Chapter 19: A Greater Darkness
Shao Khan revealed a murderous grin whilst observing the onslaught before his very eyes. The final two combatants in the Mortal Kombat Tournament; Ulquiorra Schiffer the fearsome ghost who silently stalks his prey and the human child, Ichigo Kurosaki. For a mere human to possess such strength was admirable, however he was the last of his fellow Earthrealm warriors left alive and with all of their heroes now no more than corpses rotting in the soil, they were left purely undefended for the great Khan's invasion force.
It would all be so very easy.
He could spare the time to watch the battle.
As expected the bone-white demon held the upper hand, toying with the boy and effortlessly evading his strikes. That was all until the boy suddenly landed a few strikes of his own. The ghoul simply stood there and took a beating, all the while not batting an eyelid at his own injuries. When the Kurosaki boy had to stop and recollect himself the beast had uttered something about passing the test. He had picked up his sword and chanted something else.
Then the world had turned black.
Shao Khan was at first taken aback by the bloody rain, but in time he had begun to laugh, truly overjoyed by the display of unbelievable power.
The Kurosaki boy is doomed to die a most painful death. This tournament is as good as finished.
Khan rose from his throne, prepared to declare the winner before the final blow had even been dealt. He raised his hands to the sky and inhaled deeply.
But just as his jaws parted to utter his proclamation, the darkness around them grew thicker. So dense had the abyssal storm grown that many of his lesser peons surrounding him collapsed to the ground, dead.
Khan clenched his fists and grit his teeth, suffocating under the immense pressure. Such power...
He glared over at the two combatants, expecting Ulquiorra to be preparing for a fatal blow, but rather he had taken some steps back, eyes wide in shock. The very act of his expression changing sent tingles down the Khan's spine.
This power...It cannot be! The boy?!
Where Ichigo Kurosaki once stood, a whirling mass of red energy now raged. The tempestuous twister of pure energy radiated intense shockwaves which sent more people dropping like flies. Half of the audience had fallen. All dead. The others were fleeing for their lives to safer ground, clawing their way out of the abyssal sea in which their brothers drowned.
Khan couldn't help but smirk at the sheer intensity of the young man's power. As far as he could remember, not a soul alive from Earthrealm had ever amassed such strength. Even if the lad were to die he had earned an honourable death. Perhaps he should force his slaves to erect a statue of the boy in his home town once it is reduced to ashes, Khan thought.
An unholy scream ripped across the battlefield and sent all who remained standing to bow on their hands and knees. The earth cracked and split apart under the weight of the sonic assault whilst the storm of energy spread outwards and erupted in a mighty explosion of reishi.
The boy was no longer recognisable.
His orange locks, now grown into a beastly mane which cascaded down his bone white back. The roaring winds whipped what remained of his shihakusho around in the wind, billowing like a cape. The hands clenched tightly around his jet black katana were a pearl white, tipped with fearsome talons which clicked against the handle of his sword. Curved horns jutted out from his skull, which had morphed into a ghastly visage of death. Fangs reminiscent of knife blades protruded from his jaws, so large it could not close properly. Markings of blood red streaked down his skeletal features like tears. The beast snarled, a cloud of mist escaping his cavernous jaws.
Ulquiorra stared at the monstrosity; his expression receded almost entirely back to normal. Nonetheless he could feel it himself. His hand was shaking. With a slightly heavier inhale than usual he managed to still his quivering hands but he was well aware of his own surprise.
"A hollow? No, that's not it. What are you, Kurosaki Ichigo?"
Ichigo gnashed his teeth and growled.
"Of course. You are not the same as me. You are simply a mewling dog. Your bark is most definitely worse than your bite. Come. Let me show you what true power is."
Ulquiorra vanished from sight and appeared behind Ichigo. He raised his sword but found his hand snared in Ichigo's grip. The block came so suddenly he had not even noticed until his arms was wrenched aside and a fist like a sledgehammer smashed into his chest. Ulquiorra stumbled back but quickly regained his composure, only to realise Ichigo was gone.
