Okay, I'm sorry if it's terrible…Who knows how well it will turn out! Anyway, this is my first story! I'm so excited for you all to read it. Please, tell me if there's something I need to fix. I'm so stupid I forgot to add this author's note the first time. Oops. Ha ha ha! Well, enjoy! Oh yeah! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harvest Moon, its characters, settings, etc. I do love it though.


Chelsea's Pov-

It was a dark, stormy night. Well, not just any night, but the night I hit a "Refresh Button," hopefully.

I was trying, very, very hard, to sleep well, just for once. But it was difficult to let unconsciousness claim me. Who knows why? I would just toss and turn, toss and turn.
I heard a moan from the room next to me. My mother's room. She was sick, again, and I knew it. But this time, it wasn't from drinking too much wine. She was sick of the stress. And I was, also. I just couldn't take it anymore! My brother was dying, for crying out loud, and Father wasn't doing anything about it!

When I heard a knock on my door, I jumped. I then quickly tried to relax myself, and make my breathing easy. Maybe the person was just that. A person. Not a mass murderer coming to kill me, or my cruel father, coming to hurt me.

I heard the door open, and tried my fake sleep act. My eyes were still closed, and I tried very hard not to shake as I breathed.

And then, I heard the voice. "You are a terrible actor, miss," Sean said. I breathed a sigh of relief, sat up, and faced him. "Sean," I murmured. "It's just you." "Yes, miss, it is just me," Sean said, laughing. "But you must call me Mr. Smith, or Butler, which is even better." "Oh, Sean," I replied. "You will never be a butler to me. Always a friend."

If you didn't figure it out already, Sean is my butler. That's right, my mother and father are rich. Well, actually, my whole family is rich. Cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins twice removed that I don't even know...The list doesn't stop.

But I've always worked hard. Just because I could have everything I want without lifting a finger, I still work. I sweat buckets everyday, helping the maids, the butlers, and my mother approves, because that is how it would be if he hadn't died.

"So, Sean," I said. "What favor can I do for you on this terrible, stormy night?" I giggled. "I wish to inform you of your mother's state. She is getting better," Sean explained. "That's good," I replied, and then sighed. "Sean? Can I confess something to you, if you promise not to tell?" "Yes, of course, miss," Sean said. "I want to leave," I blurt. "Badly. I want to have a normal life, without all the riches, the stress, and the isolation. I want to have friends, to get a refresh, or even an undo button! But I don't want to hurt mother. I'm nineteen, twenty in a month, for crying out loud. I should leave." I just realized that last part.

Sean stared at me, and then slowly, very slowly, without breaking his gaze, pulled an envelope out of his coat pocket. He handed it to me, and said, "Your mother wrote this two years ago, when she was well. She knew this moment was coming, but if she wasn't there, she knew I would be. And so your mother wanted me to give you this when I felt the time was right."

Carefully, I opened the envelope. Inside was a note, and three thousand dollars. The note said:

My dearest Chelsea,

If you are reading this, that means I am unwell. Just know that I love you, very, very much. Please, take this money, and find a place to live, build a life, have friends. Get away from here. I know you hate it here just as much as I do. Board the soonest boat to a place called Sunshine Islands. It sounds like a nice place to live. Write butler at his home address when you get there, just in case. I'll love you always.

Your mother

A lone tear dripped down my face. But then, I realized something wonderful. "Sean," I said. "This is my chance! I can leave!" Sean frowned, looking hurt, and I quickly added, "I'll miss you." Sean replied, "And I will miss you. But you must leave soon. Your mother is having a good night, her head is clear. I will tell her that you have decided to go. Please, don't forget to write us." "O-Of course!" I told Sean, my voice almost cracked with the pain of leaving him. He was my best friend. "Come on, let's get you packed."

And that is how it all started.

• • •

So, what do you think? Please review! And also, there WILL be a little VaughnXChelsea going on, but that's not the whole story…Sorry. If you want more or less of it, tell me. Thanks! Also, I know the Prologue is short. Aren't they usually always? Well, mine are. Deal. The chapters will be longer.