A/N: I definitely couldn't resist this little scene. It's an epilogue. Warning: Lots of laughter ahead. (From the characters of course, but I hope you enjoy it too. ;) Please be a doll and submit a review if ya do.)

-The next day-

"How about if I, uh, did it once? Just once and only once?"

"Uh...nope. Still thinkin' 'nope' on that one."

"Oh, to clarify, I actually meant just one wraparound. Rather than 'one time,' which is probably what you thought I meant, which is understandable, uh, I mean..."

Jessie eyed Buzz. She eyed him with an upper- and lower-eyelid squint that got progressively narrower. But her lips still smiled, faintly. Maybe. Perhaps she was smirking a tiny little bit? It was difficult to tell.

"Well, of course, there would be that, too. Only once, and only one time." Buzz grinned hopefully, modestly.

"Y'know, Buzz," Woody interjected casually from a couple of levels above on the bookshelf behind them. He set down the booklet he'd been perusing. "In this situation, I would just go ahead and do it. Don't ask her about it. Trust me, she'll like it." He winked.

Jessie planted both feet firmly, straightened her hat indignantly, and glowered up at Woody, yet with a small trace of jest. "Yeah, thanks for that, Sheriff." She gave a "check" wave to further solidify the fact of her presence.

"...I'm not sure I can trust the advice," Buzz declared, deadpan, "of a man who is reading a leaflet called 'Needlework with Buttons and Other Decorative Attachments.'" He pointed to indicate the reading material.

"Hey! Now, this is just the same as your battery thing!" Woody clutched the booklet defensively, pulling it out of sight.

After a long pause, Buzz suddenly burst out laughing.

Soon, so did Woody.

Jessie smiled, rolled her eyes, turned, and stepped in the opposite direction. This was her cue to go, and let boys be boys. "Gettin' on with my day now," she announced to anyone who might be listening.

She took several more strides, but was suddenly stopped short. Her pull string had been extended to its length as she had walked.

Jessie breathed in, burst into a private grin, and suppressed a little giggle. "Golly gosh gee," she yelled back with feigned innocence. "What could be the hold-up, here?"

Buzz, standing tall, and smug, yanked lightly a couple of times on the other end of the string.

Jessie was sure she knew what it felt like to be a battery-operated toy with a circuit on the fritz.

Buzz gave one great yank and twirled her backwards. She spun around and around, and landed solidly in his arms.

The string had encircled her upper body perhaps three or four times. Her own arms were prevented from moving. She tried very hard to show indignation, for appearance's sake, but the truth was no surprise: Woody was absolutely right.

She was about to give way to a mushy sort of smile, but before she knew what was happening, Buzz was spinning her outward again.

Ah-ha! Her quick reaction time kicked in, as did her competitive urge to turn the tables on Buzz. She maneuvered her end of the string around and-

Jessie was blinded momentarily. She briefly caught sight of Buzz's helmet bending the light, and his clever grin behind the plastic.

The next thing either of them knew, they'd ended up in a pile, the string tangled haphazardly around them. They were caught in a noticeably awkward position.

One of Buzz's frontplate buttons got pressed up against something.

"It's a secret mission, in uncharted space!"

For a few half-seconds they stared at each other expectantly. Then Jessie burst into a hysterical laughter.

After almost a full minute, it didn't show signs of stopping. Soon, she was heaving and gasping for breath. It was the hardest she had laughed in a long, long time.

Buzz rolled his eyes, appearing to adore her amusement.

Things were always interesting when Buzz Lightyear was around.