Disclaimer: I only own Becca DiNozzo, the rest is not mine!

A/N: I deleted and reposted this chapter because of two reasons. One: I rushed through writing and posting it because I wanted to get it up before I went to field hockey camp, so when I came back, I reread it and decided there were too many mistakes I had to fix and I added some stuff. Two: Of the several story alerts I had, I only got five reviews, I was unhappy with this chapter and guess you all were too so I decided to repost it after editing... I hope you all like it more now...

This is the last chapter of this three-shot and it will now deal with the aftermath of what just happened. I (or technically Tony and Ziva) will explain why Becca knew so little about their jobs at NCIS and why they were so protective of her. It also extends more onto the relationships of the family but this time mostly just Tony, Ziva, and Becca but Gibbs, Abby, Ducky, and Tim will be in the beginning.

Someone suggested that I make a prequel to this story, but I am not entirely sure if I should or not. When you read the last chapter and let me know if it would be something you would be interested in. Would hint on how Tony and Ziva got together, their wedding, their early lives as a family with them having to take care of an infant… And it will also further dip into something that I will mention this chapter and maybe even a little bit into the future…

Hope you enjoy the last chapter (: Yet again, really long, my longest chapter of this fic…

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" a voice was heard from down the hallway. Becca looked up from Ziva's arms towards the hallway. Outside the room she saw her Grandpa standing next to her father, both looking in the direction of the voice. "Oh my god! Gibbs… they are…"

"They are in there Abs," Gibbs shook his head. A second later Abby burst through the door.

"Ziva!" she exclaimed. "Becca!"

"Oof," Ziva mumbled as Abby practically jumped on her. Becca noted the fact that she winced as Abby pulled Ziva into one of her bone crushing hugs.

"You're okay," Abby gasped, squeezing tighter.

"Abby," Ziva hissed. "Shoulder… and I cannot breathe."

"Sorry," Abby sighed and let her go. Then she looked over at Becca. "Oh Becca," she murmured, reaching up to touch the gauze. Becca flinched and Abby pulled her into a gentle hug, as if she was afraid Becca would break. She, like the rest of the family, saw the blank look in her eyes. The fact that they were clouded with so much fear, that she didn't even look their Rebecca. "Thank god you are both okay… I was so worried."

"We are fine Abby," Ziva said, wrapping her good arm around her daughter. "A little banged up but…"

"We'll live," Becca croaked out. Abby took a step back and looked at both of them. They were practically the same person and she was afraid that both of them were going to push this event aside like nothing ever happened.

"Hey Ziv," McGee said entering their room. "Becca."

"Hi McGee," Ziva smiled. "You guys honestly did not have to come here… Becca has already been discharged and I will be soon."

"You're our family," Tim shrugged and gave her a gentle hug, Becca as well. He watched as Ziva's gaze shifted over to her daughter's, her eyes clouded with worry as Becca rested her head on her shoulder. Both Abby and McGee sent her sympathetic looks and Ziva just blinked blankly at them, pulling her daughter closer.

"I just want to get out of here, go home, rest," Ziva sighed looking at the clock, it was already 3. Just two hours ago Ziva and Becca had been perfectly content, walking to get lunch.

"Hello Mrs. DiNozzo," her doctor came in. "I see you have visitors."

"Yes," Ziva nodded. "My friends and my daughter."

"Ah… well all is clear, we are going to give you some pain pills just in case your shoulder happens to act up but the wound itself is fine. No infection, clean, you should be fine until we have to take the stitches out," he said. "About five days from now should do it."

"Becca, do you know when the doctor said you should come back?" Ziva questioned.

"No," she whispered.

"I will ask your father," Ziva nodded, swinging her legs over the bed to get up. She walked towards the doctor, holding out her left hand since her right was in a sling. "Thank you."

"I'll bring the discharge papers in a second," he told her and left the room.

"We'll get going, we will stop by your house later maybe," Abby said, giving both Ziva and Rebecca another quick hug.

"Alright," Ziva nodded and looked up to see Tony coming back in.

"Doc said you are ready to go?" he questioned.

"Yes, thank god, right Tateleh," she said, looking at Becca.

"Yeah," Becca murmured. Ziva looked up at her husband, seeing that he shared her worry about their daughter. "I just want to go home."

