BANG! I sat up in bed with a gasp. I stared at the door, my head foggy with sleep. I groaned and rolled over off the bed to see what had caused that loud noise. And once I found it I was going to hurt it. Whatever it was. I stumbled to my closed door and stumped my toe on something. I cursed angrily and limped down the hallway. Knowing it was probably Embry or Jared. It wasn't one of them though. It was something I'd never think would be sitting outside on the front porch steps in the dim light from the street light in the driveway. A short shadow stood there. I flipped the front porch light on so I could see and I felt my mouth drop open. It was a the face I'd last seen almost three years ago.

" Maggie?" I asked. She nodded and pushed the black hood of her jacket off her head so she could see better. Maggie Collin's was the last person I'd think to find on my front porch at two in the morning.

" What are you doing here?" I asked frowning. She opened her mouth to answer then shut it biting her lip.

" Well… it's kind of… hard to explain." She said. " If I could come in for a second I can explain." I opened the door wider and stepped back to let her in.

" I-I have to get something from the car first." She muttered. I nodded and she turned, pulling her hood back over her head so she would get wet from the rain that had just started to fall. I watched her walk to the beat up red car and open the back door. I heard her talking gently and I frowned in wonder. She stood up with something slung over both shoulders. Then she shut the door with her foot and walked slowly back to the porch. My mouth fell open again when I saw two small bodies clinging to her. When she got the steps she squatted down to set the on their feet. One of them, a boy, had curl brown hair and the other, a girl, had pigtails.

" Luke hold your sisters hand please." Maggie whispered gently and the boy reached over to grab the girls hand. Then Maggie stood up and led them up the stairs. She looked up at me and smiled sadly. I grew with Maggie and her sister… Amy. And now Maggie was a mother? I couldn't get over it. Maggie walked passed me and the two children grabbed her legs.

" I went to your parents house to find you." Maggie said standing in the middle of the living room looking nervous. I pang went thru my chest.

" They died the year you guys… disappeared. They were in a car wreck." I answered. Maggie's eyes widened then tears filled her eyes.

" I'm sorry Paul." She said softly. I nodded and rubbed the back of my head awkwardly. I looked back at the two children. The girl had her face buried in Maggie's pant leg and the boy was looking at me with curiosity. His green eyes were identical to Maggie's.

" I… guess your pretty shocked huh?" She asked. I looked at her and she smiled looking down at the two kids. The boy looked up at her and she knelt down with a chuckle.

" Will you stay here while I go in the kitchen with him for a few minutes?" She asked gently. The girl gasped and wrapped her arms around her neck.

" No." She whimpered. Maggie wrapped her arms around her.

" Just for a second Lena. If I'm gone too long you can come get me." She said. I wasn't really paying any attention. I was thinking. These two kids were around three, I figured since that was when I had last seen Maggie. She still had two months till her birthday. So she'd had to have been fourteen when she got pregnant. I looked at her shocked. She frowned in confusion.

" What?" She asked. I motioned for her to follow me.

" You two stay here." She said gently and followed me into the kitchen.

" I'm sorry Paul about showing up like this but-"

" You're a mother?" I hissed. Her eyes widened in shock.

" What?" She asked.

" You got pregnant at what? Fourteen?" I asked. Even though I hadn't seen her in so long, it still made me mad thinking of a guy getting her pregnant.

" Oh Paul no! Those kids are not mine." She said quickly holding up her hands. I stared at her for a second not sure what to say.

" Then… who's kids are they?" I asked.

" Their… yours." She said quietly looking down at her hands. I just stared at her.

" Excuse me?" I asked.

" Remember when you and Amy went to ' see a movie'?" She asked rolling her eyes. I looked down. Oh yeah. I remembered that.

" She got pregnant that night." Maggie said with a sigh looking very uncomfortable. " That's why we left. Dad sent us to grandmas and that's where we've been the past couple of years. Until last week… when grandma left on her cruise… and when Amy left." Maggie continued and her eyes filled with tears. She sniffed and tried to rub the tears away.

" I'm sorry Paul. I tried to tell her that we needed to tell you. But she was afraid you wouldn't love her anymore. When she left I didn't know what to do. I'm not seventeen yet! I was scared and this was the only thing I could think of." She cried. Tears were pouring down her cheeks and I found out I was sitting. I don't when I had sat down but I realized it when I looked down at my clenched fists. Then I heard small thumping noises and I looked up just as the little girl came in with tears in her eyes.

