Okay! Chapter 3 is up. I apologize for, once again, updating so late. Please don't give up on me! I'm still here.

Anyways. NEGIMA IS NOT MINE! It is Ken Akamatsu's. Regardless, I hope you enjoy my use of his characters. xD

The Patient Chapter 3: Goliath

Yue trudged through the eerie green hall. Her feet kicked empty rusted cans, brushed spoiled newspapers, cracked dead leaves. All around her she saw wary, bedraggled travelers like herself bent over rations of gruel and hardtack... but she had no time for pity, or empathy. Only survival. She collapsed into a seat at one of the room's corner tables, glancing at her usual companions.

She didn't know what it was about them, but they seemed to shine. Their clothes were washed and white, and their skin was clean, their hair brushed and neat. They reminded her of the world before. Haruna had the same cheeky, inviting grin that made her eyes twinkle. As well as her appearance and the odd glow emitted by her, her food looked considerably better too. No hardtack, but a roll of bread, with a small saucer of butter and a knife with which to spread it. She had the same porridge, but it looked a lot less suspicious, in a china bowl not speckled with strange black things and dirt. Nodoka had the same.

Yue thought the two must have been some strange apparitions, or angels, or some kind of lost race. Especially Nodoka. She was shy and modest, something Yue thought void of the world. 'She's ridiculously beautiful, too.' Yue thought, thinking of her warm eyes, her shy yet beautiful smile, and the blush that always accompanied it... though, the girls she met the other day were too. Emily and Collete. They shone like Nodoka and Haruna did - a beacon of clarity in her dark sea of confusion. She loved them, yet was baffled by them. What were they? What was their secret? Where did they come from, Yue wondered. There were too many questions for the meager answers she received from her guide, Alabrastor.

Out of all the people she had encountered before, Alabrastor was the strangest. It looked like some kind of demon, made of a powdery marble rock and stringy red muscles. It was void of any kind of skin, and had an elongated neck, an angular face and rows of teeth sharp enough to rip flesh. Despite its terrifying appearance, Alabrastor never moved to hurt her, or even touch her. It sat across from her and asked her questions, and when she answered, it would let out a low chuckle, and tell her what she must do. Shockingly enough, it would normally be right, and seemed strangely moral.

Alabrastor, despite its grizzly appearance, was a just being.

She supposed that's why it focused so heavily on the appearance of things - "Situations are never as the seem," and "People are much more than they first appear." Yue had realised this was not talking about being gullible, or being more cautious, but about not assuming based on your own perception. There are always several sides of a story, and unless you look from every perspective, you will never see the true one - if there is something large blocking your path, it is a wall. That is one assumption, when in fact it could be a part of some huge animal that, when angered by your trying to break or move it, eats you. That was one of the examples Alabrastor had given her, and she had understood then - your senses are limited, and can get you into a lot of trouble. Yue had been having radical thoughts lately - of conspiracies, and truths of existence. Nodoka, Haruna, Collete and Emily were proof that something strange was going on - that things, the entire world, life itself was not as it seemed. Whether it was as large a picture as that, she wasn't sure. But it was very possible. Was it some kind of secret organization...? A government keeping secrets? Or was it as Alabrastor had hinted - her own mind?

They had been talking, as they always did, and the topic of Yue's recent thoughts came up. Alabrastor had listened and asked questions, testing and analyzing the various ideas with her. But it had said something curious then. "There isn't just one world...there are 5 billion worlds, each one more or less beautiful in a billion different ways. Almost three-quarters of what we experience is effected by our own perceptions, as is the world and the people around us - every single person existing in that plain will have different views and ideas of what was going on, or what was said. That's why people lie, and keep secrets - that's why things are so hard. Do you know the real world, Yue? No; what you know is the small fraction of it you perceive. Your truth is limited." Alabrastor had also talked about comparison; mildewed - when fungi creates a superficial whitish growth on any kind of organic matter - and smoldering - a slow burn creating smoke, but not flame - if juxtaposed would confuse some, but make perfect sense to others. Mildew is fungi while to smolder is to scorch and burn, but both spread slowly but surely, and both are potentially harmful; an affliction. Despite this, there is a fundamental difference.