"Well let's go then," Tony said, putting an arm around Ziva who put her arm around Becca. For once, Becca flinched away and fell back a step. Again Tony and Ziva shared a glance. They got the papers and left Bethesda hospital in silence, got in the car, and drove home. Nothing shared between them except tension.

Tony sighed as he took in the sight in front of him. His wife, who he forced to rest on the couch, was watching TV; while his daughter, who hasn't left her mother's side since they got home, was curled up beside her. He couldn't believe all of this happened a brief five hours ago. It felt like a lifetime.

On their ride to the hospital in the ambulance, Ziva had constantly dodged the paramedics trying to help her insisting that she was fine. She was too busy scolding Tony for leaving their daughter with Gibbs. When they had gotten there and Ziva was whisked into an exam room , Tony called Gibbs who said they were on the way to the hospital. Also telling him that his daughter had a concussion and that her cut was too deep and required stitches.

While waiting for x-ray, Tony sat in Ziva's room while her arm was being cleaned out, telling her what was going on. Immediately she tried to get up to find which room Becca was taken into but the doctors pushed her down and told her to wait for her x-ray. As quick as they could, seeing as Ziva was getting on their nerves, they stitched up the bullet hole and sent her up for an x-ray; Tony taking that opportunity to search for his daughter. From then on it was a blur. His sobbing daughter, her cries for her mother, Abby's death grip on him. Tony didn't even remember how they got home, just that they were home now.

Tony was shaken out of his thought when the doorbell rang. Neither Ziva nor Becca made any movement towards the door nor even recognized the fact that it rang. Slowly he opened the door, shocked to find Gibbs on the other side.

"Boss," he choked out.

"DiNozzo," he nodded, stepping into the house. He looked briefly over at the couch where the top of Ziva's hair could just be seen. "How are they?"

"They haven't moved since we got home at 3:30… it's five," Tony said dryly.

"That bad huh," he said. "Ziva too or just Becks."

"You know what happened to Becca more than me… what happened after we left?" Tony questioned.

"She just kind of drifted off into her own little world of confusion and tears," Gibbs shrugged. "Barely said a word to me."

"Ziva's just worried about her, she saw so much," Tony whispered.

"You didn't think you could keep her in the dark for much longer, did you?" Gibbs said. "It's Becks you're talking about."

"No," he sighed. "But I didn't expect to have to tell her on these circumstances. Right now, I am not even sure she'd acknowledge it. She's traumatized Gibbs."

"That girl saw more than you ever wanted her too, then she ever should of… no child should see their mother get shot right in front of them," he said sympathetically. "She'll have questions eventually. Let her heal, help her heal, then tell her the truth."

"How," Tony choked out. "Say… Becca, we have been lying to you. We carry guns because there are bad guys trying to shoot at us so we must shoot them first… that will go over well." Tony was expecting the stinging on the back of his head. "Thank you Boss."

"DiNozzo, you'll find your own way…" Gibbs sighed. "You've got a bright girl there… she'll understand."

"What if she doesn't," Tony whispered fearfully. "What if she hates us?"

"There is no way in hell that girl could hate you Tony," Gibbs scolded. "She looks up to both you and Ziver. She will love you no matter what."

"Hope you're right boss," Tony murmured.

"Of course I'm right DiNozzo, now go be with your family," Gibbs said. "You have the rest of the week off. Ziva is staying home until I say she is allowed to come back to desk duty. I don't want her hurting herself in the field."

"Thanks," Tony nodded. "Can't wait to tell Ziva that."

"Why do you think I left it up to you," Gibbs smirked.

"See you later Boss," Tony said.

"Good luck DiNozzo," Gibbs nodded and turned around.

"Yeah," Tony sighed, shutting the door and looking towards the couch.

"Was that Gibbs?" Ziva questioned turning around.

"Yepp," Tony said walking over.

"How come he did not say hi?" Ziva questioned trying to get up but Tony pushed her down.

"Because he wanted to leave you rest," he told her, looking at Becca whose eyes were glued on the TV. The words SoapNet were at the bottom of the screen. Now Tony knew she was upset. Becca never watched Soaps, and neither did Ziva except for when she was on maternity leave and nothing else was on.

"I am not invalid Tony," Ziva hissed.

