I haven't updated in a while for this one, but I was watching a video about these two and this song was a part of it, and I fell in love. This writing doesn't do the song justice though. Plus, the Titanic's on. Oh, I'm crying 'cause of that. The captain's about to die..and the band is playing their last song. That part always gets me...

Words: 250.

Song: Broken by Lifehouse.

She had been his everything. His life. His love. His reason for breathing. His reason for waking up every fucking morning and going to school. His reason for writing. Everything.

She had broken his heart, but somehow it kept beating. Anytime someone even mentioned her name, or anything relatively close to her name, his heart broke into a million pieces. He would sit in the bookstore that once held so many memories, alone, as he waited for her to walk through those doors and come back into his life.

He was still holding on. He was barley holding on, but he still had a tight grip on it. He wasn't sure what that "it" was, but he knew it had to be something of her's like everything else was.

Of course, after the break up, when he was released from the hospital, he lost his way for a while. He never forgot his way home, but he lost his mind a little. He saw her everywhere because every girl he looked at turned into her.

Her blue eyes. Her beautiful face. Her short, curly hair. Her favorite jean jacket. Her oversized bag that she always carried. Her promise ring. Her smile.

Every night, he'd lie in bed, reading those old papers she wrote or notes she passed him, waiting for the broken clock to strike midnight before he'd finally put them down and go to bed. It gave him comfort.

It wasn't the only thing broken in his room.

I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing

With a broken heart that's still beating

In the pain, there is healing

In your name I find meaning