Both the Soul Society and the World of the Living have calmed down since Byakuya's surrender to Ichigo and Rukia's love. And so the lives of all those that were involved in the conflict, both on the Movement and Toshiro's forces, were slowly returning to regular living.
Ikkaku gave a monstrous yawn one morning, as he laid in his bed, now remembering the Movement were officially disbanded and he didn't have to trail out of bed to attend their meeting.
"Damn, I'm bored!" Ikkaku grumbled. "It was so much better when we were hatching schemes against Ichigo." Yumichika, who was present too, gave a small snort at Ikkaku's remark.
"I for one am glad we were the losing side." Yumichika said, in his beauty-filled voice. "I never really liked the plans we were coming up with, and to be honest, I kind of like Ichigo and Rukia together." Ikkaku snorted back.
"You pansy!" Ikkaku joked.
At the same time, both Shuhei, Izuru and Renji were at their local bar, drinking to the new couple and the downfall of the Movement.
"Here's to Ichigo and Rukia!" Called Renji, raising his sake bottle, already drunk from many bottles of the popular alcohol. "And for them...a long and loving relationship!"
"Here here!" Izuru and Shuhei yelled, smacking their bottles together with Renji's.
"It's still hard to believe them two really changed Captain Kuchiki's mind." Shuhei said. "When I seen him walk out of the Senkaimon and told us the Movement has been disbanded, I thought I was hearing things."
"When he walked out, I thought he was gonna show us Ichigo's dead body, or something." Izuru replied.
"Well, glad Captain surrendered." Renji said. "I dunno how many times I asked him to let Ichigo and Rukia go."
"What about you, Renji?" Asked Izuru suddenly. "I thought you were into Rukia? Wasn't that why you were trying to split Ichigo up with her in the first place?" Renji sat back on his seat.
"I was once." Renji said. "But now that I see them two together, I can't help but let them be together."
"You're a good man, Renji." Shuhei said with a comforting tone. "Don't worry, you'll find your right girl when the time comes." And with that, they banged their glasses together once more and drank the last of their sake.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi, a contributing member was in his quarters that day, wildly typing on his computer. Nemu, who was also present, couldn't help but feel curious.
"What are you doing, Master Mayuri?" She asked politely.
"When Captain Kuchiki mentioned he seen his sister and that Substitute Soul Reaper have sexual intercourse, I just remembered that I have my data-gathering bacteria inside Captain Kuchiki!" Mayuri explained.
"Like the time you used them on the Quincy?" Asked Nemu.
"Precisely! With those date-gathering bacteria, I can have an inside scoop on how sex really works!" A few seconds later, Mayuri backed away from his computer desk. "What? What is this? The files that were supposed to be there that night are missing! All that's here is..." He opened a single video file that was found to see a message from Byakuya himself.
"I knew you had those bacteria inside me, Captain Kurotsuchi." He began. "And I knew also you'd be using it to observe how my sister performs sexual intercourse; so I sabotaged your annoying bacteria. And punish your audacity to spy on my sister...I have inplanted this video with a computer virus." With that, the clip turned off and the entire moniter went berserk, causing Mayuri to flip.
"Urghhh! That useless Captain Kuchiki!"
At the same time, Kenpachi was walking through one of the Squad 4 corridors to check on one of his Seated Officers that were injured during one of his assignments, until his road was blocked by none other than Unohana herself.
"Outta my way." Kenpachi growled, forcing his way past her.
"Captain Zaraki?" She called sweetly, making Kenpachi turn his head with a jingle to his bells.
"What is it?"
"Was it you that was responsible for the state I found Hanataro Yamada in?"
"Who?" Kenpachi took a moment to think. "Oh yeah, your Seventh Seat that was spying on the Movement. I gave the command, yeah." Then, Kenpachi could feel a cold chill come from the surprisingly calm Unohana.
"I will only say this once, Captain Zaraki." She said, keeping her calm smile. "If I ever find him in a state like that again, from you or your subordinates, I will make sure you will pay dearly." The chill stopped but Kenpachi kept his composure.
"Whatever." And with that, he turned and continued his path, but couldn't help but shudder at the elder Captain's surprising power.
Over at the Squad 10 barracks, Toshiro Hitsugaya was in his office writing his daily report, with his Lieutenant, Rangiku Matsumoto, lying on the couch drinking sake.
"You better have a good excuse for lazing around again!" Toshiro growled.