"You don't need to get up my lady," Tony smirked. "I'm here to serve you. I was thinking pizza for dinner… sound good?"

"Whatever," Ziva shrugged.

"Becca?" Tony asked. "Sound good to you?" Tony looked at his daughter again. She was dazed. Probably didn't even realize he asked her a question.

"Becca," Ziva said worriedly.

"Huh," she mumbled.

"Pizza for dinner, sound good?" Tony asked again.

"Sure," she sighed and resumed her position next to Ziva.

"Alrighty then," Tony clapped his hands before turning around. At the loud noise Becca jumped and buried her face into Ziva's shirt.

"Tateleh, you alright?" Ziva whispered.

"Mhm hmm," Becca lied. "Shlomi' Tov. (1)" Ziva narrowed her eyes at her daughter, knowing it was far from the truth. No one should have had to go through what Becca did. Deciding not to upset her further, Ziva pulled her closer, allowing her to seek comfort in her embrace. Ziva herself taking comfort in the fact that despite her concussion, her daughter was fine. Even Ziva admitted she was scared. Throughout the fight Ziva had lost visual on her daughter, even though it lasted for all of thirty seconds before all seven men were gunned down; Ziva never lost her panic when she realized her daughter had left the spot Ziva had thrown her.

Tony ordered the pizza and made his way to the couch, sitting on the opposite side of Becca, as if he expected her to take comfort in his arms as well; but she never did. What she did however, was jump and bury herself deeper into Ziva's arms when the doorbell rang. This worried both of them deeply.

"Pizza's here," Tony sighed and got up, wallet in hand. Ziva sat up, forcing Becca to switch her position, as Tony paid the delivery man and placed the box on their coffee table. It was usually a tradition in the DiNozzo household that whenever they ate pizza, they ate it on the couch and watched a movie.

Not this time. After getting the plates and handing each of his girls a slice, Tony took his place beside Becca again and the house fell into an eerie silence seeing as the TV was put on mute. Tony and Ziva at their pizza while Becca just stared at her lap.

"Aren't you hungry sweetie? " Tony asked.

"Not really," Becca shook her head.

"What is wrong?" Ziva asked.

"I have a headache," she mumbled. It did not worry Tony and Ziva all that much, seeing as she had a concussion. All Tony did was get her some Tylenol.

"Better?" Ziva asked. Becca shrugged and looked down at her pizza again. With a slight look of disgust she choked down a few bites of her pizza.

"So I was thinking we could watch your favorite movie," Tony smiled. "The Wizard of Oz." He was shocked when Becca didn't respond.

"The Wizard of Oz," Ziva smiled. "You want to Becca?"

"I am tired," Becca mumbled, standing up and placing her half eaten pizza on the coffee table. "I wanna go to my room."

"Come on Becca, you love the Wizard of Oz," Tony begged.

"I am tired Daddy," Becca said. "I just want to go to my room."

"Alright," Ziva sighed. "If you need us we will be out there." Becca nodded curtly and walked slowly to her room. Once her door shut Ziva turned to Tony, tears glittering in her eyes, refusing to let any of them fall. "Tony," she whispered. "What are we going to do?"

"We have to tell her the truth Z," Tony sighed.

"I know that… but she cannot unsee was she saw… she is traumatized. She saw me get shot for goodies sake."

"Goodness," Tony corrected.

"This is not the time," she hissed. "Our baby girl is hurting and I do not know what to do."

"You think I know Z," Tony ran his hand through his hair. "I never expected that we would have to tell her like this. I always thought that she'd be older, understand more of the evil's in the world. We are going in blind here."

"We are her parents, we should know what to do, we should know how to help her," Ziva mumbled.

"And where is a parents manual does it say 'What to do when your child sees her mother get shot and almost gets shot herself,' newsflash Z, we aren't going to find it," Tony told her.

"If only we did not hide her from it," Ziva murmured. "If we did not lie."

"You know why we did that Ziva, we were afraid," Tony whispered.

"I did not want her growing up like I did… knowing too much, learning too much, seeing too much, I had a terrible childhood Tony," Ziva sighed. "And when…"

"I know," Tony nodded. "You were scared. I was scared. Hell, Gibbs was scared. But we got through that. We can get through this. When she is ready she will talk to us. And if it gets too far ahead of us we will sit her down and explain everything."

