I don't like blood.

I hate blood.

"Fiona!" Declan bolted out of the room skipping the stairs two at a time, murmuring things like "oh god" and "what happened?" to Fiona who lay with the shattered mirror in the foyer.

She was completely out of it, going on and on about things to the point where I didn't know what she was saying.

"Holly J!" I snapped out of my thoughts immediately and focused in on the situation. Fiona was bleeding heavily out of her head on the right side near her temple. Not to mention all the cuts dripping on to the marble from her arms and legs.

"What should I do?"

"Call for help! Hurry!" I scrambled around them and flew into the kitchen.

"Where's the phone?" I screamed, not actually wanting an answer, throwing magazines and newspapers. Tossing blankets pillows searching for the little black device that could potentially save a life.

"Holly J!"

"I'm looking, dammit!" I snapped back! "I can't find the damn phone!"

"It's in the library," he called, much calmer this time. I barreled down the hall, loosing my footing on the slippery tile as I tried to turn the corner.

9-1-1 the phone beeped back at me.

"C'mon, c'mon," I muttered to the receiver as it rang.

"New York Pol-"

"Yes? Hello! She's hurt, she er fell or something and now she's like knocked out and I don't know bleeding and stuff."

"Is she conscious?" the operator asked calmly.

"I just said no! Just send some help!" I paced back and forth anxiously.

"We're sending an officer to your location," she informed me, "will you be requiring any other type of assistance today, miss?"

"No, thanks." I slammed the receiver down and blasted back to Declan. Where I was greeted by the second surprise of the day.

"She's going to be fine," I insisted "I promise."

"You don't know that," he retorted.

"And you don't know that. I'm trying to be supportive here, Declan. I don't know what else to say."

He sighed. "I'm sorry, you're right."

"Mr. Coin? You can visit your sister now."

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"She's stable. We put her on medication to ease the plain and stop some of the swelling. We're sure she'll be fine, but just to be sure we'll keep her over night."

"I'm going to go see her," Declan walked slowly, dragging his feet across the floor.

"Doctor?" I asked "be honest with me, is she going to be 100% better?"

"Are you family?" I hadn't expected him to ask.

"Well, no. But Declan is my boyfriend, and they'd want me to know –"

"Sorry, Mr. Coin is not here with you, and you're not a relative. I can't release any more information, hospital protocol."

"Right," I mumbled.

I turned around to find Declan, sitting on Fiona's bed, his hand enclosing hers. And I had the weirdest feeling, like I wasn't supposed to be there.

A/N Sorry it's sooooooo short! I have finals tomorrow so I have to study, but I wanted to update at least one story tonight! Reviews are adored! Thanks!