Thanks to Singing Violin for the usual. =)

Chakotay opened his eyes and glanced at the chronometer. It was 0600. He looked up to see the woman who had fallen asleep in his arms only a few hours before lost in thought, sitting across the room. Her brow was furrowed and worry shone in her eyes. He propped himself up on his elbows. "Kathryn, what's wrong?"

She shook her head and walked to the bed. "It's nothing. I'm just glad we've finally gotten to this point. I never want this to end." She sat down and ran her fingers across his tattoo. "Lying here with you, in your arms. It's something I've always dreamed of…"

He reached up and took her hand. "Kathryn. Tell me what it is."


He looked at her face, the soft lines that formed her chin and cheek bones. Her deep blue eyes. She was beautiful and she was his.

For the most part.

She still wouldn't open up to him completely. Something had been bothering her all night and she wouldn't admit it.

"Kathryn, please."

She sighed and stood up. Walking across the bedroom, she grabbed her robe and pulled it over shoulders. She sat back on the bed and reached for Chakotay's hands. "Do you remember the night of that awful ball?"

He nodded. "How could I forget?"

"I resigned that night."

"No, you were forced to resign that night in order to keep the Maquis free."

She gasped. "You know?"

"You told me."

"I did?"

He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. "You let it slip while you were yelling at me."

Kathryn smiled. "Me? Yell at you?"

"Okay, you weren't yelling…you were talking passionately."

Laughing, she leaned against his chest and took a deep breath. "I was supposed to have a personal evaluation with Starfleet yesterday - during the party. Mom was furious. She yelled. We had a fight. I felt so guilty. Finally, I made up my mind and marched into Nechayev 's office to tell her I wouldn't be attending my evaluation that day. When she protested, I reminded her that I was no longer a member of Starfleet - thanks to her - and she couldn't order me around."

Chakotay squeezed her arm. "That's good isn't it?"

"No, it's not. I yelled at her in a room full of admirals. Chakotay, do you understand what that means?"

"You're afraid that they're going to go back on their word and imprison the Maquis because of your outburst."


Chakotay put his hands on her shoulders and turned her so she was facing him. "Kathryn, you're no longer in Starfleet. You did resign. It's not like you're asking for your job back. It'll be okay."

"But what if it's not?" She turned away from him and pulled her knees to her chest.

"It will be. I just know it." Reaching out, he stoked her cheek and kissed her. "Did I mention that I love you?"

She pulled back, smiling. "Yes, you did. Quite a few times in fact, but it's how you show it that I like the best."

Kathryn woke up a few hours later to a knock on the bedroom door.

"Kathryn, dear. Someone from Starfleet is on the computer for you."

"Okay, Mom. Can you tell them I'll call them back in ten minutes?"

"Sure can."

Kathryn got out of bed and looked at the sleeping form of her former first officer. He looked so peaceful. She hoped everything worked out like he claimed. Bending down, she planted a soft kiss on his cheek. She left the room and quickly took a sonic shower. As she did her make-up and fought with her hair, the dread she had been feeling returned.

Gretchen chuckled to herself as she listened to Kathryn getting ready upstairs. She and Chakotay had left the party early the day before and had come home sometime in the middle of the night.

She laughed smugly. Her plan had worked: the two friends were now lovers. And it was all thanks to her. Sighing, she sipped her coffee. Okay, it wasn't all thanks to her. The two would have finally seen the light eventually. She just helped it happen - sooner rather than later.

A few minutes later, Kathryn entered the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Mom."

"I'm sure it is a good morning, Kates." Gretchen grinned and winked.


"What? I didn't say anything."

"But you where thinking it."

Gretchen smiled and shrugged. "Where's Chakotay?"

"He's still asleep."

She eyed Kathryn over the rim of her mug. "Long night?"

Kathryn set her mug down. "That's none of your business."

"Yes, it is. I'm your mother."

"Mom, you realize you're as bad as Phoebe, don't you?"

"Now that's not very nice. I'm not that bad."