Needless to say, Alabrastor had given her a lot to think about. The creatures deep observations and critical thinking had questioned her entire world... and in that world, there were testaments to those questions. Yue's four angel-like friends, her terrible memory, the holes and lack of logic in her own life - it could be lumped on the idea that none of this existed, and that she was dreaming, or some equally ridiculous idea.


Yue started, snapped out of her thoughts. Nodoka was sending her a curious look. "Sorry, just... thinking."

"About what?" She asked, smiling. Yue's breath hitched at the near heavenly expression.

"...A-Alabrastor..." Nodoka peered at her blankly, then glanced over her shoulder. She looked back at Yue.

"Doctor Konoe?"

Yue frowned. "What? Who's that?"

"Alabrastor. You mean Doctor Konoe, right? She's over there, with Kelly. Hey, they're looking our way too..."

Yue's eye widened. She felt an intense migraine come on suddenly, and clutched at her head, growling in pain. Nodoka gasped.

"Y-Yue? What's wrong?" She asked, touching Yue's shoulder. It stung - burned her flesh viciously. Yue cried out, pushing away from the table and her friends. She fell on the floor, scuttling to get to her feet again. But she felt it again, that invisible thing always grabbing her - it gripped her arm, and she screamed, jerking away from it violently. The hands - long and bony enough to be claws - gripped her arm tighter, kept her in place, while the other slid over her back and held her shoulder. She twisted and flailed against the monster, but after what felt like hours, gave up, falling into the invisible person. She couldn't see them, but she sensed them. They were cool, and made her shiver. The hand on her arm relented a touch, and guided her from the mess hall. She heard a strange language whispered over her shoulder - it may have been the invisible beast talking. Yue glanced over her shoulder. Alabrastor was staring past her, nodding at the quiet foreign words. Alabrastor looked at her, its expression calm and patient as always, if not a little worried. Yue closed her eyes, trying to remember what Nodoka had said...

"No...Nonoke...?" She said hazily. Alabrastor stared at her, stunned. It opened its mouth, but didn't speak, and the invisible beast continued down the path, Yue still in its grasp.

Konoka watched as Kelly lead Yue out of the hall. She was still impressed by Kelly's ability to stay so calm in such sudden situations; the second Yue was down, she had got up, swooping down to restrain the confused girl. Nodoka had watched, her eyes wide and scared - most likely for Yue, not of Yue. It would be almost impossible not to notice her and Yue's unbreakable friendship and trust, something Konoka thanked the quiet girl for endlessly. Her and Haruna were keeping Yue at least a little sane - they kept her questioning her reality, and that was good. It was hope enough. Konoka glanced over at Nodoka, and saw her still standing, gazing down at the place Yue had fallen. Konoka sighed, and stepped over to the girl. Nodoka snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her with the usual cautiousness. Konoka just smiled.

"Hey," She said, patting Nodoka's back. The quiet girl stiffened under her hand, but didn't move, and just nodded timidly at the doctor. She studied the floor, her hands fidgeting behind her, and Konoka almost rolled her eyes. Jesus she's awkward. "How are you?" Nodoka looked up at her for a few moments. The looked down at the floor, simply shrugging.

"I don't know." She shifted her weight. "I mean, it's a little, um, unnerving seeing Yue like that..." She glanced at the doctor, then looked at Haruna. Haruna had stopped eating, and was staring down at the table, probably listening to them talk. Nodoka looked back at the doctor. "I mentioned your name. And Kelly's. Was that...?"

"No," Konoka said, smiling reassuringly. Nodoka looked relieved. "She did react a little drastically, but if it's Yue, she'll probably start really thinking about what you said. She already has, in fact..." Konoka said the last part quietly, remembering how Yue had called her something other than Alabrastor. She met Nodoka's eyes, and they stared at each other plaintively, mulling over the oddity that was Yue. Eventually, Konoka shrugged, sighing. "We'll see how things pan out, I suppose." She flashed a smile at Nodoka, and the girl nodded in return. Konoka turned on her heel, moving to go back to office. She needed to prepare for the morning group session.

