A/N- hey guys this is the Flocks views on Fax! Some are a little OC. Read and Enjoy!


Them together, is something I've always wanted. After years of reading their mushy thoughts and having them ignore them was beginning to get sick of it.. I hoped they'd get together. Max was like a mom to me and I hoped Fang would become my dad. I know what they have been through. I know everything that's happened. Through out the whole Lissa, Sam fiasco and all the drama surrounding that I was there listening. I knew when they kissed and there reactions. I knew about the whole Valium incident. And I always hoped they'd finally figure it out, and not just so I could have parental figures, but for their happiness. And I got my wish.


Them together, is something I never thought about before it happened. I would hear the girls discuss it but I always thought it was just a far off dream. Then when the flock split up, I began to notice that Fang was different. Distant and ( if you can believe it) more closed off than ever. I realized that it was Max. Max was what opened Fang up. She made him happy (or as happy as he can be). They weren't complete without each other. So even though I act grossed out by their relationship, I never want to see the Fang I saw during the split. Because they are not complete without each other.


Them together, makes me happy. They're a fairy tale couple, totally perfect for each other. He helps soften her up, and she erases the wall he has built. I always thought they would be good together. Angel and I would talk about them, she would tell me their thoughts, and we would plot ways to get them together. I love to see them together, kissing, hugging, holding or just standing or sitting with their arms or legs touching. It also makes me sad. I want some one to love who loves me back. Even though seeing them together makes me sad it makes me happy. They're totally perfect for each other.


Them together, to be frank is something I suspected from day one. Fang and I had been in dog crates next to each and had become best friends. That is until Max was moved next to us, and suddenly I wasn't there anymore. In some ways I hate their relationship - because of Max my friendship with Fang was never very close. Because the only person he would let behind his wall was Max. He was Max's best friend, right hand man and I was forgotten. Even if Fang didn't care for me as much as Max - I still cared for him (not in that way!). I saw the misery he went through, I saw the hurt, and the love. For the first time I saw behind his wall. So when they finally got together, I wasn't shocked I was happy. I was happy that Fang had finally let someone behind his wall.

A/N- OK so don't think of Fang as a bad guy in Iggy's part. He didn't mean to be mean or anything, it just happened. So please review tell me what you think and please only constructive criticism. And also tell me what story's you have written and what YOU want to happen in Angel! Now press the pretty button or I will send Falafel the killer Chinchilla on you!:)

~ Cayology!