Gabriella gulped this was going to be a living nightmares. She looked at Troy.

"Just look at me right at me. Like when we sang together at the winter musical remember?"

She gave a small nod. He kissed her forehead and she went up to the stand.

"Gabriella will you please tell this court when you first met my client."

"I was in the gym with Troy just fooling around laughing and stuff. He comes in telling Troy and I that it's a closed practice. Troy says that practice was over. Mr. Bolton said he wasn't over until the last player left the gym. We all stood there for a minute until Troy introduced me to him. I was polite and tried to shake his hands but he just blew me off and said I was his detention buddy."

"Why would he say that?"

"Because I got Troy detention once causing him to miss practice."

"So you agree Mr. Bolton had the right to be mad at you."

"Yes I can understand him being mad at me and blaming me for Troy missing practice but it does not give him the right to be rude to me. It certainly doesn't give him the right to hit him."

Troy couldn't help but smile. Justin was trying so hard to break her but she was staying strong.

"Ms. Montez when you first met Troy Bolton did you find him cute?"

"Yes I did."

"When you first met my client did you find him cute?"


"When you met Troy and you thought he was cute did you ever picture yourself sleeping with him?"

Gabriella turned bright red.

"OBJECTION! Relevance?" Molly asked.

"I'm getting to it." Justin smirked.

"Overruled." The Judge said.

"I can honestly say that when I first met Troy sex was not the first thing on my mind. You see Mr. Black I may have found Troy cute but I wouldn't have sex with him just because he was cute. I don't plan on having sex with anyone till I'm married. Plus I wouldn't have sex with someone by their looks. It's depends on how much I trust them and love them."

"Did you trust my client?"

"No never."

"So why did you sleep with him?"

"I didn't he forced himself on me."

Justin growled. Jack has said Gabriella was weak and would break easily but this girl wasn't even cracking. She was staying strong. He needed to find a way to break her. If he did that he could trick her into saying she was lying but how? Wait a second this whole time Gabriella has had her eyes glued to Troy so if he forced her to look at him and made the questions more personal she'd break right?

"Ms. Montez please look at me."

Gabriella looked at him and he smirked at her.

"Where is your father?"



"Car crash."

"How long?"

"About a year ago."

"Were you in the car with him?"


"Was he drunk?"

"No my father never drank."

"Did they ever find the person who caused the crash?"

"He died on impact."

"Also I understand you were in a car crash recently yourself?"

"Yes I was."

"Do you know who caused it?"

"Your client."

"Do you have any proof?"

"His word."


"When he first hit me he told me not to tell anyone or he'd make sure my mom suffered the same fate as my dad. Once I finally did tell I was driving my mom's car to meet my friends at the park when another car crashed into me."

"That's why you waited so long to tell because you were scared for your mom's life?"


Justin smirked even bigger. Now he could break her and he would break her to the point she couldn't breathe.

"You told the police after you got in the car crash correct?"


"After my client supposedly crashed into your mom's car trying to kill her?"


"Even though my client supposedly told you not to tell?"


Gabriella looked at Troy. She didn't like where this was going. He blew her a kiss and winked at her making her smile. She looked back at Justin.

"So even though you believed my client had already tried to kill your mom you still went ahead and told the cops everything knowing your mother could be in danger?"

Gabriella didn't answer. When he said it liked that it made her sound like a horrible person. She looked down at her hands.

"Ms. Montez answer the question." The Judge said.

"Yes…." Gabriella whispered softly.

"I'm sorry Gabriella could you speak up?" Justin smirked his plan was working.


"I thought you loved your mother. Why would you endanger her life?"

"I was just…Jack needed to….I did the right thing!"

"So telling the cops on someone who supposedly tried to kill your mother was the right thing?"


Gabriella started to breathe header. This was getting to be too much.

"Is it true your mother moved you around a lot?"


"Did that make you mad?"

"It made me sad."

"Were you mad?"

"I was sad."

"Did your mother moving all the time make you mad at her?"

"OBJECTION asked and answered." Molly called out.

"Move on Mr. Black."

Justin slightly growled. He was planning on using her anger as a reason to want her mother dead. She was cracking he had to get her to break.

"What about fear?"

"Of what?"

"Of moving again. Are you ever scared your mother will move you away from here?"

"Sometimes yes. Sometimes I'll have dreams where I have to move but my mom promised I'd be here till graduation and my mom always keeps her promises."

"Is there any part of you that doesn't trust her or that is even a little scared of moving again?"


Justin slightly growled again. She was cracking but she wasn't breaking. He went over to the table where Jack was.

"You said she'd break easily."

"My son makes her stronger than I thought. Just keep going with mom. She will break soon I can tell. Maria had first thought it was Troy who was hitting her and warned her not to see him anymore or they'd move use that."

Justin went back over to Gabriella.

"When the abuse first started your mother believed it was Troy who was hitting you correct?"


