Bribes and Competition
"That's the third time, what the hell!" Near shouted angrily as his house of cards dispersed across the floor.
"It's not my fault you like to play with toys right in the middle of the floor!" Mello retorted, taking another bite of his chocolate bar. L dropped the last sugar cube into his coffee before spinning around in his chair to face them.
"Look, your constant bickering is getting us no where so either you shut up before Kira kills gram gram or get the hell out of my skyscraper!" L said, the aggravation in his normally calm tone was clearly evident. Both glared at each other, then Near began constructing again while Mello devoured the last of his chocolate.
"Just use superglue then it would never fall and you can stop bitching." Mello commented.
"Why don't you go shove your face in some chocolate and leave it there!"
"Why don't you stop breathing!" L was tired of trying to work over them. He had to find a way to occupy them. Bribery. Yes Bribery. What else is easier and more entertaining? He spun around cheerfully.
"Ok I have a proposal. Either you leave and go deal with that old asshole Roger, or partake in a small contest."
"And what do we get out of it?" Mello asked curiously. Near stopped building to listen as well.
"Mello, I will supply you with an ample amount of chocolate bars. As for Near, I will supply you with everything on your toy list." They both lit up and a smirk spread across each of their faces. L beckoned Watari over. "Watari," he whispered, "Take them to the living room. Everything is still set up from Friday night." Watari nodded and took them down the hall.
"I'm going to kick your ass sheep!"
"Keep dreaming second place."
"You're going down hard."
They approached a large door which led to the large living room. Much space was left in between the television and sofa. And there, right in the middle were two dance pads.
"You've got to be kidding me." Mello said seeming disappointed at first. Then he smiled. "This will be a cake walk! Matt and I play this all the time!" Confidently he took his place while Near only recalled playing once before. Then he reassured himself that it was only hard could it be? Watari left the settings from the last time. Just as the arrows appeared he realized it was stuck on heavy, the hardest mode. He had never seen them move so fast. Feet were flying. They were jumping and stomping in every direction. And of course it was stuck on the longest song. L and Light must have had an insane dance off... Watari thought.
When the third round ended, Mello stumbled onto the sofa while Near sprawled onto the floor. Watari pressed end on the video camera.
"I won...I...I definitely won. You missed like every arrow." Mello said breathlessly.
A virtual crowd cheered in the background, then the scores were revealed...
:) Round two? If I decide to do a round two, should it still be DDR or should I do something else?