A big thanks to my beta Maggie,(.net/u/1999607/Mahersal)for editting this.

Please enjoy!


The lunch bell, finally! Yugi sighed. He couldn't bear another word from his teacher who gave too many lectures.

"Surprise!" A blonde haired guy, who was much taller than Yugi, yelled as he sprang in front of him. Yugi jumped at the sudden burst of excitement, and then he realized that it was only his best pal, Joey Wheeler.

"Argh! Joey! Jeez, one day your going to give me a heart attack!" Yugi said as shook his head. After all those years of being alone, he was happy that he now had a friend with him, even if that certain friend did scare the life out of him.

Joey laughed.

Yugi stepped in front of his locker and began to enter the combination on his lock. The lock clicked open.

"Hurry up, Yuge, I'm hungry!" Joey complained as Yugi slowly bent over his backpack. A growling noise came over them. Yugi turned to Joey.

"Is that your stomach?" He asked, wondering how on earth someone's tummy could be so loud.

"Yep! Now hurry up!" Joey said, putting both hands to his mid- section and groaning.

Yugi waved his hand at his friend and nodded, putting his math book away. The lock clicked shut and he and Joey descended the hallway to the cafeteria.

"Let's go," Joey said rubbing his stomach.

Tea and Tristan, Joey and Yugi's other friends, had met up with them at their usual lunch table. As Yugi sat down, he smiled at his friends, glad he had finally stood up for himself and asked Tristan and Joey to stop bullying him. Tea was also beside him in the whole 'stop the bullying' business, and it didn't hurt that she wasn't afraid to get in guy's faces.

Tea pulled out a ham and cheese sandwich, frowning slightly that this was the third time that week she had ham. Tristan laughed, but his smile faded as he pulled out a can of cold soup…for the third time this week. Yugi and Joey sniggered at their friend's lunches. They usually just ate whatever the school cafeteria had. But unfortunately, for them, today's lunch special was rice with a side of steamed veggies. In the best lunch contest, they all lost. The whole gang chatted and laughed lightly about what had happened at the mall last night, which had turned out to be quite an interesting adventure.

When they all finished eating, Yugi and Joey went outside since they had a finished lunch early and had ten minutes left. They left Tea and Tristan, who needed to finish some homework that the "stupid, dumb, idiot of a teacher"gave them, according to Tristan.

Joey flinched at the sudden sunlight as they walked through the doors.

"Whoa, it's sure bright today," he shielded his eyes with the palm of his hand.

Yugi nodded. "Sure is."

They left the school campus and walked up a hill, which led them to a small park about three blocks away. The park consisted of two swings, a set of monkey bars, a flying fox, one miniature slide, and a rusty fireman's pole. Joey and Yugi looked at each other and immediately ran for the swings. As Yugi laughed, his mind flipping to the quote, "Great minds think alike." His laughter was ceased when a sudden voice shouted a familiar name.

"Hey! Wheeler! I have unfinished business with you!" A buff, dark skinned man with a white tank top and a pair of ripped jeans yelled as he approached them, eyeing the swings with a 'you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me' look.

Yugi stopped swinging, gawking at the size of the male. Joey simply sighed and rolled his eyes, nodding at the newcomer. The man got the message and walked off toward one of the infamous dark alleyways of Domino.

"Yugi, stay here." His brown eyes filled with a sudden seriousness. "I'll be right back."

Yugi shook his head. "No, Joey, you can't-"

"Listen, Yugi. I'm fine, just... stay here." Joey insisted, then ran off in the direction of the man.

Yugi stared after Joey. Should he help his friend? Of course he should, but his stupid nerves held him back. Frustrated, Yugi kicked at the ground and gazed at the grass in front of him. Something was sparkling and it wasn't Edward Cullen from 'Twilight'. Yugi tilted his head and began to walk towards it, nerves forgotten and curiosity taken over. He followed the glimmer, growing closer and closer to it.

Yugi blinked, spotting a black notebook with a plastic steal, and the words "My Journal" sprawled in handwriting laying on the grass. He forced his eyes away from the notebook, looking around to see if anybody noticed it. The park was empty besides a few chattering squirrels. No one seemed to be looking for it. Yugi looked back at the notebook.

Surely, there must be a name somewhere on it. He thought.

Yugi picked up the book and opened it. Nothing was written on the inside cover or the first page. He flipped quickly though, expecting to find something.

The whole journal was blank. This was weird. Who left a notebook in a park with nothing written in it?

"Hey, Yuge! I was wondering where you went." Joey's voice came for behind. Yugi suddenly felt no one should know of his find and quickly threw the notebook into a nearby bush.

"Sorry, I was bored." Yugi said, trying to act as natural as possible. A faint ringing sound filled the park.

"Is that the bell? I can't believe lunch is over already." Joey said, frowning. Yugi shrugged, falling into step with Joey on the way back to school.

The last two periods of the day flew by. Yugi didn't have a clue what the lessons were about, nor did he really care. All he could think about was that black notebook. He almost had a panic attack when the final bell rang. He eagerly gathered his stuff and ran to his locker. With papers flying out of his backpack and after explaining that he had to 'do something important' to his friends, he ran out of the school, to the park, hoping the notebook was still in the bush that he hid it in. Clasping the smooth outer layer of the notebook, he once again read the words, "My Journal" as he lifted it from the bush. He sat in the soft grass and opening the front cover, Yugi took out a blue pen from his bag and wrote:

My name is Yugi.

He smiled at the cheesy beginning, but was a start. His smile turned to a frown when his writing disappeared. Yugi gasped. The blue ink had faded into the paper and something else had taken its place.

My name is Atem.