"Will she listen," Ziva questioned quietly, moving slightly to allow Tony to take her into his arms, only wincing slightly as his arm brushed over her right shoulder.

"I hope so," Tony sighed, placing a kiss on Ziva's temple. "I know so. She is your daughter after all, she's rational. She'll understand."

"You think," Ziva said, looking up at him.

"I do," Tony nodded. Ziva nodded as well, closing her eyes briefly before reaching for the remote. For the next hour they flipped through the channels, freezing at ZNN.

"This afternoon around one, a shoot out broke out in the Washington D.C Navy Yard when seven members from a local gang called the Guerrero's attacked an NCIS agent, whom was convicting one of their members of murder," the reporter said."All seven members were killed during the shootout while the NCIS agent and one other civilian, the child of the NCIS agent, was injured. No other injuries or casualties were reported. We'll have more concerning this story at 11."

"She is going to be okay right," Ziva whispered as Tony turned the TV off.

"You were, weren't you?" Tony commented, obviously talking about 15 years ago when she was held captive in Somalia.

"It took me a long time to get over Somalia Tony, once the truth came out I…" Ziva trailed off.

"I know, but Becca's just as strong as you, she'll get through this," Tony nodded strongly. "We'll get through this."

"Tony, she has been awfully quiet," Ziva murmured fearfully.

"I'll got check on her," Tony nodded.

"I am coming too," Ziva said.

"But Z," Tony began.

"I hurt my shoulder, not my legs Tony, I can walk to her bedroom," she hissed. Tony smiled. That was his wife.

"Alrighty then," he chuckled as Ziva punched him in the arm. He broke off with a hiss, rubbing it quickly as Ziva smirked satisfactorily and pushed past him towards Rebecca's bedroom. When the opened the door, they found Becca sprawled out on the bed, laying the opposite way. Her snores filled the room as she slept. Underneath her head, was a book. She was obviously reading up until the point she lost her battle with consciousness.

"We should wake her up," Tony said, remembering that she had a concussion.

"Every one to two hours Tony," Ziva shook her head. "Let her sleep a little longer. Just move her to her pillows. She needs her rest. It has been a long day." Tony nodded as he slowly approached his daughter's bed. Ziva, while Tony scooped Becca's tiny frame up, removed her covers from her bed and allowed Tony to place Becca underneath them. Both were surprised she didn't stir at all.

"Goodnight sweetheart," Tony sighed, reaching down to place a gentle kiss on her cheek. Ziva reached to push a few strands of hair off of her cheek before doing the same.

"Lailah Tov, Chalomat Tovim Tateleh, (2)" Ziva murmured in her ear. "Ani Ohev Otcha (3)." Quietly they both left the room. Deciding to turn in early, seeing as they were going to be getting up every few hours, they made their way to their bedroom down the hall. Tony helped Ziva maneuver into her pajamas, take her pills, and then helped her into bed. Ziva clearly discouraged with the fact she could not do it on her own.

"Ani Ohevet Otcha (4)," Ziva whispered in Tony's ear.

"I love you too," Tony murmured, kissing her gently on the lips. They were some of the few words he understood in Hebrew. Tony sighed and looked over at his wife who had a big smile on her face. "Why so happy?" Of all the people to be happy on a day like this, Ziva would be the last person Tony would expect, other than Becca.

"You have to wake up the sleeping bear," she giggled and inwardly Tony groaned. Even though it was his daughter, Becca was a ninja just like her mother, and this concussion could be more dangerous for him than for her.

Three days later…


Ziva shot up in bed, a little too fast for her shoulder, but she ignored it. Someone was screaming in her house, and she couldn't quite put her finger on whom. She looked over at Tony who was sleeping soundly, loud snores. 'And he thinks I snore loud,' Ziva thought. She listened closely and heard nothing, so gently she laid her head back on the pillow. Just as Ziva closed her eyes a minute later, she heard it again.


"Becca," Ziva hissed and jumped out of her bed, somehow still leaving Tony undisturbed, and ran out of her room down the hall. When she threw Becca's door open she found her thrashing back and forth in bed. An expression of anguish on her face.

"MOMMY," she shrieked.