"She forbid you from seeing him and threaten to move you if you did see him right?"


"Did that make you mad?"

Gabriella nodded. She couldn't lie but she hated hurting her mother.

"Please answer Ms. Montez."

"Yes it made me mad."

Justin smirked.

"So I guess it was out of anger that you wanted your mother murdered."


"You were so angry at your mom for what she did that you decided to just let Jack kill her. You told the cops even though Jack warned you not to."

"No….well yes I mean….I told the police but it wasn't because I wanted my mom dead. I love my mom I can't bare to lose her."

"Yet you went ahead and told the police."

"I knew they'd take him to jail." Gabriella whimpered.

Justin's smirk grew.

"What about friends? Jack had friends in high places did he not? Didn't you think about that?"

"He'd be in jail." Gabriella whimpered again.

"You say you care about your mother yet you don't even think of the possible way Jack could kill her? What kind of daughter are you?"

Gabriella shook her head as tears filled her eyes. "I'm a good daughter."

"Does a good daughter kill their own father?"

"I didn't kill my father."

"You were in the car right?"

"Yes but I didn't cause it. Some drunk driver ran a red light. It wasn't my fault."

"Would a good daughter try to get her mother killed by doing the one thing someone said not to?"

"I'm a good daughter. I'm a good daughter."

"No Gabriella you tried to have your mother murdered and you know it. Jack has done nothing wrong. You were a slut who wanted to sleep with your teacher and now you're blaming it all on him. Admit it Gabriella ADMIT IT SLUT!"

"OBJECTION!" Molly yelled.

Gabriella was hysterical now. She cried into her hands shaking too scared to look up. Troy went right over to her and pulled her into his arms. She clung to him and cried into his chest.

"No further questions." Justin smirked.

"We will take a five minute break while Gabriella calms down." The Judge said.

She got up and left. Other in the room left as well. Lucille and Maria went over to her.

"Are you all right sweetie?"


"I don't want you to listen to him. You did the right thing by telling the cops."

Gabriella nodded. Troy kissed her head. "I'm proud of you. You did very well right up till the very end. The look on Justin's face when you didn't break was priceless."

"I did the best I could."

"Your father would be so proud of you right now." Maria said.

"I know."

Molly walked over.

"Are you all right Gabriella?"

"Yes. Just got a little overwhelmed with all his questions."

"You did very well. I'm proud of you. Now I know you don't want to but I've got to ask you some questions will you be up to it?"

"I guess. If it makes Jack pay."

"All right."

Molly went back to the table. After five minutes everyone came into the room and took their seats. Troy sat back at the table with his mom and Maria took her seat in the back. Molly went back over to Gabriella.

"All right Gabriella I only have a few more questions and you will be done. Were you or were you not physically abused by Mr. Jack Bolton?"

"I was."

"Were you or were you not sexually assaulted by Mr. Jack Bolton?"

"I was…"

"Was your mother's life threatened by Mr. Jack Bolton?"

"It was."

"No further questions."

Molly sat back down.

"You may step down."

Gabriella went back to the table. "Are there any more witnesses?"

"Your honor I'd like to call Jack Bolton to the stand." Molly said.

Jack went up the stand.

"Mr. Bolton please tell me your side of what happen."

"Everything Gabriella said was true. I did beat her and I sexually assault her. I did even crash her car thinking it was her mothers. But she deserved it. You see because her father was not around I thought it was up to me to teach her how a man should be treated and when she didn't listen I hit her. The only reason I sexually assaulted her was being I was teaching her how to please a man sexually. I crashed the car because I thought her mother was in there I wanted Gabriella to pay for telling on me. I see no wrong in what I did and think Gabriella was just overreacting."

"No further questions." Molly said.

"No questions." Justin said.

Jack smirked and got off the stand. He went back to his seat.

"All right any more witnesses?"



"All right then. We will break while the jury makes up their mind. The room emptied out again. Gabriella and Troy stayed where they were just holding her each other. A couple minutes later everyone came back in. Gabriella and Troy held their breath as the jury started to speak.

"We the jury find the defendant guilty of physical and sexually abuse of a minor and attempt murder."

"Jack Bolton you are here by sentenced to 10 years in prison. Court dismissed."

A cop took Jack away and Troy and Gabriella hugged. Then hugged their mothers. It was finally over. They could move on with their live and not having to worry about Jack ruining it. Gabriella was so happy Jack was going to jail even if he was Her Boyfriend's Father.

A/N this is the last chapter. Sorry if the ending was bad I never know the right way to end my stories. Anyway thanks to everyone who reviewed or added me and my story to their alerts and favorites. It means a lot to me. Also thanks to everyone who voted. The next story will be History Repeated. Those of you who wanted something else I'm sorry but I'm putting a poll back up for what story you want after History Repeated so go vote and maybe that story will be next. Thanks again for everything guys and keep a look out for my new story.