" Maggie I want to go home." She whimpered wrapping her arms around Maggie's knee.

" We can't sweetie. Not until mommy comes home." She said shakily.

" Why did she leave?" I asked. Maggie sighed and pulled Lena up onto her lap and the kid wrapped her arms around her neck.

" I told her you should know. That I didn't think it was right knowing you were a father but you didn't know. So I told her that… if she didn't tell you… then I would. We got in a huge fight. Then the next morning, Lena came into y room and said Amy was gone." Maggie had tears in her eyes.

" She left a note saying she didn't care what I did. Just as long as her kids were safe." She added as Luke walked in. He grinned when he saw Maggie and his sister and ran to them. Maggie made room and helped him climb up on her lap.

" I don't know what to do. I don't even know if I should have come here. It seemed like such a great idea last night in bed. But now… I don't know." Maggie said as Luke began playing with her damp hair. She smiled and caught his hand before he yanked it. Then she looked at me.

" Well what do you think?" She asked. I looked at her dumbly.

" Of what?" I asked. She motioned at the two children.

" Of Luke and Lena." She said.

" I-I don't know." I stuttered. Lena sat up and looked at Maggie.

" I'm tired aunt Maggie." She said rubbing her eyes. Maggie looked down at her sadly.

" I know I'm sorry." She said kissing her forehead.

" You can stay here tonight." I found coming out of my mouth.

" I don't want to give you anymore trouble." She muttered.

" Maggie if you don't stay here where are you going to go? Your parents are gone." I said with a sigh. Maggie looked at me with tears in her eyes. She sniffed and nodded.

" Thanks." She was able to get out. I got up to show her to my room. She and the kids would stay in there and I would sleep on the couch.

" I don't want to kick you out of your room Paul. We'll sleep in the living room." Maggie said rocking Lena back and forth in her arms. Luke had his thumb in his mouth and clutched to Maggie's pant leg with his free hand. I shook my head.

" No I'll stay on the couch. The beds big enough for the three of you." I said rubbing the back of my head. Lena whimpered and Maggie nodded before setting the girl down on the bed. She rubbed her teary eyes and looked at me with fear. I frowned and she looked back at her aunt with another whimper. Maggie whispered to her gently and Lena seemed to calm down a little. Luke was looking at me curiously. When I looked at him he grinned. His cheeks dimpled.

" Um… I'll talk to you in the morning Maggie." When I spoke she looked over her shoulder at me and nodded, biting her lip. I turned closed the door and stood looking at the white wall in front of me and glared. It still hadn't sunk in yet. That I was twenty years old, a werewolf, and a father. I lay down on the couch and, somehow, fell asleep. When I woke up, it was to find a pair of bright green eyes looking at me. I jumped and moved away as Luke stepped back. He looked nervous and I felt nervous too.

" Can I help you?" I finally asked.

" Aunt Maggie told me to give this to you when the clock said ten zero zero." He said in a whisper, pointing to the digital clock on the top of the TV. I looked to see it was ten o'clock. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Luke stepped back and I saw that Lena was behind him, clutching a teddy bear. I reached down and took the folded piece of paper from his small hand. When I took it he backed away, sat down with Lena on the floor, and wrapped his arms around her. He was a little bigger than she was and was looking at me with a slight glare. I frowned and unfolded the paper where I saw shaky hand writing.


Please don't hate me. I have to find Amy. I'll try not to be gone longer than a month. There's a list of things they like and don't like in Lena's backpack. I'm sorry, but you did need to know about your son and daughter.

I read the note over and over again. I finally looked up at the two kids, my kids, with my mouth gaped open. I clenched my fists around the note. It was silent in the house, the only sound was Jared snoring in his room. Then I jumped up, making Lena whimper, and ran to Jared's room, basically breaking down the door, and shook him awake. He sat up with a gasp and looked around until he saw me. Then he glared and threw a pillow.

" What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked angrily.

" Jared I need you to do something for me." I said yanking him up.

" Let go of me!" He cried, I was dragging him with me down the hallway and stopped in the living room. He froze when he saw the two children.

" Why are there two kids in here?" He asked me confused.

" I don't have time to explain. I need you to stay here with them while I go try to find Maggie." I said running into my room to grab my keys and a shirt.

" Kid." I said pointing at Luke. He looked at me horrified.

" How long ago did your aunt leave?" I asked. He held up his hand and showed four fingers. An hour after I had gone to bed. I ran out the door and got in the truck. I had to find her or I was going to be stuck with kids for the next month!