"Becca, sweetheart," Ziva said gently, shaking her with her good arm. "Wake up honey. It is a dream… Becca… please." Ziva watched as her eyes shot open, tears filling them.

"Mom," Becca whimpered and Ziva sighed as she sat down gently on the bed, stroking her hair gently.

"What Tateleh," she whispered.

"Why do you carry a gun?" Becca asked. "Two guns… and tell me the truth this time." Ziva froze, she expected her daughter to want comfort, not answers. Her and Tony had not disussed it yet. They were still not sure how to tell her.

"Oh Becca," Ziva sighed and allowed herself to lay down on the bed.

"Don't oh Becca me," Becca murmured. "I am almost thirteen, I deserve the truth."

"I know," Ziva said.

"So why?" she asked, lifting her dark brown eyes to her mother.

"It is a lot more complicated then it seems tateleh," Ziva told her. "And it is a long story."

"My nightmare was about the men killing you, not just shooting up your shoulder," Rebecca whispered. "I am not going back to sleep for a while."

"I am so sorry you had to see that Becca," Ziva murmured.

"You are avoiding the subject Mom," Becca told her.

"I know," Ziva said. "I am just... trying."

"Is it that hard to explain?" Becca asked. Ziva sighed as looked at her daughter. Despite all she just went through, she was still so innocent. No even prepared for what she was about to say.

"Becca, you need to understand honey. My job at NCIS, it is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Your father and I can get shot at, anytime, anywhere," Ziva explained. It was sudden, an impulse, something she just came up with in her head. Inwardly Ziva cursed herself when Becca went rigid.

"I… I thought you just went into MTAC," Becca whispered. "I thought… I thought…"

"I know honey," Ziva said. "But what we are really doing in going to a crime scene. What we are really doing is finding a marine or naval officer…"

"Murdered," Becca finished fearfully.

"Yes," Ziva nodded. "And sometimes when we are investigating, when we have a suspect. They get out of control and… sometimes they are armed."

"That is what you found the other day and…" Becca whispered.

"The people who shot at us, they were friends of our suspect," she explained. "They were trying to get him released."

"Stupid idea, shooting up the place in the middle of a bunch of NCIS agents and other navy officers huh," Becca said, and Ziva could swear she saw a smile on her face for the first time in three days.

"Yeah," Ziva said.

"Why did you lie Mommy," Becca whimpered. "Why?"

"Because Tateleh, your father and I…"

"Daddy and you what? Wanted to protect me," she cried. "Newsflash Mom… it made things worse, much worse."

"How so," Ziva asked.

"I am going to be so scared," she began sobbing out of nowhere. "Every time you go to work, I am going to be afraid you will get hurt. Get shot. What if one day, you do not come home. What if one day, you leave me… all alone. If you both get shot, both get killed. How could you be so selfish!"

"It was not about being selfish Tateleh," Ziva winced.

"Then what was it about?" Becca continued to cry, moving herself out of her mother's arms. "Tell me… and not the crap about trying to protect me."

"But it is not crap," Ziva shook her head.

"I do not believe you," Becca whispered.

"Do you not realize that I never talk about my family," Ziva said. "I never speak of Israel, or your grandfather."

"I have another grandfather… your real dad," Becca gasped, her eyes widening.

"You do not," Ziva hissed firmly. "But it is because I was protecting you… and failed… once."

"What do you mean?" Becca whispered.

"Let me explain everything okay," Ziva told her. "Before I tell you why."

"Okay," Rebecca nodded warily, allowing her mother to take her in her arms again.

"You also had an aunt and uncle," Ziva sighed. "My sister Tali… she was killed by a Hamas suicide bombing in Israel when she was only 16. My half-brother Ari… he betrayed the organization we worked for in Israel, called Mossad. He was the one who killed your Aunt Kate."

"Your brother killed Aunt Kate," Becca gasped. "And Grandpa still let you join NCIS."

"I was not a federal agent back then, I was a liaison officer with Mossad. Which means I worked with NCIS and provided Mossad with intel. I served to masters. NCIS, and my father, the Director of Mossad."

"Your dad was like Vance?" she questioned.

"Yes," Ziva nodded. "But he was not as nice, as understanding. My father was cruel. At one time, your grandpa left me in Israel, made me quit NCIS because… I honestly deserved it… and my father… he… he sent me on a suicide mission, and I almost died and would have, if it was not for NCIS." Ziva was finding it hard to explain now. It was getting personal, and what was coming up next was going to be shocking for Becca.

