I do not own PJO, only the characters I have created.


A boy with eyes as dark as night, and a past even darker, ran through the deserted alleys in New York City. Beads of sweat lined his angular face and made criss-cross patterns down his dark skin. His eyes were wide with fright.

His legs felt like lead as he dragged forward.

How much longer could he run, avoided, and skirt around what was bound to follow. You can only run for so long before you have to face the music.

He'd been running for such a long time.

And he was tired.

Destiny was going to catch up eventually so why delay the inevitable.

He wasn't going to run away any more.

Nico unsheathed his sword and turned to the man stepping out of the shadows.

This is the first chapter in my first story so please comment!

Me: Do you think people will like the story?

Nico: If it's about me, how could they not?

Percy: *rolls eyes*