The Story with a Lack of a Name

A large family came pushing and scrambling into a small, dimly lit, slightly smelly motel room. The wall paper was colored a hideous shade of green with the occasional brownish-red spot. The only light came from a single light bulb hanging from the water-drip stained ceiling. Dark maroon carpeting covered the floor. It was dusty, dirty, and had fungus growing on it in a few places. There was a brown, once white, couch in the corner next to a small night stand. Along the bottom of the night stand was a thin square of paint chips that had fallen off of the stand over the years. On top of that stand was a small, red fan with only two rusty blades. This was the room's air-conditioning. In the middle of the disgusting room was a single bed. It had hard lumps in some spots, no support at all in other spots, and one flat pillow without a pillow case. An eleven-year old girl with brown hair looked around the room.

"Let me in first!" shouted her father knocking the door off of its one remaining hinge, as he shoved his way in. "It's been a long day, I'm tired, and I am demanding the bed."

"You take the bed," yelled her brother. "The couch is much more comfortable," he said as he sat down on the couch. A few crunching sounds were heard as he sat. He didn't bother to look to see what was under the cushions.

"Hey, let me sit on the couch!" demanded her twin sister. "You should let the lady have it."

"I could hardly call you a lady," replied the brother with a laugh.

"Shut up!" came the angered reply.

"Just make me."

The sister reached out and slapped her older brother.

"Don't you slap your brother!" the mother firmly scolded.

"He won't let me on the couch!"

The dog started barking.

"Everyone, shut up and let me rest!" shouted the father from the bed.

Soon, and all out brawl was staged in the middle of the motel room.

Reagan Holt was disgusted. Everyone was always fighting and arguing. Why couldn't her family be like a normal family? She decided to go out for a walk.

"I'm going outside for a little bit," she snapped over the roar of her family. The outside of the motel was not much better. There was a flower bed filled with weeds, a few bare patches on the ground, and the remains of a fence. The pink shutters on the windows were broken, needed a new coat of paint, and half of them were missing. As Reagan walked down the cracked sidewalk, she had a thought.

What if I could join another team? All of the others in this hunt are technically my relatives, right? Maybe one of the other teams would accept me. The Kabras? Never! Alistair is too old. Hmm. What if I could join the Cahills? I'm not sure how well I would get along with Amy, but there is Dan. Reagan's thoughts wondered as she thought of Dan. I don't know if a team switch would work. Wait. Was I just fantasizing about Dan? Well, he seems to have potential to be like a Tomas. He loves weapons and violence. Plus, he is kind of cuteā€¦ Snap out of it Reagan! You don't need Dan. Or do you? By now, Reagan had walked around the block.

"I think, I'll have a little conversation with Dan, the next time I see the Cahills," Reagan said to herself as she headed back to the motel room.

A/N- Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry my chapter was a bit short. I guess you could call this a prologue if you want to. I hope my future chapters will be longer. If you have any ideas for the title to this story, could you tell me? I came to a complete dead end when trying to come up with one. Thanks! Review!