"We saved her," a new voice cut in from the doorway. Both of them looked up and over, there stood Tony, probably hearing everything. Slowly he walked over. "And she cut of all her ties with Mossad and became an agent. Director David was all but a distant memory."

"And you wanted to protect me…" Becca whispered.

"I had a terrible childhood," Ziva explained. "I was raised shooting guns, learning the evils of the world at too young of an age. He damaged me… and I did not want that to happen to you."

"But, it would not," she shook her head. "You are no longer in Mossad, you are in NCIS. Both of you." Tony and Ziva looked at each other and nodded.

"When you were almost one Becca," Tony whispered, sitting down on the bed opposite of Ziva. "Your grandfather came to visit."

"You are so cute Becca, yes you are," Abby giggled a she played with her in the bull pen. She swung her up and kissed her on the nose. Little Rebecca giggled.

"AbAb!" she said, touching Abby's face.

"Careful Abby," Ziva shook her head.

"You know I love it when she comes to work with you guys," Abby laughed.

"I do, but sometimes you are the only one... especially on days like today when Tony forgot to pack her playpen," Ziva said.

"That's what my lab is for," Abby piped up. "Becca loves playing with Major Maspec. Don't you."

"AbAb!" Becca squealed and Ziva shook her head before turning back towards her computer.

"Ziver, take Becks and go home," Gibbs said out of nowhere, coming down the stairs from the Director's office.

"What!" Ziva said. "Why?"

"Just do it Ziver," Gibbs hissed and Ziva's eyes widened. She got up from her seat, swung Becca's diaper bag over her shoulder, and grabbed her daughter. Just then she heard the ding of an elevator, immediately seeing the reason why Gibbs wanted her to leave.

"Shalom Zivaleh," Eli greeted, coming out of the elevator. "And this must be Rebecca."

"What are you doing here," Ziva hissed.

"I cannot come see my daughter and granddaughter," he questioned.

"Not when I made it clear I do not want you in either of our lives," Ziva lifted her chin towards him defiantly. "Becca has only one grandfather, only one person calls her his granddaughter and that is Gibbs."

"I am blood Ziva," Eli reminded her. "She is Mossad at heart."

"My daughter will never even know of Mossad," Ziva said. "She will never see Tel Aviv the way I saw it. It will only be a vacation for her, not a hell."

"You are making a foolish mistake," Eli said. "She is your daughter, she would be a valuable asset."

"Mama," Becca whimpered and pushed her face in Ziva's shirt.

"You are scaring her," Ziva growled.

"If she is that easily scared, you are raising her to be soft," Eli scrutinized. "All the doing of your husband I assume. Anthony. The man who killed a Mossad officer. Where is he anyway."

"I am no longer in Mossad," Ziva said, lifting her chin to him. "I have no ties to it… and Tony is in the field at the moment."

"Well little Rebecca looks so much like you," Eli said, reaching his hand out for the little girl. "Nothing like an American."

"Mama!" Becca screeched.

"Do not touch my daughter," Ziva exclaimed. "And you are wrong! When Becca smiles, she is Tony, when she laughs, she is Tony. When she eats, she is most definitely Tony. You on the other hand, she is nothing like you. She will have a wonderful childhood. She will grow up to be a strong and loyal American." Gibbs hands wrapped around her shoulders, now seeing the chance to defend the only other person besides Kelly that he called a daughter.

"I suggest you leave… NOW," he boomed. He took a step towards Eli and Eli took a final step towards Ziva.

"I'll be back Ziva," Eli said. "I'll make sure that little Rebecca is raised right." Ziva gasped and held her daughter close, whispered unheard soothing words in her ear. With that he turned around and stalked towards the elevator.

"Gibbs," she whispered.

"It's okay Ziver, he's bluffing," Gibbs reassured her with a gentle kiss on the head. Ziva wanted to believe it as he sent her home. But when a piercing scream came from her daughter's nursery, her worst nightmare began.

"He kidnapped you Becca," Ziva said. "He took you from us."

"Wh-What happened," Becca whispered.