"Yeah! It's sake break!" She replied.
"You said that half an hour ago!" Toshiro yelled, but then calmed down. "If you're not gonna be of help, then go down to Squad 3 and request more report papers."
"But that's miles away!" Rangiku whined. Toshiro then gave her a look to say 'just go away already!' "Fine, fine, I get it!" And taking her bottle of sake with her, she left. Toshiro took a moment to make sure nobody was in his office bar him. Once he knew the coast was clear, he picked up his telephone and rang a certain number. Right after the dialling tone and the sound of a lovely 'hello', Toshiro replied.
"Hey, Karin." Toshiro replied.
"Ah! Toshiro!" Karin answered back through the phone. "Where were you? Thought you'd never ring."
"Sorry, my Lieutenant wouldn't leave." Toshiro apologized. But whilst Toshiro made his call to Ichigo's younger sister, both Rangiku and Momo were planked outside his office door, both listening in on the conversation.
"Aww, how romantic." Momo sighed quietly. "Lil' Shiro's in love with a human girl."
"Yeah." Rangiku replied. "I think Captain better thank Captain Kuchiki. If it weren't for him, Captain couldn't have met her."
"That won't be necessary." Said a voice above the two curious Lieutenants. Both jumped upwards to see Byakuya himself. "He has thanked me on several occasions. Now, you two have somewhere to be, do you not?" He gave a look to suggest both to get lost.
"Y-Yes Captain Kuchiki!" Both Lieutenants called with respect and left at once. But Byakuya remained behind, only to listen in on the conversation himself.
"You should come over some time." Karin offered to Toshiro through the phone. "Don't you have a weekend or something?"
"I have a free day this Saturday." Toshiro replied. "I can come over then, if you like?"
"Excellent!" Cheered Karin. And Byakuya couldn't help but give a small smile at Toshiro's newfound love.
Back at the World of the Living, Ichigo and Rukia were walking home together, both holding hands and were very close to one another. Their actions however were witnessed by Orihime Inoue who was walking far behind them. She had to look away when Ichigo and Rukia went to kiss.
"What's wrong, Orihime?" Asked a voice behind her. She turned to see Uryu, who now joined her.
"Oh, Uryu!" Orihime said, cheerfully. "N-Nothing's wrong, why?"
"It's Ichigo and Rukia again, isn't it?" Asked Uryu. Orihime didn't reply, but just diverted her gaze from the Quincy. "Want me to have a word with them?" But then, Orihime shook her head.
"I wasn't sad." Orihime explained. "I was happy to see Ichigo happy with Rukia..." And with this, she looked at Ichigo and Rukia giving a kiss and smiled happily. Uryu kept his eyes on Orihime, smiled too and put his arm over her.
"Glad to hear..."
Over at Urahara's shop, Kisuke was settling himself into a nice cup of tea, when suddenly, the doors opened to find Yoruichi.
"Ahh! Yoruichi!" Kisuke smiled.
"I did as you asked and checked out the Soul Society." Yoruichi replied, sitting next to Kisuke, pouring herself a cup of tea.
"And?" Kisuke asked. "Has the movement been disbanded?" Yoruichi gave a smile.
"Of course!" Yoruichi said happily. "All the members I visited all said they were disbanded. Plus everyone's been going about their daily lives once more." Yoruichi gave a sip at her tea.
"Great!" Kisuke sighed. "Now I can relax."
"Still, who would have guessed Ichigo and Rukia would end up together?"
"I did!" Kisuke laughed. "When Rukia first mentioned she'd be staying with Ichigo, I knew they'd be together!"
"And you won't believe it, but there's rumours that Captain Hitsugaya has the hots for Ichigo's sister." Kisuke splurted out his tea as he drank it and gave a cough.
"Really?" Kisuke coughed.
"Yeah! I was stunned to hear it myself." Kisuke gave a laugh behind his favoured fan.
"The Kurosaki family sure love to love, huh?"
It was then, at the Kurosaki family, that Ichigo and Rukia had just finished another round of love-making and were now resting beside one another.
"Let's hope Byakuya never seen that one." Ichigo joked. Rukia gave a small laugh and kissed Ichigo on the lips.
"Love you, Ichigo..." And then, Ichigo kissed the scarred wound on Rukia's chest and hugged her.
"Love you, too, Rukia..." And both slept soundly that night, now knowing their relationship burns strong, with nobody left now to extinguish it...
The end