Negi walked along the 3rd Ward's halls toward the file bank. Konoka had sent him to pick up various people's files for the group session, and he was happy to do so. Despite working at the hospital for almost two years, he hadn't really explored the building. He had been to the file bank itself a few times, but every time we went, he did so by another path, as to see as much of the building as he could while still doing his job. He would nod and smile at the kind nurses and joke and flirt with the guards and various doctors, poking into rooms, studying and memorizing what turns he made, adding to his internal map of the complex institute.

Negi leaned into a small room, and pouted, a little disappointed to find it was simply a closet for a janitor. He stepped back to continue on his way, but was stopped as a strong hand took his arm. He frowned, and turned to look over his shoulder. His frown blossomed into a delighted grin. "Kotarou-kun!"

The handsome man returned the smile. "Negi, hey...I was just wondering around a bit before the group thing..." He glanced around the hall, then suddenly looked at his hand still on Negi's arm. He let it drop, clearing this throat a little awkwardly. "Um, what are you doing at this side of the ward?"

"Running an errand for mother dearest." Negi said, flicking his eyes wistfully down at Kotarou's hand. He returned his gaze to Kotarou's curious eyes. "She asked for some files; for the group session. Since there's a new patient, there's like...reorganizing to do or something..."

Kotarou grimaced. "Right, yeah, you've kinda lost me." He stuffed his hands into his pockets. Negi glanced down the hall, then back at Kotarou. The darkhaired boy shifted.

"...Want to come with me to the banks? I'll be coming back to the hall anyway. We can go together." Kotarou stared at him with trepidation, but eventually nodded. Negi beamed joyfully. Yay! Time with Kotarou-kun!

Negi wasn't sure exactly what he felt for Kotarou, but he definitely liked him. He was like the brother he never had, and Negi loved talking and simply being around him, despite his instabilities at times. He was good company, and a charming fellow indeed. Negi was glad he had spent that time in Japan, or talking with the rough young man would have been a lot harder. He realised that his position as Konoka's assistant already made things a little difficult; close friendship lead to favouring and dashing responsibilities... like now. Negi would have had the files and been halfway to the hall by now if he weren't trying to walk slower, as to buy time for him and Kotarou to talk.

Their conversations were never very serious. They just talked about little things they'd heard, and their interests; the usual kind of idle chatter. Kotarou was clearly not all that adept to expressing himself, and Negi would never want to make him feel uncomfortable. But he knew, eventually, Kotarou would have to share what he really thought and felt. Even Konoka couldn't get anything out of him, and although he hadn't been here as long as some of the others, it had still been almost half a year. There had been practically no progress, though he had calmed down a little with his lack of freedom.

"Yeah...after a marathon of Bruce Lee and Kung Fu movies, that Buddhist 26 chambers movie, and Fight Club, I pretty much sold myself to martial arts and ninjutsu. I mean, it's just...the coolest thing ever. Fighting can be so fun! The adrenaline, the pain...you can swallow a litre of blood before you start to feel sick."

Negi laughed. "That's a line from Fight Club!"

"Oh, dude! You totally have seen that movie!"

"Uh, yeah! It's got Brad Pitt. He's like...a god."

"This is true." Kotarou said. One of his foster homes were an American couple, and though his stay there was brief, he had seen a lot of western movies in those months. "Meet Joe Black is a testament to his impressive acting skills."

"Shit I know right? He was epic in that... screw Tom Cruise dude. Brad Pitt, recent Leonardo Dicaprio, John Cusak, and that little chick, um...Ellen Page!"

"Emma Stone, too. Seth fucking Rogen!"

"Micheal Cera!"

"Jack Nicholson!"

"Russle Crow!"

"Jaoquin Phoenix!"

"Mel Gibson!"

Kotarou frowned. "What? Come on, Mel?"

"Hey," Negi opened his arms with an 'isnt-it-obvious?' kind of smirk. "Mad Max, and Braveheart." Kotarou face palmed like he was the stupidest person ever.