He spun on his heels in time to bear a solid punch to the face. Spittle and blood flew from his black lips as he flew across the battlefield into a pile of rubble. With a near silent curse he rose to his feet and studied the beast as it made its way forward. Concentrating as hard as he could Ulquiorra read his erratic movements and braced himself for the incoming attack. As Ichigo raked his claws down with the force of a speeding truck, Ulquiorra leaned to the side and then quickly ducked back in past the swinging pendulum of the boy's arm, right through his defences.
Not even noticing his predicament, Ichigo followed through with his swing, falling right into the ghost's trap. Ulquiorra slammed his fist up under Ichigo's ribs until he felt bones break and give away. He continued to press his hand into the iron skin of his stomach and pushed until the skin split under the pressure and his fist burrowed through flesh.
A pained roar escaped the beast which thrashed about violently. As it swiped at Ulquiorra, he ducked and leapt free, wrenching his arm out in the process. As Ichigo stood in place and let loose a fierce yet agonised wail, the arrancar warrior jumped back as far as possible while aiming a single finger towards him. A glowing ball of green light grew from his fingertip and exploded outwards in a wave of searing energy.
Ichigo only noticed as the blast bore down upon him and his roar shook the heavens.
Feeling satisfied, Ulquiorra made to leave, but he felt the Kurosaki child's presence even in the aftermath of the explosion which had decimated the entire courtyard.
Amid the destruction and ruin, Ichigo stood alone, not even a scratch on his pale white body.
Once again, Ulquiorra could not conceal his surprise. His eyes widened and his lower lips fell just a little bit. He was truly stunned.
"My cero...He evaded it? No he never moved. That human...He blocked it."
Ichigo roared.
"Hmm. Very well. It seems you are worthy enough to witness my final form. I commend you for forcing me to do so, however know this...You will die. Ressureccion: Segunda Etapa."
Once again, the battlefield was drowned in waves of dense dark black.
Rukia could see the lights of the outside world as she sprinted down the great corridor. From what she could tell it led straight into the stands from where the final battle could be seen. She was so close, yet so far. With a curse she stumbled on her own feet but continued on, slowly regaining her balance. It hurt to breathe but she wouldn't relent, pushing on with all her might.
And then it hit.
A wave of pressure so heavy it threw her to the ground and took the breath from her lungs. Choking and spluttering she rolled onto her side and curled up in a ball.
What on earth is going on out there?! This reiatsu...It's impossible. Those two fighting out there...Their powers defy nature itself! Such immense spiritual pressure should not be possible. It's as if the gods themselves are waging war out there!
She tried to stand, but an invisible hand pushed her down. She could not move. The best Rukia could manage was a slow crawl, her face digging into the floor. Tears stung her eyes as the air began to taste of sulphur. Every breath burned as acid within her lungs. Every movement seemed to strain each muscle and rattle her bones.
Rukia screamed as she pressed on into the near impenetrable darkness. It had become so heavy that the arena itself was obscured by a sheer wall of black.
With every inch she gained closer to that hellish battlefield lingering doubts began to infect her mind. Her body cried out to turn back and escape, but something else bade her to keep on going. She had given her powers to Ichigo. She created this monster.
No, that wasn't exactly right...Her own powers paled in comparison to that of the warriors on that field of war. She had not created such a beast.
She had simply awakened the demons slumbering within Ichigo Kurosaki.
Now they would bring Hell on Earth...
A great howl escaped Ichigo's lips as he raced off towards his foe. Ulquiorra's new form looked even further from human than he had before. Covered in dense fur the colour of coal but with a marble carved torso. A gaping hole sat in the centre of his chest, constantly oozing a vile deep red substance. The very same drained from his glowing eyes, coursing down his cheeks in bloody streaks. Talons as sharp as blades flickered in what little light existed within the darkened void.
The two beasts of the underworld clashed with a climactic explosion which sent debris hailing down across the stands. Few remained to watch on. Thousands of corpses filled the stands to bear witness to the final battle; however the raining bricks and mortar buried many.
Oblivious to the destruction the two clashed again and again, each time unleashing devastating shockwaves to shake the earth beneath their feet.
