salvatore Boarding house. I glanced at the porch and saw Damon standing there and just as I blinked he was gone. I sighed at looked at the map on the front passanger seat.

" Washington DC, here I come." I mumbled sadly.

I was looking at the road ahead of me, trying to stop thinking about Damon. The music was playing loud and I was still holding bak tears. Oh Rebecca, how I miss you, I thought. That was when I noticed a car in front of me. I slowed down slightly because I was driving over the speed limit, when suddenly it turned and hit my side of the car making me drive of the road. I hit my head on the stearing wheel from the impact with a tree. I opened my eyes and slowly got out of the car. I looked around and didn't see the other car anywhere.

" What the-" I began but felt a sharp pain in my side. My hand flew to the place and I felt something sticking out. I looked at it and saw what it was. It was a shot, probably filled with vervain concidering that I was getting dizzy. I took it out of me hoping to get away because I knew what was coming. Just like in 1983. I began to walk but fell over and hit the cold ground. I turned around wincing in pain and saw a blurry picture of someone knealing down next to me. I noticed the same brown hair I had seen in town earlier today. I felt my eyelids getting heavier after another shot was fired.. I put up my hand to protect myself.

" Please." I said in a low voice that I barely recognized myself. " William." I managed to say.

" Hello Dani." He said, smiling at me grimly, when everything suddenly turned black.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Okay so I can only imagine what some of you might be thinking right now. I wont really guess but you can tell me in a review! =) Tell me if you want me to post the sequel okay? I have already written a fiew chapters on it and I hope you'll like it when I post it.

So this was the final chapter of this story. What did you think about it? If many people review then I might post the sequel in about two day or so! :D

I want to make a special shout out to: Noelle, Ana and .LoL! Your reviews have been especially supporting. Of course I love all other people who have reviewed too! You guys are all awesome! So once again thank you.

For the last time on this story:

Have a good day