"Oh, duh! How could I forget those..."

"I'll say..." Negi said, and he paused as they finally arrived at the storage room. He smiled at Kotarou apologetically. "Sorry, I can't let unauthorized people enter these rooms...You can just go to the meeting now."

"No, I'll wait." Kotarou hummed, smiling dashingly. Negi blushed.

"Okay..." He slipped into the room, but decided to wave the door locking. It was just stupid policies birthed from the irrational concerns of annoying higher-ups anyway. He glanced at the words scribbled on his hand, and poked around for the right filing cabinet. The task was harder than expected; the entire room was a mess of cabinets, boxes, piles of papers and thick binders. He spotted cabinet 3A, and pulled the key Konoka had provided from his pocket. He was disturbed by a click from behind him. He frowned, glancing over his shoulder, but it proved useless; the single light in the room was low and hardly bright, and the door was completely shadowed. He saw the tips of shoes under the patch of light, however, and realised Kotarou was in the room, leaning against the door. Negi straightened up tensely. Kotarous track record was not one to be admired, and made him a less popular candidate for someone to be locked in a small, dark room with. Negi shifted, turning toward the door.

"Kotarou?" He tried to mask his nervousness as much as possible. "I said you couldn't come in. You'll get me fir-"

Konoka frowned, glancing at her wristwatch. Kelly sent her a grimace, and she looked at the two empty seats. Where the hell are Kotarou and Negi? It's been half an hour since I sent him for those files. I know that room is complicated, but for christ's sake... "Well, it seems two of our friends are missing, but we'll continue nonetheless. First of all, how was every one's morning? Haruna-san, why don't you begin?"

"Okay.." Haruna said, scratching her head. She stared at the floor, then shrugged. "Not much really. There was a bit of a shit storm this morning at breakfast, in more ways then one; one of them being the terrible food..." There were hums of agreement, and a loud exclamation of 'Tasted like Satan's arse!'. Asuna was chastised by a blond sitting beside her. "Nevertheless, I did have a good sleep, and have some good ideas for mask designs."

"Mask designs!" Konoka said, her eyes sparkling excitedly. "Venetian, or a more traditional Noh-Oni mask?"

"I was thinking deamons and mythology, so oni-masks. Too bad my carving knife got taken away after I stabbed that woman with it."

"I still haven't forgiven you for that." Kelly said almost teasingly, albeit a little nervously. Haruna didn't even look at her.

"Haruna-chan didn't mean it." Nodoka said, addressing both Kelly and Konoka. "She was just a little shaken up that day. Kotarou ripped one of her pieces." Kelly flashed her an empathetic smile.

"Stupid mutt-boy." Haruna muttered. 'Mutt-boy' was what Asuna had once absently called Kotarou. Ever since, it had began to stick; nobody really knew why, but it suited him, in a quirky kind of way.

"What about you, Nodoka?" The girl in question gave Konoka a startled look. Shouldn't you be used to this by now...? "A little bird told me you broke out recently."

"Oh, that-..." Nodoka stopped, her gaze drawn to something behind Konoka. Her somewhat awkward look shifted into curiosity, and Konoka followed her gaze, catching the rest of the circle's attention. A nurse Konoka was unfamiliar with was standing at the door, her expression somewhat panicked. Konoka stood from her seat, ready to receive whatever troubling news it was. The nurse stepped toward her immediately.

"D-doctor Konoe..." The woman looked extremely agitated, and was wringing her hands nervously. She's certainly flighty... "Th- the young Doctor Springfield, I believe he may be in danger." The woman's whispering was a wasted effort, as Asuna made a snide comment about the youth, Haruna cackling at it. Konoka ignored them.

"Ma'am, please, just calm down and tell me what you found."

Kelly met eyes with Konoka briefly. She gave the nurse a troubled smile, and Kelly nodded immediately, understanding the unsaid request. She punched the hospital's operator line into her mobile. "This is Kelly Chambers. I want Ward 1's personal nurses sent down to level 1's group session hall. Thank you." She hung up the call, slipping the phone back into her pocket. She looked over the hall of misfits. I'm not holding this fort alone with this bunch.

