In the months that followed, Jasson and Mara rekindled their former friendship, easily falling into a new routine. During the day, Jasson performed his duties as his father's squire while Mara attended her courses at the University, usually meeting for lunch. After dinner, the teenagers explored the palace and the surrounding lands, passing the boundaries set for their childhood selves. Faithful followed everywhere they went, causing their parents to joke that the cat was keeping an eye on the duo. Rumours inevitably circulated about the Prince's intentions with his close friend, ones Jonathan, Thayet, Alanna, and Raoul sought to silence. "They're friends," one would say with a shrug. "They haven't spoken in some time." Even so, their parents enjoyed seeing the friendship return.

"I never see you anymore," Neal complained to Mara one afternoon, blocking her path in the hallway. "Have I been replaced?"

"Never," she promised with a smile.

"For a fear the Prince has supplanted me in your affections." Neal grabbed her hand and pressed it to his chest. "How it hurts my heart, Lady Mara! Can you not feel it break?"

"Does Uncle Thom let you be this silly?" she asked, taking her hand back. "I can't imagine he tolerates it."

Neal smiled impishly. "I save it for moments when I am alone."

"We are still talking about your silliness, I hope."

"Of course." Neal slung an arm around her shoulders. "So where are we off to today, fair maiden?"

She removed his arm. "I am off to see Jasson. I don't know where you are going."

"Can't I come? I know the Prince."

"You may know him, but does he like you?"

"Everyone likes me," Neal replied with a huff. "How dare you insinuate otherwise!"

"If I offend you, will you leave me alone?"

"Why, Lady Mara." Neal's eyes glittered in a wicked way she unfortunately recognized. "Do you wish to be alone with His Highness?" Her friend waggled his eyebrows.

"No," she answered. "You're just being annoying."

"It never bothered you before."

"Yes, well, I've grown up."

Neal snorted. "I'll believe that when I see it." He tossed his hair. "I can see when I am not wanted. I shall find my valiant knight-master and see if he requires my assistance."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Mara told him. "Roger's just returned from his trip to the City of the Gods."

Neal shuddered. "I will find something else to do then. Perhaps I will wait a week."

"That might be best." Mara grinned. "We'll spend time together soon. I promise."

"I will hold you to that," he warned, kissing her hand. "Farewell, sweet lady."

She swept a dramatic curtsy. "My lord." Mara watched her friend as he walked down the hall, shaking his head. What was that? a voice inquired. Mara looked down at Faithful, who she discovered sometimes chose to allow her to understand his sounds as speech.

"That was Neal," she informed the cat. "Can't you hear?"

Aren't you charming, he drawled.

Mara rolled her eyes. "You could leave, you know. I'm not holding you here. And that was just Neal being Neal. Why?"

No reason. Faithful trotted ahead. Are you coming? You aren't supposed to keep princes waiting, you know.

"I refuse to take etiquette lessons from a cat," she muttered.

Then stop forgetting the ones you've been taught.

"What have I missed?" Roger of Conté asked, reclining back in his favourite chair and allowing his dressing gown to fall open.

"Not much," Thom of Trebond replied, pouring them each a cup of lemonade. He smiled. "Unless you're looking for gossip."

"You listen to gossip?" Roger raised an eyebrow at the younger man, surprised even after all their years together.

Thom shrugged. "When my sister is involved."

"Again?" Roger shook his head. "I thought she grew out of that years ago."

"As did I." Thom sipped his lemonade. "Unfortunately, rumours about her and Jonathan's relationship have been circulating again." Roger made a non-committal noise, and Thom went on, "It's unfortunate, given Mara and Jasson's friendship."

"I thought they weren't speaking." Roger ran a finger around the rim of his cup.

"They weren't." Thom shrugged. "Things change."

"Is there talk of their marriage?"

"Jasson cannot speak to a lady these days without someone wondering if she'll be the next queen," Thom answered, shaking his head. "He's too young for such talk."

"Some marry at sixteen," Roger reminded him.

"Not if that someone is the sole heir to the throne." Thom sighed. "Can we change the subject? I feel odd gossiping. That's my sister's territory."

Roger smiled. "Of course." Thom began to explain some of his own research, but Roger was only half listening.

More or less a throwaway. I'm trying to figure out how to take this story where I want it to go. I'm also suffering a little because I don't have copies of the books here at school. I have ebook versions, but those are a little harder for me to navigate than my physical copies. Hope you enjoyed.