Severus couldn't stop the rare smile that spread on his lips as he looked out over the snow covered grounds. There had been a fresh snow just a few hours ago and nobody had yet walked on it. It was the simple things that made him happy, as well as many other people. Like his being the first foot prints in the fresh snow. That lovely crunch under his feet just made the experience better. At least nobody was around to see him enjoying himself just walking down the sloped ground. His thick black cloak was now flecked with spots of white snow. In his gloved hand he held a broomsitck, top of the range thanks to his friendship with Lucius Malfoy. He had enjoyed flying whilst he was a student and only ever now used a broom for refereeing Quidditch matchs or missions for the Dark Lord. It was about time he flew for his own enjoyment. Making it to level ground he let the broomstick hover at his side as he adjusted his scarf so it covered most of his face. He refastened his cloak and mounted the broom. Casting a glance around him, he kicked off hard and soared into the air.

He had expected the cold air to bite at him as he flew higher but he barely noticed it, even as his cloak flapped open. He was just enjoying himself too much to care. After several minutes of whizzing around in circles he decided to do a few more tricky moves. Loops, spins, spirals and dives were all moves that he knew well and easily executed them. This was the best way to just relax in his mind. The wind whipped his hair around his face but he kept his hand firmly on the handle as he sped up to dizzying speeds. He was completely in a world of his own.

As Severus soared as a black spec in the sky, somebody else made there way out of the main doors of the castle. Minerva was planning on having a nice walk beside the lake and reached the edge before noticing a figure above her. She had to squint but eventually she recognized the man as Severus. She contemplated calling up to him but he was too high, there was no way he would hear her. So with a shrug of her shoulders, she started her walk.

High up above her, the Potions Master was still having fun. That was until a bloody great bird flew out of nowhere, colliding with the front of his broom. The handle veered him off course and sent him into a nose dive. The shock of what was happening caused him to pull up but the broomstick just wouldn't react. He then made the mistake of taking his hands off the handle, but he needed his wand! As soon as he relinquished control, the broom spun him and he fell, crashing into the freezing cold black lake. All the air rushed out of his lungs as his body was enveloped in the freezing water. His hands fumbled around his pockets for his wand as he managed to keep his head above the water. The cold was causing him to lose feeling in his hands and the water soaking his clothes slowly dragged him down. Taking one last gulp of air he sank under the water, the ice cold biting into his skin through his clothes.

Struggling to pull his wand from his pocket he found himself being dragged underwater. He felt something tugging at his ankle just as he pulled his wand free. Aiming a curse at the bind he started to swim back up to the surface. He was gradually getting colder and colder but he had to reach the surface. He took in a deep gulp of air as soon as he surfaced, the cold air like ice in his lungs. Bringing his shaking hand out of the water he used a spell to project himself straight to shore, forgetting about the broom. He was literally washed up on shore, wheezing as the breaths caused him such incredible pain. He struggled to hold onto his wand but it slowly rolled away from him. Closing his eyes, he let the darkness envelop him.

Minerva had heard the loud splash out on the lake and spun around to see what on earth could have made that noise. After a moment scanning the water, she didn't see anything. That was when she noticed Severus was no longer in the sky. Her eyes widened and she rushed to the spot where she could see he was directing himself now that he had surfaced.

"Severus!" She reached him just as he slipped out of it. She cursed under her breath and drew her own wand from under her cloak. At least she could take care of him, it was lucky she had been there. She used a quick spell to dry him out and warm him up before levitating him just a few feet in the air. He needed to see Madam Pomfrey. Now. "Severus.." She whispered, watching his still face. There was little chance of him being in too much danger, but there was still that little chance.. Wasn't there?

I know it's a short start but there's more to come.. Make up for my other unfinished one :P

Please review :)