Konoka nodded for the woman to continue. "He - since Springfield left the door open - just walked right in, and closed the door behind him. It clicked, too; he must have locked it..."

Konoka bit her lip nervously. Anything could have happened in the time that the nurse had taken deciding to come here, and coming here, and telling her, and now the time she would take going there, and calling guards, and finding the right key from the head office to open the room. I should have given him the individual cabinet's key instead of my master key...damn it! She kept her cool, however; like she had been trained to as a doctor. The nurse perked up as Konoka's stony gaze met hers. "Go to the head office. Get the key to the room - the number is 1-36. Remember," She said, holding the nurses eye. "1-36."

"O-One-thirty six, 1-36. 1-36. Got it." She repeated, attempting a reassuring smile. Konoka grimaced. She started toward the door.

"Go. Now."

Upon arrival at the file banks, it was very clear that something was happening. Whether it was violence or just mucking around - Konoka had seen how friendly Negi and Kotarou were - was unsure, but troubling nonetheless. She glanced down the hall nervously, hoping to see the nurse from before. The disjointed rhythm of muffled bangs and rustles reached Konoka's ears, and taunted her in the most annoying way. That does not sound good... "Negi? Negi!" She rapped on the door urgently. There wasn't any reply, though the noise of movement paused for a few moments. Konoka bit her lip. "Negi, please, if you can, answer me!" The silence continued, then the sounds from before resumed, accompanied with a smothered cry. Konoka banged on the door desperately, shouting now, not caring about regulations. She had so many ideas of what was going on in there, none of them good, and Kotarou's initial reason for admittance wasn't backing him up at all. Where the hell is that nurse!

Much to Konoka's anger, the nurse and a small band of guards didn't arrive until almost half an hour later. The nurse squirmed under Konoka's glare like a bug under a magnifying glass in summertime. Negi's state was not an attractive one; by the time they had arrived, the sounds had seized for the most part, though there was the occasional shuffle, or indistinct whisper. When they had opened the door, Kotarou was sitting in the far corner, his arms wrapped around his knees. He seemed to be muttering to himself. On the other side of the room was Negi, leaning against the wall, shaking faintly. When he was moved out of the room into more agreeable light, Konoka saw his busted lip, the bruises on his arms and neck, his messed hair and red eyes, his streaked cheeks. She saw the pain that crossed his face at every step he was assisted with taking. Konoka watch as he hobbled off with the nurse, her insides squirming. She felt like she was going to be sick. From the expression on the nurses suddenly pale face, it looked like she was too. Konoka heard the guards talking from inside the room. "He sure took a beating."

"He took more then that, I dare say." She heard a little snicker, and then a more serious voice telling them to shut up. Konoka felt a wave of anger crash over her, but kept her composure as Kotarou was escorted out of the room. He had his head angled away from Konoka. He was deathly pale and rigid, his knuckles split by violence. Their eyes met briefly as he was led past her, and she saw shame. Konoka was not a nasty person, but she couldn't help but feel satisfied at the thought of Kotarou feeling some kind of pain over this. It is proof his emotions aren't too limited, I suppose...

Some hours after that, during which she finished the group session and revised the files Negi had initially been sent to retrieve, Konoka set off to the medical bay, where Negi had been resting. He was lying on his back, shifting and twitching every now and then, quite awake. Konoka watched him from the door way, where he had not yet noticed her. She hesitantly stepped into the room. "Negi...?" The boy averted his gaze immediately, his expression tensing. He looked exhausted, and she supposed he hadn't gotten any rest. Konoka slowly made her way to the side of his bed, brushing his arm - it flinched under her hand. She swallowed, remembering the first time she had dealt with a rape victim. The girl - a young thing, fresh from high school and looking forward to university, had had her infinite smile abruptly wiped away at her first mixer. Konoka's only example for her behavior was 'playing dead' - she hardly ate, and didn't speak much, if at all. People dealt with rape differently, however - that girl was definitely scarred, but had more odium then humiliation. Some - like she suspected Negi was feeling - felt mortified at themselves, and even guilty. Konoka pulled up a chair, and took the boys trembling hand. "I know this is going to sound like the stupidest question in the world right now, but... Are you okay?"

