A/N- Hey! This is my second ongoing story! YAAAY! And, don't worry, I'm still writing California Dreamin'… Sorta. I'm just thinking that I'm writing two series, and what the heck am I gonna do when school starts! Eighth grade… GAAA! I just hope my dream doesn't come true and I get a locker next to this really annoying boy in my grade, 'cause that would really suck, and my awesome 8th grade year would go out da window. If you actually read these author's notes, wow, thanks for caring! Thanks to Rin Winter's, for helping me with the title of this story, and for inspiring me to write this with her family story, SE After Story. If you didn't read this story, THEN DO IT ALREADY! AND THE REST OF HER STORIES, SHE'S A BUTT KICKING AUTHOR! And I'd also like to thank, once again, my cousin for editing. I don't think I mentioned this, but she doesn't even LIKE Soul Eater, yet she continues to read, edit, and encourage me on my stories! I think she deserves a round of applause! *Random people come into my (temporary) room and start clapping* What the- WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!

DISCLAIMER- If I owned Soul Eater, then I would have bought a pet monkey by now! Well, I could always just kidnap Black Star, but then I'd have to own him, too, which I don't (Thank God, If I was stuck with him 24/7, id kick him out a window!

Soul Eater: Future Resonance

Chapter One


"Oh, shut up, will ya!"

"I can't! H-he's DEAD"


"Hey! Gimme that!"





"Da dun, da dun… (That's the Jaws theme song, for the record.)







Soul and Maka Evans ran into their living room, to be greeted by a sight that pretty much ruined their morning.

"Oh, don't tell me!" Maka exclaimed. "You two were fighting!"

"It's Percy's fault!" Their thirteen year old daughter, Resonance defended. "He stole my book!"

"Yeah, because you were way too into it… again!" Percy, Resonance's fraternal twin argued.



"Enough! Both of you!" Soul said. "Now will you kindly explain what happened?"

"I was reading my book-"Resonance started

"Yeah, if you could call it reading. 'Oh no! Watch out! Duck! NO! YOU CAN'T DIE NOW!'" Percy mimicked in an overly high pitched girly voice.

"Shut it, birdbrain." Resonance retorted.

"Continue…" Maka prompted.

"And Percy took it and threatened to rip it to shreds!" Resonance finished.

"Yeah, then the one with anger management issues over here tackled me to the ground, and my arm knocked the vase off the table." Percy added.

"Please, I do not need anger management!" Rez defended.

"You TACKLED ME TO THE GROUND!" Percy yelled.

"HEY!" Soul exclaimed, getting the twin's attentions. "Percy, give Rez back her book."

Percy reached down and picked up a hardcover book. Once he saw it, both his and Rez's eyes widened. It had a HUGE hole in it, with several other rips and tears.

"Y-you- my- MY BOOK!" Rez stuttered.

"Oh, boy" Maka muttered. "Rez, it's fine, we'll get you a new one."

"Fine." Rez grumbled "You're gonna get it, Percy, I was at the best part."

"Oh, why did you two have to do this today of all days, you know we have company coming!" Maka sighed exasperated.

"We do! Who?" Rez inquired, clearly unaware of the day's plans.

"Black Star, Tsubaki, Suki, Kid, Crona, Suzie, Zander, Liz, Justin, Nick, and Patty." Maka explained.

"Ooooh, then this" Rez said, indicating the vase now shattered on the ground. "Is really not good, is it?"

"Wow, finally caught on, have you?" Percy mocked.

"You know what-"

Maka grabbed Rez around her waist, Soul doing the same to Percy to keep them from charging at each other.

"You two clean this up, we have to go and get some groceries, try not to kill each other while were gone. And Percy, put your scythe arm away, we don't want another accident." Soul said.

"Fine." Rez and Percy said simultaneously.

And with that, Soul and Maka left the apartment, leaving the annoyed kids to clean up the vase.

"Ya know," Rez started. "You didn't have to break out the scythe arm."

Percy smirked, looking just like his dad with his snow white hair, crimson red eyes and jagged teeth. "You're just jealous 'cause you're a meister and you don't get a weapon arm… or any other body part for that matter."

Rez smiled, rolling her green eyes, flipping her braid, the color identical to Soul and Percy's, behind her back, hair almost reaching her waist. "Ha ha, very funny, Perce."

And like that, their previous anger was gone. The two didn't get into many fights, so when they did, they didn't last for very long.

About a half hour later, Soul and Maka entered the apartment and saw the vase shards cleaned up, and Percy and Rez watching TV (yeah, 'cause REZ DOSEN'T HAVE A BOOK! Good going, Perce!)

"Wow, you cleaned up the place, too! Nice job!" Soul praised.

"Well, we figured that if we left the apartment a mess, you, mom, and Kid would freak out." Rez replied.

"True…" Maka trailed off.

Then they heard a voice from outside the door say "I'm just saying, if you tried, I'm sure you would be able to look nice and symmetrical!"

Guess who?

"I got it" Maka offered.

"Yes" Rez and Percy hissed under their breaths as Percy turned off the TV.

Maka opened the door to be greeted by Black Star, Tsubaki, and their daughter Suki, as well as Kid, Crona, and their son, Zander and daughter, Suzie. Liz and her husband, Justin Anderson and their son Nick, and Patty, who has yet to be married, shortly followed.

After the Evans' gave their greetings, Rez took Suki and Suzie to her and Percy's room, while Percy took Nick and Zander and went to play basketball. The adults went into the living room to talk.

And talk they did…

A/N- Heh heh, sorry for ending it there. Ill update soon and you'll see each of the group's conversations. And if you were wondering, Soul, Maka, Rez, and Percy still live in Soul and Maka's old apartment. Soul and Maka share Soul's room, and Rez and Percy share Maka's old room. If you wanted to know. How they all fit, I have no idea! Well, Maka's room isn't that small, so they'll be fine. OH! And to clear one thing up! Crona is a GIRL in the fanfic. Yeah, Crona's a boy in one of my stories, then a girl in the other! Deal with it! And I'm going to put up character profiles (of the kids) up on my profile, so you can learn the basic info of the characters.

I hope you liked it! Please review (again, constructed criticism and flames are encouraged)! Kid and Crona aren't emo, despite what many may think! Bye!