"We put out a BOLO, that he was wanted for terrorism," Tony explained. "So everywhere was on the alert. He could not leave the country."

"Did it work?" Becca asked, huddling close to her dad. "You found me… well obviously you did but…"

"Your grandfather did the honors," Ziva explained. "Found his hide out two days later. Took you back. Killed him and blew up the place. Eli David was no longer an issue."

"You were fine, scared, banged up, but fine," Tony whispered. "Your mother didn't let you go for a week."

"If he was not longer an issue… why lie?" Becca questioned.

"The world is a cruel place Becca… and with parents in our profession you find out earlier than you need to… we were trying to protect you for as long as possible," Tony sighed, pressing a kiss to her forehead and twining his hand with Ziva's.

"Eli was the reason you have this scar," Ziva added, nodding to the crescent shaped scar that sat near her jaw. "It was a constant reminder of how I failed to protect you once, how I would never fail to protect you again... until..."

"But you did protect me Mommy," Becca said, realizing that she was blaming herself for another one of the scars. "I did not get shot at and get this scar. When you threw me to the ground, I did not have enough time to catch myself. This scar shows that you did protect me."

"I told you Zi," Tony smirked and Ziva rolled her eyes.

"What happens when one day, one of you does not come home," Becca asked fearfully. "Or both."

"There is no guarantee that will not happen honey," Ziva said. "We will take it one step at a time if it does. We have a wonderful team behind us, a wonderful family who would help us, take care of you. We may have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, but you have one of the safest families. Everything will be okay."

"I guess it will... and we do," Becca giggled.

"That's what I missed hearing," Tony said, tickling her stomach.

"Daddy," she said. "I am not a baby."

"That means we can't tickle you?" Tony asked. He shared a quick, but evil glance with Ziva.

"No," Becca shrieked as both of her parents attacked her.

"Ken," Ziva laughed and Becca stuck her tongue out at her. For about five minutes, the family carefully wrestled, being carelessly happy for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"I just realized something," Becca said as they settled down, none of them obviously ready to move from Becca's bed, most likely falling asleep there.

"What Tateleh?" Ziva said.

"Next year at career day, everyone will be sooooo jealous," she smiled. "My parents will have the coolest jobs out of everyone."

"Oh Becca," Tony shook his head. Only his daughter would fine joy in that. Only she would think about that now. But that's why he loved her. That's why he loved his family.

"Oh… and another thing," she said.

"What?" Tony asked, fearing what she was going to say.

"Can I get a puppy?" she asked.

"Becca," Ziva gasped. "You know what we said about pets."

"Yeah but I need company for whenever I am alone," Becca argued.

"No Rebecca," Ziva said. "We said no before and nothing will change that."

"Please," she begged.

"Begging does not work on me and you know it!"

"But if you…" Tony smiled as he watched mother and daughter fight, like always. It was a regular occurrence in his household and since they began again, he was confident everything was going to be alright. Everything would be back to normal in no time. But hopefully he wouldn't get forced into this fight. Because getting in between and Becca and Ziva fight, was like getting thrown into the crossfire.


1. I'm fine.
2. Goodnight, sweet dreams little darling.
3/4. I love you. (Fem/masc.)

So there it is, Crossfire is finished. I hope you liked it so please please review, it will make me very happy, get me motivated to write my Grey's fics (when I am back from field hockey camp next week), finish at least two of my fics, and then start my first multi-chapter NCIS (aka more than three chapters). Also, let me know if you'd be interested in a prequel, because then that would probably start around the time I start New Found Angel/An Angel's Pain. Thanks for reading!


A/N: If you get the chance and have not done so already, vote on the poll on my profile for the name of my NCIS fic. Here is the description… (let me know if it sounds interesting)

Ziva centric. Ziva David has always shown an interest towards children, but when 10 year old Aliah McCallin is found at a crime scene, she never expected the connection to be so strong. No one on the team expected how quickly she would weasel her way into their hearts. But when it's discovered that they have similar pasts, Ziva will stop at nothing to protect her, going as far as to admitting something that could risk her position on the team. As they dig deeper into the past of this young girl, one of Gibbs' rules is the least of their worries. The team soon finds themselves in a race against time to save Aliah, NCIS, and prevent a terrorist attack that would make 9/11 look like a normal day in New York City.