The redhead draped his arm over his eyes. "No," he said hoarsely. "I... I should be admitted here... I'm so sick... so damn sick..." She saw his shoulders shudder, and stood, gripping his hand a little tighter.

"Negi, none of this is your fault! He was the one who..."

"Not that!" He cried. "I'm a fucking psychologist too, Konoka! Don't patronize me!" He ripped his hand out of hers, rolling onto his side. "That's not the issue..."

"Then what is?" Silence. "Negi, you can tell me anything, you know that."

Negi seemed to think over what she had said. He rolled toward her, his shaking becoming more violent. "I... I liked it, Konoka." His eyes screwed up, and he turned away from her. "It hurt, a lot, and he was really rough, but... in the end, when I saw his face, I realised he was doing it because its the only way he knows how to express himself. H-he doesn't know any better..."

The possibility of Negi liking Kotarou honestly hadn't surprised her. Rape, and of such a violent kind, was surely unforgivable however. Konoka, ever the psychologist, had an idea of what Negi was hinting at. Finally he outright said it.

"Its Stockholm syndrome. Its the only way I could be feeling remotely happy about this," he inhaled shakily. "A-and even though I know that, I still feel so..."

Konoka could imagine Negi's feelings toward Kotarou at the moment. If it was Stockholm Syndrome, he would be forgiving, and empathizing toward his attacker. He would even depend on him, see him as a protection from the rest of the world - feel indebted, because in his mind, Kotarou had given him life by not taking it - had appeared nice by ceasing abuse.

It was, in a way, sick.

Konoka had suspected Negi of liking Kotarou as it was anyway, so she could understand why such feelings would arise. She supposed she couldn't blame him - if he was aware of his own feelings, he may have even cherished the experience, but Konoka doubted it. "Um, Negi..." He made a little noise. "Did you... well, physically..."

"It was unpleasant at first." He cut in, catching her drift. He shrugged one shoulder. "But when it stopped hurting... Well," he chuckled humorlessly. Konoka bit her lip - she supposed it was a bit of a double whammy, getting raped only to find out you like your own sex. She patted his hand. "Look... I don't think you can put it to Stockholm yet. I mean... if you like him, or even love him, its only natural you would forgive him... to a point."

His hand relaxed a little under her own, and his expression became a little less depressing. "I suppose..." He said. His eyes dropped. "I, um... I think I do." He cleared his throat. "Love him, that is." Konoka squeezed his hand, smiling warmly.

"And that's perfectly fine." Negi looked up and smiled with her, albeit weakly.

They remained like that for a while, Negi reclined on the bed, awkwardly shifting his legs and hips every now and then, Konoka holding his hand. Then, she cast him one last encouraging smile. "I'll let you rest." She left the bay, and glanced at her watch. It was 12:32, half an hour before lunch. Konoka pouted and decided it was time to do what she had been putting off. Better go talk to Kotarou...

Kelly was currently lounging on one of the entertainment room's couches, watching Yue as she took her turn throwing magnetic darts. She landed a near-bulls eye, and smiled happily, Nodoka and Collete clapping and whooping around her. It relieved her to see Yue having fun, lost in the moment. She sat there, smiling as she watched, until the couch under her shifted. She found one of the patients beside her. Oh. Konoka mentioned her - the newest member of the team. Kelly smiled at her as their eyes briefly met. The girl smiled back a little awkwardly. "You're our newest friend, right?" The girl nodded. "I'm Kelly Chambers. I'm Yue's personal nurse."

"Oh, I'm..."

"No need," Kelly chuckled. "Konoka filled me in. Sakurazaki Setsuna, right? Doctor Konoe seems to like you. Its good to have your head doctor in your favour - Konoka may be super nice and motherly, but she's scary when she's angry. Such a meddler at times." Kelly murmured affectionately. Setsuna seemed to have warmed to the conversation, and had turned toward Kelly with a curious look in her eye.