Shao Khan served the only one still on their feet aside from the combatants themselves. With arms crossed and a devilish smile he stared intently at the battlefield. For a moment he had completely forgotten about his master plan, so utterly engrossed in the magnificent display of blood sport. Excitement coursed through him. The great warlord could barely contain himself. How badly he wanted to rush into the fray and join the fun.
But that was not to be.
He would have his entertainment in due time. After all, good things come to those who wait.
Meanwhile the two demons fought a battle the likes of which none had ever seen. Each strike made the earth tremble and every roar cracked the sky. Every blow rattled the bones of all who bore witness. Such intensity, truly it was a battle to end all battles.
Ulquiorra retained his stone-faced composure, but slowly it was wearing upon his consciousness that the Kurosaki child was still standing. Even after all he had suffered beforehand he was still standing against him. Above all, his sudden and mysterious metamorphosis was of concern. Disregarding the reason, the very creature that stood before him defied all logic. Who was this child? Why was he able to attain such power? What exactly is this power?
Ulquiorra's lips arced down ever so slightly into a frown.
"This is become quite irritating," he murmured. "It would seem it is time to finish this tournament once and for all."
Ichigo charged at him, claws raking across his chest. Ulquiorra stepped aside and grasped the swinging wrist, then using the momentum to throw him into the debris. As Ichigo rose back to his feet Ulquiorra was already upon him, driving his hand through the gaping wound in Ichigo's stomach. With the severe force of the blow his hand exploded out from Ichigo's back amid a glorious red shower. Ulquiorra pressed his entire forearm through and used the momentum of his charge to barrel Ichigo over.
The two grappled, Ulquiorra sustaining some heavy blows in the process. However the damage to the Kurosaki boy was far more severe. A low snarl rattled through his blood flecked lips as Ichigo struggled to rise. He gurgled and spat and grumbled, but Ichigo no longer could pose a threat. He writhed about in agony on the ground, unable to stand.
Ulquiorra wiped blood from his torn lip and stared down at his foe.
"Be honoured, child. You are among the very few opponents to ever force me to release my second form. However even among those few, you are the only one to have drawn blood against me. Unfortunately, none can truly overcome despair. They can kick and scream and claw away at the darkness, but inevitably it will destroy them utterly. None can escape death."
Ichigo's mask began to crack. Blood continued to ooze between his fangs and course down his cheeks into the spreading pool beneath him. The shuddering and writhing had come to slow down as the beast drew its dying breaths.
Ulquiorra did not blink.
Ulquiorra summoned a spear of searing green light and pointed its blazing tip squarely between the demon's blank eyes. His muscles tensed and his arm drew back. Still, Ulquiorra did not blink, nor take his eyes from his foe. It was as if the entire world had vanished, with only himself and his most hated enemy remaining.
A thin stream of blood trailed down from Ichigo's eyes. Tears? Perhaps. Even the beast - blind to reason and restraint – seemed to have acknowledged its defeat. The demon mourned his loss. His battle, though glorious, had reached its end and he was unfortunately the loser.
The victor showed no pride as he prepared for the finishing blow. With a face carved of ice Ulquiorra gave no inclination of any sort of emotion. He simply displayed his killing intent with his spear.
His muscles tensed further and finally released.
The blazing spear tip froze a hair's breadth from Ichigo's face. Both glanced up towards the stands where Shao Khan himself was granting them a standing ovation, all by himself. He dropped down into the ruins of the battlefield and strolled calmly towards the combatants with a vicious sneer.
"Well done! I commend the both of you. Such a truly inspiring display of raw power, hatred and aggression. Your destructive force is so astounding I nearly choked. And so, for providing me with such wonderful entertainment I have decided to spare you both. Congratulations!"
He spread his arms wide and let out a deep bellowing laugh.
"You have fought well. You have earned your rest."
Suddenly Shao Khan's cape fluttered and both combatants were on the ground unconscious. Now with war-hammer in hand, the great warlord studied the two and chuckled.
"Rest well. When you awake all the realms shall be mine! Be sure not to kill one another. That pleasure is to be mine and mine alone! Aha ha ha ha!"