"Oi, fish-face! Lose something?" Jack Sparrow proudly walked near the steps, smiling widely. "Eh, scrungili?" And then...he fell down the steps, lading flat on his ass. "Got it!" He held up the object and then quickly hopped up. "Come to negotiate, eh, you slimy git?" He said to Davy Jones, who was on his massive, evil, crud-covered ship. "Look what I got." He proudly lifted up his...jar of dirt. "I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt." He sang for all to hear. Jack pranced to the side and held it up. "And guess what's inside it!"
Everyone on the ship thought for a second as to the contents of Jack's jar of dirt.
"Is it some gold?" Gibbs shouted out.
"Maybe some coins?" Ragetti followed quickly.
"Or perhaps it's miscellaneous items of a certain valuable nature, but in a more personal sense and not technically in a monetary way?" Pintel smartly said.
Fred Fredburger randomly walked up next to them. "Is it NACHOS?"
"Who let the green elephant on the ship?" Ragetti asked to Pintel.
Then, Iron Man swooped in and nabbed the jar of dirt from Jack's hands. "I am Iron Man, and nothing is inside, you idiots!" He tossed it to the ground and the jar splattered into a million pieces, sand everywhere.
"MY DIRT!" Jack said as he ran over to it.
"MY NACHOS!" Fred also ran over to the jar, expecting there to be nachos.
"Idiots!" Iron Man flew away and through a time portal he made using his suit.