"Konoka... seems interested in me?" Setsuna looked out over the room. "I'm honored."

Kelly snorted, nudging her a little. "Got you around her little finger already, huh? She has a very attractive manner, so just about everyone likes her. Probably what makes her the most capable doctor in this bloody hospital."

"She is rather attractive, yes..." Setsuna said vaguely, and Kelly stared at her, a little smile breaking over her face. Somebody fancies Konoka-chaaaan~! She wanted to say it, but she didn't, sensing Setsuna's natural shyness.

"Both our parents were world-class doctors, so despite being from completely different sides of the world, we were childhood friends." Setsuna made a surprised hum. "Small world, huh? We met again the day Yue was admitted here. We didn't recognize each other, but the second I heard Konoe, I knew that I knew her. She said the same thing happened when she heard Chambers." Kelly grinned at Setsuna. "We've been the best of friends since. You ever want the dig on Konoka, you talk to me." She gave Setsuna a knowing smile, and the girl shifted, embarrassed.

"Um, thanks...?" Setsuna looked back over the room, then back at Kelly. She looked hesitant, and Kelly was about to ask what was wrong. Setsuna beat her to it. "I... do have one question."

"Ask away."

"Is she... married? Or, you know, involved with anyone...?" Kelly was surprised, yet not surprised at all - she found it amusing Setsuna actually dared to ask her. Kelly tapped her chin.

"Not that I know of. Negi told me that this one time he got a call for Konoka, and when he asked who it was they said they were her ex-girlfriend. That was about three months ago, and she's here basically all the time. I would be surprised if she did."

Setsuna was staring at her, thoroughly surprised. "G...girlfriend?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah. She's bisexual, but I think she leans towards girls; never seems to pay Negi any mind, not sexually anyway." Kelly shrugged a shoulder. "Then again, Negi seems kinda bent himself - she probably picked up on that, being his older-sister-in-spirit." Kelly looked back at Setsuna and realised she probably hadn't been listening to her for a while, as she was staring thoughtfully down at her knees. Kelly was disturbed by a scuffle in front of her. She looked up to see Emily Sevensheep standing over her. The girl gave her a haughty look, then glanced at Setsuna, frowning. "What's she doing?"

"Contemplating her navel, apparently." Kelly said teasingly, and smiled as Setsuna jerked back into awareness, blushing at the comment. Kelly looked back at Emily with a questioning smile. "What can I do for you, my fair lady?"

"Yue has wondered off down the hall looking for the toilets." Emily said with a touch of exasperation. "She seems to have overlooked the glaringly obvious sign in the far corner..."

"Ah, I understand." Kelly stood, and tipped her head to Setsuna. "Until next time." Setsuna nodded, flashing a thin smile. Kelly hooked her arm though Emily's, and the blond girl sputtered, but let herself be dragged away by Kelly. Setsuna suppressed a giggle at the exchange. She gazed over the room's occupants; Asuna playing cards with a blond named Yukihiro Ayaka, who was apparently Asuna's close friend. They were playing Go Fish, and Asuna seemed in a relatively good mood, smiling and laughing as Ayaka huffed, picking a card from the pile. Ayaka seemed to be having too, though, as even her annoyed expression had a hint of a smile. Misora and her personal nurse were reading what looked to be the bible, quoting and laughing about something. Haruna was sitting at a table, scribbling something, grinning and glancing furtively at Collete , who was watching her as she drew. Then, there was the mysterious boy Tertium, sitting on the floor against a wall, absorbed in building a pyramid of cards. Setsuna pursed her lips. How can all these people, despite their problems, still have such a good time...? Setsuna stared down at her hands, and felt an odd loneliness sweep over her. She bit the inside of her lip. "I wanna see Tsuki..." she murmured, remembering her friend. She felt tears prick her eyes. Oh wait. I killed her.

She closed her eyes, and felt her mind fade to black.

How is Kotarou? Where is Yue? What has Secchan got on her mind? How is Konoka going to deal with their latest dilemma! Find out whenever I next update!