Kathryn chuckled and sipped her coffee. "I'll tell you one thing." She leaned in. "He's good." She then stood up and put her mug in the recycler. "I have a call to make. So if you'll excuse me."

Laughing, Gretchen rose and left the kitchen.

Kathryn shook her head and walked to the computer console, her nervousness reasserting itself. "Computer, call Starfleet Headquarters."

A young ensign answered. "What can I do for you, Ma'am?"

"I received a call about ten minutes ago. I'm calling back."

Suddenly, the ensign's eyes grew wide. "You're Kathryn Janeway."

Kathryn wanted to shake him. "Yes, I am."

Nodding, the ensign looked at a PADD. "You have a meeting with a committee of admirals today at 1300 hours. The rest of the Voyager debriefings have been postponed for another day. I have been instructed to tell you that you are required to attend this meeting. No exceptions."

Kathryn nodded. "Thank you."

"Good day."

Turning off the computer, she got another mug of coffee and sat at the kitchen table, completely lost in her own thoughts.

She jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned, realizing it was Chakotay.

"Who was that?" he asked.


"What did they say?"

"Debriefings have been postponed another day, but I have a meeting at 1300 that I have to go to." She drank some more coffee then set it down on the table. It didn't taste as good as usual.

"It will be fine."

"How can you be so sure? You don't know that it's going to work out. You aren't positive. For all we know, both of us could be on our way to prison tomorrow."

"Kathryn, I don't know for sure. I don't know how this meeting is going to end. I don't know how Starfleet is going to react to the situation. But I do know that whatever happens, we've got each other. We've got the crew. We'll get through this together."

She placed her hand on his chest and looked into his eyes. "I hope so."

"Hiya, folks! I'm Marianne Mayberry from the Federation Chronicles and today, as promised, the truth behind the Starfleet Scandal will be revealed." She paused dramatically and leaned forward.

"Turns out, Janeway didn't really want to resign. Back when Voyager first got home, that nasty Admiral Nechayev threatened the Maquis crew with imprisonment if Janeway didn't agree to leave Starfleet. And the Federation's little golden girl, still intent on seeing her crew safely home, agreed to the outrageous demand. Can you believe it? I would have put that big shot admiral in her place right then and there. But our sweet little Kathryn Janeway let Nechayev push her around.

"Captain Kathryn Janeway revealed the truth of what happened in a room full of admirals just last week. She stormed in to the Nechayev's office, demanding her personal evaluation be postponed. She claimed she had a 'family commitment.' Ha. I would be surprised if that's what it actually was. When Janeway's request was denied…well, let's just say she lost it. She yelled at Nechayev in the middle of a formal meeting consisting of other admirals and people of high importance who were ignorant of Nechayev's blackmail. I guess those seven years in the Delta Quadrant actually did get to her.

"Nechayev and the other admirals involved have been asked to step down, and at the request of Janeway, if they do so quietly no charges will be made."

Mayberry paused again then smiled wickedly. "Yesterday, Admiral Paris publicly reinstated Janeway to Starfleet and offered her a promotion. She is expected to give her formal response in the next couple of days. But I get the feeling she's going to turn it down." The mischievous gleam was back in Mayberry's eye. Grinning, she continued. "Janeway and Chakotay were seen in a very high-class jewelry store, picking out a very large gaudy ring just the other day. So when Janeway turns down the promotion, we'll all know why."

"Computer, end display."

"Well, so much for her sticking to the facts like we asked." Chakotay glanced at Kathryn and noticed that she was fiddling with the ring on her finger. She looked up worry clearly written on her face.

"You don't think it's gaudy do you, Chakotay?"

He took her slender hand in his own, studying the delicate white gold band. "No not at all." Kissing her fingers, he looked into her eyes. "I think it's perfect."

Thank you so much for sticking with me all the way to the end as I blunder through my first attempt at fanfiction. I hope you liked it. =) And thanks to everyone who has taken the time to review as well.